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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjectYESTERDAY: Love Was Such An Easy Game To Play
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=78534
78534, YESTERDAY: Love Was Such An Easy Game To Play
Posted by theScholar3000, Mon Feb-16-09 08:08 AM
i used to believe in love at first sight
that dynamite type of love
that one would have to handle w/ care
the kind that could and would explode
when two lovers shared their flame
the calling of her name, the look in her eye
yesterday i was such a sentimental guy

but suddenly i'm not half the man i used to be
there's a shadow hanging over me
yesterday came suddenly w/out warning
and there's no one to blame but my own naivete
my eyes were closed but now i see
the lie in this reality. love can no longer say
it is patient or kind, because it will break
you apart at the blink of an eye.

the moment that you... say something wrong,
is the moment that you will long for yesterday
when love was such an easy game to play

i used to believe in love. now i believe in yesterday.

MY SHOW:http://www.gtownradio.com Wed 8-10pm
But by the grace of God I am what I am:
and his grace was bestowed upon me
not in vain; but I labored more
abundantly than they all
78566, damn
Posted by Rajeniro757, Tue Feb-17-09 07:32 PM
work that shit out..when you feel like this piece it may take a while.There is always a tomorrow though. if this is real write your way through it . If it's not hey it's still a good piece

I'm bout to get all sentimental