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Topic subjectrose buds flourish'd
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88096, rose buds flourish'd
Posted by Babynoon, Thu Mar-17-11 11:39 AM
Love the scent of
a garden'
reminding me of your
vibe together
was smooth & gentle to
my senses

and you left the air clean'

so that we could

will we ever be again?
no, as I prepare to leave you
and everything here left behind'

even our memories
for it will only ponder
and slow me from my glory'

which is more important
than every moment spent with you

just time away from
true love

which is

and could not find that
in your arms'
so I was the first to leave

theres always something better'
but not good tu find

let it find you
and build on its own

no pressures
in truth'

for you played
solomon, but joked

and sqirmed away from
'a stress

we've florished.

88105, RE: rose buds flourish'd
Posted by dragontales, Thu Mar-17-11 01:53 PM
who ran?
tube water bringing healing
saying i'm so emotional
who pulled back
and blamed it on me and threw a
pan of boiling more water
so i holla
with a spike bat
but you missed the word
so how can i behind that
even though the site was?
and leaned to you own understanding
of the g-code
it's all a misunderstanding
why i be rushing up
in it like i'm pd
here in vb
it's for lovers

you herd me i to will be gone to
in another arms sifting threw the flock
one on the block said she was married
so i tarry and acarried on to look on
more then one fired chick that look sick
but i might still thinking about eating
with a devil pitch fork
the heart after the king David
and the lord maded it when most fail dead?

88106, no eye didnt
Posted by Babynoon, Thu Mar-17-11 02:18 PM
I gracefully took a seat
and was told to shutup'many
times bye you
when the fountain of
emotions gave way in
a hairline crack in the bed
it broke something

meaning a momma exposed
tu much'love
and was give a royal
sword in my head'you stuck
it in me

yes if there was no love
we'd wasted valuable time

all for love
and now
hit me
so we can wrestle this out
so more.
88108, Never asked you.....
Posted by Babynoon, Thu Mar-17-11 03:50 PM
when asked my measurements by you mr.evol

response 5'10
triple Z bra'size
size 9 pant size

and size 5 shoes

you responded: to tall
and mentioned you were
long hair,
no teeth,
size 12 shoes

I mean worthless details
we've shared for
bs talk

listen, I missed your
where'd it go?
lets talk

hurt n tears
and what it was about?
can we laugh at that ish

cause we are ridiculous
most the time

you endure
in dramas & comedies
so I go along
with it when am
bored too

so we've lost nothing at all
one isn't shown better than the other in the scripts
there are no winners'

and tell if you have a husband that keeps you from

being free
thank gawd we have no match

remember the movie
how stella got her groove back?
the writer of the movie
how her husband was undercover
to get noteriety and the money?

I tell you people
need to dye off
and will
when the wrath ccomes
and the nuclear bombs come down like rain.......

hopr eye won't bee here

are you the cinderella dana dane?
88112, RE:
Posted by dragontales, Fri Mar-18-11 09:32 AM
oh you play don't ask don't tale
but you ride the rail and kiss and tell
hell is here in the flesh
i wont be apart of that mess
and as far as you go it's chess
i never played for check mate possible soul mate
to late thought you was leaving
you ain't believe'n in the lord
so i stab you wit the sword
how did it feel
i can't remember steel
blocks shocked emotions
i'm not a shepard
who controls the sheep
only lift them back up when in to deep
so get your head off my chest no rest for the crooked tooth smile
oh you took a seat by my side
so why do the pride hide
and if i been inside
wheres the water flow
either you going stay or are you going to go
see from a girl out on the streets i would call a typical hoe
don't know what she wants
so she becomes a revolving door
lick by dudes and females
no does that sound like heel?
right here pound the nail
never seen you in high heels 6'2' 5'10 160ounds and small feet
wow sounds like a perry bottle water from chi town trying swoop down bald eagle but nobodies home i'm runnning from freddy saying leave me a lone stalking my dreams tongue voies coming threw hack cell phone shit i rather get hit by a bullet and et go home

hahahha lamo it's always funny talking to you
88114, RE: Ok Queen.
Posted by Babynoon, Fri Mar-18-11 10:50 AM
You're all over the place with your

yeah tu you you're funny'
to me you're tired and corny

God did not give you the gift
to cast shyt'but you
seek cause you need help

whatever your flesh covers up
will come to light

my flesh seeked truth and is getting it'
never needed you poet'or
was sent anyone, but one man and his students
who are in Christ

