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Topic subjectte' my happiest delivery
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89469, te' my happiest delivery
Posted by candyjarre, Sun Aug-28-11 02:57 PM
Mi passport has
arrived before the
stormy weather & so what's next

the wu dang
or maybe not, but
mos def the greenland

te'have you seen
your pass port?
yet or still in
need?of pense

how did I forget?
you've been working
a new job after
out so long

so i guess you're
on your way out
too soon

hope you are pack'd,safe
and sound.

The New Kingdom is at hand.
89471, RE: te' my happiest delivery
Posted by tycho, Mon Aug-29-11 04:06 PM
a limp limb under
irene's anger wind tears
no glimpses wait steal

congrats on the pass
work is slow but staying busy
lark lurk mode

yeah it might be another year before i can escape but keeping the vision liven on mountain highs peace and one love don't expect me to talk everytime you need me to?

until next time glad to see you found happiness in life instead of battle me

mylord te-te
the end to everything(body)

i found solomon's ritual to summon+/or ressurrect-angels and demons
the first one i think i might unbind is the great leviathen- check out the dragon's triangle of the coast of japan that's where i'll be heading in the near future once i get to the yukon yukon sexy aristist?

hahaha lamo\cheer up :^)
89473, Is this Jo de ci? don't talk just listening lol-
Posted by candyjarre, Mon Aug-29-11 11:02 PM
"don't expect me to talk when you want me to?" hmh.

Well, that's not a hit or a miss u too' on wednesdays at the Apollo
hear me? boooo!! get off of that ritual and solomon repented in
the end of all that.......

and thanx for the love
on my pass, but they kept my
birth papers trying to hold me
still and I went downtown
to get another copy so all is

so over the....
with the sexy artist

way over that hype
in the galleria-

glad to see we survived
katrina's little sister irene
though both were serious and
not a joke, but I put down the
harp and is now studying
the clarinet, it's harmless
to the ear waves.

I went into the sacred
water and washed all
my sins away

So yea, I give up our
war of the roses haha
yes, lamo very

fine don't talk
to me everytime
I 'want' you to

(rolls eyes) ;( what everr (sha nay nay voice)

:-) take care sirr.

89474, RE: " don't talk just listening "
Posted by dragontales, Tue Aug-30-11 12:47 PM
okay i will and no solomon didn't repent for what he done
because that was the only way to build the lord's temple by binding the wind demon to move the corner stone no one else could move.

so i need to ressurect the lord of host god's army
leviathen was god's king no one could defeat except the sword of the lord shich i have both in my control

the words of god is the sword in revealations have you been studying
if not then go back to rewashing your st -i ain't even going there

but yeah i need them to destory america once and for all end of days
arnold what you talking about willis they kept your birth certificate what kind of shitzoo is that?

well peace out last worlds until i decide to speak again but it wont be fore a while

glad to see you cleanse the lepers
89475, RE: "Air"
Posted by candyjarre, Tue Aug-30-11 10:32 PM
Wisdom Of Solomon 6:17-19

infinite space
out of my mothers
loins I was alone
even if I were a twin'
I'd still come out alone
first or last

so yes,
space and time alone
is love

it is cruel to
want to much

it's unstable
of the weak and needy

none of those is me if
I had to circle which is

Well, my birthpapeurs came
today, so they didn't make a
mistake though I called them
and no one answered the phone, but
they were on the job all of my documents
were delivered. God is good

Until we feel to speak
which may be never or
when ever we can

This was all written into the 'Air
anyway, just in case...., just in case.

I guess you have to get solomon all out
of your system, wives n wives n wise?
live live live
until your heart
is content

smile,laugh, dance,pray, rap....scat
whatever makes you happy

I hear you'.

ps: leviathan and behemoth can't be
kings, you know that they are God's
beasts, I guess you mean that leviathan
is going to destroy the dragon
really soon...Idk. I'll leave that alone
cause I don't understand what you
wrote, I think maybe we have different
bible (versions) there are so many now and
religions, but you don't have a religion either?
Okay, I will end it hear' nothing more to listen to,
I'll be silent for a while longer.

