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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjectWords
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=76079
76079, Words
Posted by GIF, Sat Aug-02-08 09:45 PM
This here's the truth unspoken/
that dark cloud floating in your blue sky
while your chimneys smokin/awoken
I give you my heart/ when I spit/
chest open/ pecks part/ this aint just art
rose/ from the dirt fertilized by shit decomposed/
consider me organic/ floes/ guilty slam the gavel
case closed/ this idealogical diversion I servin/
time in the pen again/ this time it's Ballpoint
sink like ink into tattooed skin/ in the quicksand
land of urban ghettos/ where white giants kick over
castles made of Lego's/ has God forsaken we/
content to feel powerless and plagued by complacency/
they settin us up but I aint gone sit and wait to see/
for what/ trust my eyes but not as much as my gut/
jerked by the system so often should bust nut/ get it