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Topic subject{Audio} Solange ft. Her-em-akhet--I Decided {Feedbk Pls B4 I Studio This}
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75949, {Audio} Solange ft. Her-em-akhet--I Decided {Feedbk Pls B4 I Studio This}
Posted by The Lyric, Sun Jul-27-08 01:53 AM
Hey Everyone,
Your thoughts please, before I go in to record this properly. Feeling it? Why are you feeling it? Not feeling it? Why aren't you feeling it? Thanks much.

AUDIO: http://www.zshare.net/audio/160450691a38fe8e/

{verse ii - Solange}
How's it feel to win it
Where ain't no mountains that you can't move
Your mind is like a prism
For God's light to shine through

{verse ii contd. -- Her-em-akhet (The Lyric)}
Aww, thank you baby
Met you for first time, and thought, "Oh my!"
If you were time, I~ wouldn't-let you pass by
After I, introduced you to, my parents, and
you got the approval from my universe, ooo, you
builT a new milky way for us~
and liT it up with your fwine smile, by
making me the happiest man alive, True,
sometimes you bruise my heart, but you never break it,
So I, actually, you and I decided we will do this,
and frankly, you as, cute as your lips,
sweet as your hips ,you are, smart as your pants
Lets, cuddle-over-candles, make-a-bundle-of joy
just for you, me, love, aaaaaah

75989, RE:You Know What Man...
Posted by ak_reborn, Tue Jul-29-08 06:56 PM

I may not be a professional, i may not have the best equipment, but im that dedicated to try n help you.I feel after the criticisms you was hit with last time which were hartsh but true, i feel youve come back with somewhat a much improved performance overall, however that does not mean it was great, i still feel you could have pushed you barriers, i dont know if its just me, but it sounds like you can give you voice a bit more conviction, Not sure if that style was intended, because its hard to judge on someone you dont know or havent heard live, but id say it was improvement to what i heard previously, a major improvement.

Also, remember to keep rhyming to yourself, i do it all day long, not as much since i lost my pc (Wheres a repair man when ya need him?) It really does improve one overall.
76046, RE:You Know What Man...
Posted by The Lyric, Fri Aug-01-08 04:34 AM
- When I hear the word "conviction," I think, "fire," which in turn makes me think, "anger." But I just checked the definition (took me 27 years to do that LOL), and it means, "to be convincing." But I like that description: Conviction. So, it's something I will keep in mind more when I record again.

- One of the things I am noticing is that being able to capture subtle, low-intensity^ convictions requires a sensitive mic. Being able to capture high-intensity convictions like anger, require mics that are not too sensitive. (My mic is crappy for both, so it captures either too little or clips when when I scream too much; so I end up holding back a little bit just to get enough sound quality)

- When I am not pissed off on a track, my natural personality is closest to Andre 3000. Sometimes, it's more like Kanye West. (Note that I said personality -- not necessarily delivery-style; although, personality would usually influence delivery style, of course). When I am pissed off on a song, I emotionally come off like another artist, whom I would not mention. I am still learning to control myself and my delivery when I am pissed off cos I end up missing the beat a lot. It seems that I tend to have more conviction in my delivery when I am pissed off, but I am still working on controlling myself properly over a beat. Currently, I do get standing ovations when I do spoken word/acapella raps. So, my problem is really when it comes to rapping over a beat. Not to mention, that over a beat, my breath-control sucks MAJOR ass. I mean, damn, the breath control of Andre 3000 on "B.O.B." Or Common's breath control on "Universal Mind Control." Or Tupac's breath control, when he is pissed off? DAMN! How do these folks do it? Am about to start running again. Hell, imma rap WHILE running. I wanna ride ANY beat.

- So, if you listen to Andre 3000's spit on "What A Job," you would notice he was rapping with a low-intensity, but yet the conviction is there. I am saying that I THINK my delivery here will sound 100% convincing when I record it with a better mic. (I will find out soon enough and post the whole thing here)

- Or maybe I don't FULLY understand what you mean by conviction; not really trying to give excuses cos maybe it's ALL me and has nothing to do with the mic in THIS particular flow.

SO, can you point out some of YOUR favorite artists AND songs with really good conviction? Ideally, you would mention people that would illustrate different *kinds* of conviction; that is, conviction with-respect-to anger; conviction WRT happiness; conviction WRT love. conviction WRT any other emotions. (Anyone else, feel free to add to this). It's really important to me that I am emotionally versatile cos relatively speaking, I have wide-ranging topics.

Again, thanks a LOT for taking out the time.

^When I say low-intensity, I mean, low vocal volume. High-intensity would be screaming.

76094, RE:You Know What Man...
Posted by ak_reborn, Mon Aug-04-08 02:24 PM
Ok well, you guys on okay prolly aint big fans of uk music, but i feel this guy "Akala" has alot of conviction, if you youtube him, im sure theres plenty of his tracks for you to checkout, tracks by him that you should look out for are, "carried away" , "Shakespeare" , "something inside my head", and a very convincing song by him is "bullshit" which reminds me alot of redmans "muhfucka",infact listen to as much of him as u can.

I'd also recommend Canibus, listen to him and youll know what conviction is, Tupac is an obvious definition of conviction in a rapper, theres so many artists, but its about which artist and genre most influences you.
76098, hmmm...
Posted by KnowOne, Tue Aug-05-08 07:42 AM
nice verse..... love the lyrics, but not feeling the voice. And I dont mean the accent. It just feels like something is missing. This does not mean its not good, its probably just a personal preference of mines. But any way keep flowin' & growin'.