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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjectA Poets' Life
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=78115
78115, A Poets' Life
Posted by 313Poet, Wed Jan-14-09 04:21 PM
Squeezing the life out a word
Using the actions of a verb
to walk for me,
If I don't sell my brain
No one will buy it,
So I pick up the pen
Write them down
and be immortalized
In words
Captured in phrases,
That come from
Playin' with my mind,
All sumed up in this composition
Mangled among sentences,
This is my sanctuary
Where my thoughts chain together
Like notes on a staff,
Revealing the inner workings
of my flesh,
Through an allegria of tempos,
That express my emotional Rollercoster
of experiance...
Now tranced on the innerworkings of womanhood
Where the voice strugles to be heard
Yet, the experiance is written
for the healing and building
of this temple of self.

78120, RE: A Poets' Life
Posted by freedomfighter, Thu Jan-15-09 01:47 PM
what's up D
dangerous as always
keep it

Freeworld Order
Dangurus Mines
78138, RE: A Poets' Life
Posted by HueyNewton, Fri Jan-16-09 03:52 PM
I appreciate the style of your play on word skill, nice!!

paint the whitehouse black!
78151, RE: A Poets' Life
Posted by Intrepid Vixen, Sat Jan-17-09 05:32 PM
Squeezing the life out of a word

I think we poets give words meaning. And poetry gives our thoughts substance. You summed it all up beautifully.
When One learns
to live without fear,
then One cannot be broken.
79310, RE: A Poets' Life
Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Sun Apr-05-09 07:03 PM
You've tapped into & captured my thoughts ... about a poet's words and ideas ... ~so nicely~ ... I could just take your name off ...
(AND REPLACE IT WITH MINE -- :P ) ----- *Not Really* -- LoL

But yes ... I likes ...

79566, RE: A Poets' Life
Posted by ASIEM, Tue Apr-21-09 06:29 PM
you know u gotta have your spizzle together up in here to address this topic....hhmmm okay pass go and for sho come back wit it cause you caught some attention good intro to you.