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Topic subjectLetter tu the accuser: fbi a.k.a. dragontootie
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=88445
88445, Letter tu the accuser: fbi a.k.a. dragontootie
Posted by Babynoon, Fri Apr-22-11 05:50 PM
Basically my dear love cup' I want to say what ever you accused me of or whatever or say about me to your entourage here in poem world fine think whatever' I don't care about accusations and laugh at any slander on the
poets club'

you know that the end is near and honestly we are fooling ourselves'

you wrote me that you have a ten yr old daughter and a wife' I did not slander you

so as my proof you are hiding something or covering up who you truly are' fbi agent trying to play along and trying tu get me to meet you a local bar' throw me in a trunk and use me as a slave trade or some shyt'

listen whatever you've been plotting' I have a peaceful life and is very happy, do not let hat I write decieve you

trust me I'm just here to have quality time and f with ppl that f with me that's it' so
whatever it is that bothers you about me' let it.

I'm not in love'or falling for you' a psychotic fbi skeemer, so no worries

tell you entourage or staff to lean back' I'm so at peace without your negativity' really and si, I sleep real good at night regardless of what you say or think about me'

now lets get married.haha psshhh loosen up little man.dwarfs with an angry grill scares no one. I'm not scurred (dancin) ahhaa. come shut me up.
88450, RE: Letter tu the accuser: fbi a.k.a. dragontootie
Posted by dragontales, Sat Apr-23-11 10:44 AM
see this is what i'm talking about running your mouth
in the church challenge'n my authority?
stop clowning it's all fun and games
no i'm not fbi maybe cia
am i trying to get at you and throw me in my trunk
bunk bonks adventures don't even have a car
so yeah you pulled it kind of far
i lied okay never been married but what have you lied about?
hmmm the closet is lock

and i have no father no mother no family because if you think your self an assassin/or follow christ you must lose everything surrender
then he returns it to you once you've been sactified?

and yes i thank you for helping with my self control slow to wrath and sometimes i think you need it

plus your off on meeting at a bar don't drink
see you don't even listen? or you should knew that

and another thing back to looks i don't even know how you look but it don't matter

so what have you lied about stalker saying she never seen my pictures
but she all over me here on everybody elses post shitting her two cents lamo

plus i don't have a click here i just holler about what ever the spirit have me to

but you've been hogging all my time like i'm your husband or something what's going on in your head i should you mine

oh so you want to be my pimp huh
funny slave trade wrong again
88451, Stalking: oxygen
Posted by Babynoon, Sat Apr-23-11 11:58 AM
Only thing we all better stalk is to inhale the air'to live
so if it ain't air I'm following than all else is truley worthless

Now moving on: I have pictures of you?
Another ill spot in your head; illusions of the unseen serpent driver
Nope I was never sent a picture of you or think anyone is worth the 'stalking' unless it's my husband sneaking out with the stripper adventures, just to snap a shot for proof so I can divorce and keep the house for his worthless choice.

Again, as I said before whatever it is you allow your spirit to feel and think of me' let it be.

It don't matter anymore atal' you can't control what people think so let them be.

I'm good over here trust me' far from desperado and had the finest of the finest and chased none of them they slipped me the love, so why would I stalk a dwarf mad writer??? be forreal for once in our discussion'

and no I'm not gobblin your time like your my husband'please if you had me you'd be all up in my face'so lets not lose focus here

if you want to slip in a battle or a scripture or something that is fun'meaningful I'm in, but other than that 'stop thinking I want to be your lady' let's keep that off the brain.

Just let me be a lady'without you running from my darling ways....relax butterball turkie.

You are so tense'go down to the day spa it's on me, I know you are homeless'bless you so send me the bille.
88453, RE
Posted by dragontales, Sat Apr-23-11 01:34 PM
i give you my blessing fine and well over there
well i'm over here; it's full of white boy smoke and beer
free no i don't have envy and no i'm not looking for
an amazon lady xena pull up your panties

i meant to say delicaseys please then you rob or should
i say use me for my brain that's what you want oh i know
i stimulate the lips dribbling spit all wet.

so you never came to my space
and if you was in my face
i would turn the other way
matter infact i wouldn't look up
or should i say you'll be looking up
yellow pages you witness my rages
read my pain and yet you still rose up
against the king and didn' do a thing
but sing like a mermaid long song
but i ain't kong and i shall fall but get up again

well then let it be done
peace be with you
88454, RE: RE: RE:RE:RE: Golefigure
Posted by Babynoon, Sat Apr-23-11 04:06 PM
As I thought you couldn't beat a woman in a kiddie fight'
So I'm Amazon tough in what I say to you' true you were the poodle and I was the owner'no doubt no dope

So how's your ego with me? did I bring you lower for some reason cause you remarks bother me; you're like urkel a wimp trying to be a King with a tummy tuck'

Well si puppie chulo I may agree with you'peace be with you

and Yes, it would do you a plus to turn the other way cause you'd feel this small' or smaller?right.....if you seen the Queen of Happiness :-D!!!!

So you drink beer?and smoke cigars you say? or cigerettes? yeah you are what I'm looking for, really who couldn't wait to kiss a mouth
so foul? yea right

Refresh your thought process because you're not
worth a look up in the yellow pages? Yeah maybe I should look you up
to see why all eye's on me at the top of the pyramid on a dollar bill there' remember Childrens Story? "You'll shoot your eye out" well that needs to be done to the watchers'

Call you part of the professional watch group for americane safety there goes the survelliance in your toilet bowl' cause you're watching to be shyted on.

I hate nosie perverts'and whom ever you are it's not my fault you searched and bit shyt.hahahaha

your style-

ps: so why do you love me?
88459, on the reele te'
Posted by Babynoon, Sat Apr-23-11 04:53 PM
How are you though?
seriously no games just
having a 'talkwithyou'

and si I do listen'to what I want to hear that is, but I hear you.

Well in my corner all is well'no complaints just glad
a fam is out of the hospital

I think you're safer out of there(hospital) cause a relative went in
for one thing and got another issue from being in there, that he never
had before'then the meds ruined his heart so now he has a pacer
and then they put a chip in him so they can watch his blood pressure
while he's home'the Most High is good and is helping him overcome many issues'

when you're sick still people take advantage of you when you're in need (in the hospital or such)' I tell this place has must go

The love has been almost peeled off completely' I even see that my kind; is to care and show respect to others'that respect me or turn the other cheek;with my teeth grinded together so tight it could break a glass'fig of speech while I walk away from not showing my disapproval of a communication'

Yes I must say you brain is a great piece of work and I can't lie it makes me urke and then laugh and then.....spaz out most of the times, cause I don't understand you most of the time, but all is well

I do like you in a awkard way? to fight with and then hold a 'care' for you all at the same time' it's all love.