also I know you are of satan because
your spirit fights to much

one day you love Christ
the next you favor lucifer

so I blame myself for
wasting my time

writing when I could be working
on what I have now that will help me'
instead we played roles

you played holy
and I played a rose

seeping through the mud
swimming out
to see a demon standing there, but
looked like an angel of truth'

sick in a hole

faggot eye don't need
you honey bunches

just needed time
to waste and wasn't it amazing

no thanks
I want no part of what hell
looks like'your face and soul

is ugly.loll

with love
88117, RE: return to vomit
Posted by dragontales, Fri Mar-18-11 11:30 AM
yes the enemy becomes confused
don't have to explain shyt to a screen
name by babynoon who has more moods then
a prostitute sales her body.

really you seek the truth
so why are we talking to begin with
if i'm satan why do you love me and here with me
instead of bothering your christ why do you condem me?
i can't be condemed by you or your beliefs
and for the last time i'm not a christian but if i hold god's son in a perception that differs from your then you have the problem of stalking and blind not me because i'm free to walk in the spirit while you lost authority and are subjected to laws laws made nothing
perfect if it did you so called mighty lord would have not come for a new commandment
for real theology is bull shit
88122, RE: return to vomiting stalkers
Posted by Babynoon, Fri Mar-18-11 09:53 PM
drag in stockings
never desperate to
see such a face even if
I knew my last day on
this earth no worries
save your imprisoned
thoughts for you're
not worthy of the praise
for anyone to seek
you a midget model

how could you be so
dumb with your ego?

as far as the t laws go
I follow what I feel to follow

and im not a christian either
for the 9millionth time
you're not retarded and understood
me before'

your mind is stuck on

and I don't want none
for you raise philosophical
ideas of how you think life and
praise or love is to the Most High

I am without religion
the bible is all I need
to search on my own'
the church is from with
and I will never shove
the scriptures or the truth
to anyone

it's not my place
and you mock the bible

so you of wicked
and this is why my attitude

you are stalking and harassing me

not of God
you are not showing
how to walk with the Most High by

so why bother me at all
to take down.
88124, RE: open
Posted by dragontales, Sat Mar-19-11 09:18 AM
blades of grass high off
peaks can you here wind speaks
bees honey have some

mocked words test scripture
moon light three images
sorry beach watching?

was that fyya? lots
cast outcast herbs scanning
library cards residue

hard enough aroma flash
practicing running down
sheol raw roll hell
88126, RE: judgement daye you don't matter
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Sat Mar-19-11 10:48 AM
punto del hombre del juicio el dedo y el know' fortuna de shyt'

'i know what you did last summer'

Hebrew 12:1

set us all free
trust me am very
happy you know
what you know

no that eye care
for no trophy
you're an idol

dwarf blazed in copper
up on my dresser
not into idols
so I threw you away'

bless you
and thanks
for the bondage

how could anyone
make love to
a fallen angelo'

dwarfs seeds
giants, butt
not in me

go over there
want no parte of
that evol

and take your
corny metatron
transformer movie packs
tu your prostitute
groupies in
the wizard of oz
all them shorty's

the little people
you're the witch
I crushed you

put you under mi casa.
88127, RE: sounds like witch craft to me
Posted by dragontales, Sat Mar-19-11 11:00 AM
why up under the house?
88129, RE: under the house: you're
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Sat Mar-19-11 06:32 PM
a mean person'
a male witch is more like it'

I'am not sure
if you're
just this way
with me baby'n
or with everyone
in your zoo park
so yea

Mi casa needs
to fall on top
of you for sure'

your whole
or whatever you
call it needs to be

yea I thought?
eye had love for you then,but
you're out for something else'

the big take down'tormente

a mission
to use abuse
and eye will't
allow no one

in no way shape or
form get close enough
tu due that tu me
no matter the price'

and feel
no wayes
about you
whether poet'collabitt
or such....

your intent is a
devious one

lay all of your burdens down
heb 12:1 as I did and
mov'd on'from the weight

you've been trying
to bring me down
everysince your
first breath and before
I was even born.or due you
chastise cause you love??no.
help me understand.

A storm should come and blow
this house on top of you.

With love
88128, you offer'd your lollipop
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Sat Mar-19-11 01:12 PM
....but I declined and she took it

woo there are three of you'never knew you had brothers

88132, RE: you offer'd your lollipop
Posted by _NoireGolde_, Sun Mar-20-11 02:09 PM
"yeeh hah the wicked witch is dead"