89477, RE: i like the warm weather-from a 3rd party
Posted by sunlight, Wed Aug-31-11 07:37 AM

4minos vacation-
your welcome.
89480, RE: "Air"
Posted by dragontales, Wed Aug-31-11 12:52 PM
The Leviathan is mentioned six times in the Hebrew Bible, with Job 41:1-41:34 being dedicated to describing him in detail:

1 Can you pull in the leviathan with a fishhook or tie down his tongue with a rope?
2 Can you put a cord through his nose or pierce his jaw with a hook?
3 Will he keep begging you for mercy? Will he speak to you with gentle words?
4 Will he make an agreement with you for you to take him as your slave for life?
5 Can you make a pet of him like a bird or put him on a leash for your girls?
6 Will traders barter for him? Will they divide him up among the merchants?
7 Can you fill his hide with harpoons or his head with fishing spears?
8 If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again!
9 Any hope of subduing him is false; the mere sight of him is overpowering.
10 No-one is fierce enough to rouse him. Who then is able to stand against me?
11 Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me.
12 I will not fail to speak of his limbs, his strength and his graceful form.
13 Who can strip off his outer coat? Who would approach him with a bridle?
14 Who dares open the doors of his mouth, ringed about with his fearsome teeth?
15 His back has rows of shields tightly sealed together;
16 each is so close to the next that no air can pass between.
17 They are joined fast to one another; they cling together and cannot be parted.
18 His snorting throws out flashes of light; his eyes are like the rays of dawn.
19 Firebrands stream from his mouth; sparks of fire shoot out.
20 Smoke pours from his nostrils as from a boiling pot over a fire of reeds.
21 His breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from his mouth.
22 Strength resides in his neck; dismay goes before him.
23 The folds of his flesh are tightly joined; they are firm and immovable.
24 His chest is hard as rock, hard as a lower millstone.
25 When he rises up, the mighty are terrified; they retreat before his thrashing.
26 The sword that reaches him has no effect, nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin.
27 Iron he treats like straw and bronze like rotten wood.
28 Arrows do not make him flee, slingstones are like chaff to him.
29 A club seems to him but a piece of straw, he laughs at the rattling of the lance.
30 His undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing-sledge.
31 He makes the depths churn like a boiling cauldron and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment.
32 Behind him he leaves a glistening wake; one would think the deep had white hair.
33 Nothing on earth is his equal— a creature without fear.
34 He looks down on all that are haughty; he is king over all that are proud.
89483, RE: In the sea..
Posted by candyjarre, Thu Sep-01-11 11:22 PM
Thanks and this is the sea creature:

Isaiah 27:1
-In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong
sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even
leviathan that crooked serpent: and he shall slay the
dragon that is in the sea.

Psalms 74:14
-Thou breakest the heads of Leviathan in pieces,
and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting
the wilderness.

I'm not saying this is bible class or I'm proving anything
to anyone regarding how you receive the scriptures, but
how is Leviathan a king? he's a beast, not a person...so is
Behemoth another beast that eats only healthy things (grass and such...)

I do thank you for giving me reason to open my bible to dig
regarding this topic.

Life is so deep....
and is beautiful to me with the Most High and his only begotten Son
in my life.

what made you help me see the light for myself while
you've witnessed me in the darkest hour' if you do not
understand me arnold 'whatchutalkingnabout?'willis than
I shouldn't be asking in the 1st place.
89485, RE: dragon's triangle
Posted by dragontales, Fri Sep-02-11 12:50 PM
read the last verse of what i posted king over the proud.
america the proud (god bless america)

just as the son was ressurrected so shall the great of god's beast
to push the wicked

have you read inyour studies that god blessed a nation and then he turn around and also pushed them

and what you wrote is the lord defeated leviathen
so did the son gain permission from god or did he do it on his own?
even god the father didn't kill satan but cast him out
so the lord is a killer correct?
well we have it

and do you believe it was only one great beast and whose to say there weren't more of his kind
and what reason did the lord do this because he didn't want him eating his people but ain't that how god created him?

well think and say what you want for it all is meaningless but be sure that america will be punished babylon shall fall it's destiny

My Lord Te-Te
The End To Everything

what you loose in heaven shall be loosed on earth
so the great sea creature shall return
and stay bless learning is the key

89493, Judgments
Posted by candyjarre, Sat Sep-03-11 09:20 AM
"so did the son gain permission from god or did he do it on his own?
even god the father didn't kill satan but cast him out
so the lord is a killer correct?"

