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Topic subjectyes it is
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88061, yes it is
Posted by dragontales, Sun Mar-13-11 12:28 PM
good as it gets
no room for torture chambers rips
get a grip the dry walls cracking up
and k-9's are closer running up
stiffing obama's but
putride lies float
one of many faces dying hope
ashamed is the name of the game
and a flame burns
is it your turn to be cremated'?
88062, RE: yes it is
Posted by Babynoon, Sun Mar-13-11 01:14 PM
o'bama loves american people'

recalling ye' when he said
what he felte
and I must say eye seen
pain come tu hymn sooner or
so on
and the demons tookawaye'his
madre see for those who
don't believe in the biblica
why we see fallen away ppl
so even the evols beleive
for the have club to take
off the headge

I will go back to
the day freedom of speech
was kilt when ye'expressed
his pain then was it given
him in revenge.

I still say
o'bama likes american people'


88069, RE: yes it is
Posted by dragontales, Mon Mar-14-11 08:53 AM
yes a giving away of a birth right
for bread(money)
how can he love american people
when so many suffer
does he not see
does he not hear
does he not feel
the threats of citizens being oppressed
doe he not have any guts
to fight those or are he going along with those
no opposition just agreement
and more lies
now when he beg for entry
there will be a rejection and a closing of the gates

did i not write him and he didn't responsed
did i not report what's going on with me to the feds
and they said nothing
did i not fight dallas pd for police brutality
the laws of this country failed me
this country need to be reduced to ashes
for god has remove his hand off

yes it is what it is

the end to everything

"rasputin is my new found hero"
88067, RE: found where i was cured from
Posted by Babynoon, Sun Mar-13-11 08:55 PM
en hush state she reads and soaks in:

John 1:12-21

88070, RE:
Posted by dragontales, Mon Mar-14-11 09:00 AM
well that is a good chapter.
and i'm glad to hear you was healed
from the word of god.
but i can't relate for i'm on a different level
and i nolonger seek after him but he seeks after me
like i said before i will never accept this
or this government mind control
i live forever as i am with out some scriptures
saying who god is my god comes from within
even though i know the scriptures and i read them daily
they are becoming more useless
for i tested the word and it's just as fake as this world
silence is in demand so i will rest
who can enter into thy rest
88071, pretty lavender puppy
Posted by Babynoon, Mon Mar-14-11 10:50 AM
I will have one
and you will walk him at night'
so he may poop an tissle
on a tree or such

not shoving the bible
in your back pocket'
am no jehovahs witness

no need to mention
the scripts ever again
because'youre right

the temple is within
our brains and The Most High is
in us'true

so we are the church
and need no building, but

drift away
into your peace

blessings flow
88073, RE:pain is silence
Posted by dragontales, Mon Mar-14-11 03:15 PM
hush no more tears........
88177, pup eye broke promeesh :(((!
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Thu Mar-24-11 08:17 AM
si eye trespass'd n tu your triple triple x boxers it goes.so sad so sad.

hey may you return the survey eye scent
and trust eye will burn the many packs in the bag. No more roasty invasions'just seek the honesty box so we may move out of the house and put it on the market tu

be sold'

bye bye babyloins
88190, the lord dookie
Posted by Babynoon, Thu Mar-24-11 08:14 PM
is giving silent treatment
finally wore you out'

I'm the winner
so you can now
take your ragedy
word games

tu the land
of shame.

bye lorde dootea in uh cup.
89161, I don't care what you say or what I say
Posted by Babynoon, Mon Jul-11-11 01:04 AM

the questions
they are
truly not

you survive
how you survive
and I do
the same.
89163, RE: I don't care what you say or what I say
Posted by dragontales, Mon Jul-11-11 05:28 PM
true indeed you are a winner
but what did you win and i was not competing
so who did you go up against?

well i guess opposites don't attract
and if you don't enjoy or disapprove of people who smoke weed
might tis well erase half the people from off the face of the world

but in all honesty i enjoy the years here but lately
things are getting complicated and personal uncomfortable
because you dwell on my life instead of what we both came here to do and that is write and release emotions reread what we wrote and grow
well at least i do

both of you have a good night and if i'm not here tomorrow have a good day

drop the ad-libs
89165, Grades: I did.
Posted by Babynoon, Mon Jul-11-11 09:42 PM
grow spiritually
by writing what I jumbled together

You was all up in my
face about my private life and causing a sis to act flipperish

and just like a typical man

some may act the part, come home to the wife with lipstick stains and
question the wifes

or vice versa

it's ok.

no mas adlibs roberto

the match is over puppup.
89166, Doesn't Matter The Batter
Posted by Vayaiah Sunduh, Tue Jul-12-11 12:24 AM
Aprecie la honradez
is all that matters
and will always
matter in the end.

the worlde
sticky greenes.