The Lord does what the Father tells him to do and
if your Judgement is death for being evil/wicked
Yes, Christ has a right to defeat you, 'defeat' because
the world is waging a war against him and is
preparing to attempt to murder Christ again.

So yes, Christ is going to kill them and they will
live in hell, but satan is immortal so he can't be killed
and will burn in the lake for all of his 'envy' and evils
against the Most High.

I'm so afraid of the Most High really and I don't
understand how one can be in the heavens
with the Most High and go against such a spirit
as his....that's insane/bold is an understatement
knowing you are going to lose in the end.

We can admit that murdering and killing are two
different things' murder is to commit on purpose, but
killing is unknown or if someone attempts to murder you and you
defeat them to save your life.

One of the commandments is:
Thou shalt not kill

Yes, Christ is coming back with a sword, because
they are out to murder God's People and they
want to murder Christ again 2nd time.
89494, Judgments
Posted by candyjarre, Sat Sep-03-11 09:20 AM
"so did the son gain permission from god or did he do it on his own?
even god the father didn't kill satan but cast him out
so the lord is a killer correct?"

The Lord does what the Father tells him to do and
if your Judgement is death for being evil/wicked
Yes, Christ has a right to defeat you, 'defeat' because
the world is waging a war against him and is
preparing to attempt to murder Christ again.

So yes, Christ is going to kill them and they will
live in hell, but satan is immortal so he can't be killed
and will burn in the lake for all of his 'envy' and evils
against the Most High.

I'm so afraid of the Most High really and I don't
understand how one can be in the heavens
with the Most High and go against such a spirit
as his....that's insane/bold is an understatement
knowing you are going to lose in the end.

We can admit that murdering and killing are two
different things' murder is to commit on purpose, but
killing is unknown or if someone attempts to murder you and you
defeat them to save your life.

One of the commandments is:
Thou shalt not kill

Yes, Christ is coming back with a sword, because
they are out to murder God's People and they
want to murder Christ again 2nd time.
89496, RE: Judgments
Posted by dragontales, Sat Sep-03-11 12:14 PM
i will not discuss weather the son has the right to kill or ass you said it mildly defeat an enemy; for the simple fact thou shall not kill.

plus i have faith that no thing including god's family has a right to kill but to leave you with this why then does the commandment say those words?

"patawan" needs practice or to think deeper
did you read point

there are many lords but only one lord of lords
excaliber a magic sword can defeat a magical mythical beast no other way?

then this subject will lead to things you would reject on first hearing it.


so if i release the dragon from his cage in heaven will he appear here on earth? is it even possible? go ask the catholic church.
for only the wisest man had such doctrines but none is mention in your holy text but it's filled with rituals to become what you consider a christian

i'm glad i'm not a christian

89497, RE: Judgments
Posted by Babynoon, Sat Sep-03-11 12:36 PM
I consider you a anti semetic

also christians believe in
white jesus iieous yahweh
halle jabulon hallelujuh

there's also an idol of
a man they call jesus hanging
over the clouds to the top of
there churches where they
bow down and worship
that man on the cross that
is ceasar not christ so

whatever hate you have for
truth or what you call
rituals/ a good seen as
an evil, keep it and I beg
no ones response or
debates when it comes to
the bible

it's not up for a debate
and the anti semites
should praise there
satan where they praise him
and let him give him all he has to offer
them, he gives gifts so keep
and collect as many as you
could with a smile.

for we worship a different God
you are like your father the devil.

89508, myths
Posted by candyjarre, Sun Sep-04-11 03:28 AM
Leviathan and Behemoth are myths?
or metaphors for an event or nation

I believe that they are beasts
that the Most High made to
protect certain areas one lives
in the waters and one is on land

it's funny how the bible mentions that
Behemoth believes he can actually drink up
all of the water in jordan.lol
(job 40:23)

I will look into them another day, but
right now I'm studying the tribes
and the laws.

ahhh...I need to relax some more
can you please make me some
wheat pancakes in the morning with
turkey bacon and a cup of mint tea

are you the ihop? bye for the moment.out
89498, RE: In the sea..
Posted by Babynoon, Sat Sep-03-11 12:37 PM
leviathan is the great sea monster....
go a little deeper in the waters
you'll find him face to face
then will you understand
the depths of life/pride.
89514, psalms; my enemies
Posted by candyjarre, Sun Sep-04-11 09:28 PM
3: 1-3

Lord, how are they increased that trouble me!
Many are they that rise up against me.

Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah

But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me: my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.
89492, Fresh Air
Posted by candyjarre, Sat Sep-03-11 09:07 AM
The Wisdom of Solomon (Apocrypha)
-He was made to reprove our thoughts.

-For if the just man be the Son of God,
he will help him,and deliver him from
the hand of his enemies (chp 3:1)
-For God created man to be immortal, and
made him to be an image of his own eternity.
-Nevertheless through envy of the devil came death into the world:
and they that do hold of his side do find it.

But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God,
and there shalll no torment touch them.

Wisdom of Solomon:Chp6: 7 &8
(Why I held back from bringing forth things/my vain works of then te')
-Wherefore I prayed, and understanding was given
me: I called upon God, and the spirit of wisdom came to me.
-I preferred 'her' before sceptres and thrones, and esteemed riches nothing in comparison
of her.

(Those who await others to prove themselves or there worth/vain exposures and I accepted none of those offers, but the loving ways to the Almighty instead.)

to the worldly "I am nothing", but to the righteous "I am priceless" only the Most High matters and not man

Ok, now that, that is out of my system back to us:

If Solomon was baptised then he did repent.

Also, regarding Leviathan, I think what you are doing is seeing him or her as
a image of some kind of powers? as in the eagle in the bible is america so to speak

Maybe that's where my confusion came in, how I read about
both beasts (leviathan and behemoth) is as the actual animals?
one under a shady area and the other in the waters

the bible has alot of metaphors'such as the 7headed beasts
and again the great eagle

So now I do understand what you mean
or maybe still not clear, but in my own way
I understand.

So tomorrow evening eye shall
share one of my psalms with myself
again........?maybe, nothing to think on

Just so awakened from some loonie
dream and I feel great.
89495, RE: Fresh Air
Posted by dragontales, Sat Sep-03-11 11:19 AM
baptism is for salvation in exchange for the gift of the holy spirit

dig deeper
repenting is confessing and turning from your sins or whatever you believe is a sin but everything man does that is not the will of god is sin

back to baptism is to save a soul
89501, denied by the dk.angels
Posted by candyjarre, Sat Sep-03-11 01:09 PM
This isn't personal
I don't care what people
think what my stand on religions are

if you believe I'm a Christmas
than fine

does it matter?I'm not here to prove myself
to anyone, if I call you a satanist than
that's judging you by your works
and I haven't a clue as to who we speak, but

does it matter? nope

I will say that religions are the problem it tends to seperate ppl
as if there's something more deep about it that ppl are being lied to
or there's a cover up

I left the church 10 yrs ago if not longer
and my church is me and the bible alone

with a group of people that believe in the word
and if you're not a christian than you are in a cult

so if you don't praise the doctrines handed to the pastors that are
screaming and dancing an acting a fool in order for you to think
you are learning any scriptures from them, but you don't learn diddly
than you are considered a lost soul

I don't need anybody, but people are pressed to make things personal
always and out

so long
I'm not
speaking with you to
label you or to ask something
of you, I'm here minding my business
that's all I'm here for.

people don't get it, but if you do
lets bring more proof of which religion
is the best one and reload the options

since ppl knows what's best for others.....leviticus 11 says not to eat pork and I follow that, but the gov't wants me to break the law by trying to poke me with swine flu shots so the pig organ/enzymes can live inside of me though I don't eat pork.....so question is there some kind of issue with beliefs...hmm.

gets no where
fast.peace and love saints