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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjectIM OKP OFFICIAL
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=75480
Posted by WILDOUT, Tue Jul-01-08 02:54 PM
the truth about the world is what they dont want you to see
you ever wonder why they say the truth is me
a blazing star ablaze afar farther then you reach
and still i warmly smile on plants that grow and trees that breathe
so what
its like you
in a second im a pass yall
and pass yall the joint
so understand
the misunderstanding
in this world of cointelproilluminatineomasonics
surely we will fail if we take part in despondents
they take my smile as a misreading
its misleading i know
but everywhere i go i try to help the seeds grow
i know the kids would rather see tears falling from our faces while our eyes glow
but i stow away another level
its like my mind is pandoras box
and i dont care about the controversary of these talks
because the walk through the jungle is was it is
and the landscape is concrete and promptly hid
is a rival to the fame of the front page
the red news and the beta
whos going to forget a cat who knew that you rhyme better
cuz it seems they are sleeping on what they dont want you to see
any mc on this site that speaks truth is the truth to me
so what you think you can groove the unending groove in front of me
i speak the truths showerring upon the kingdom where frequently yall dont see
talents everywhere right there on the busses next to you
you probly walked on by or stopped and showed some attitude
but gratitude will be shown on my part to the real within my art
i feel the part of hiphops heart in the spark conversations start
on another note
if you promote inequity
youll never have as live a party as my parties will soon be
cuz when im up in the spot if you rock the mic then rock it
ill give you a spot next to me with beats that im stocking
you done know im about the talent that came to show kids
theres bigger voices in this music then running a show biz
and still i got love for the cats that run this site
but i feel when i open doors the flood will shine a light
that washes over the disheartened like a complex acknowledged struggle
to invest in the perplexed a sense of wisdom and new hustle
my age group is either hustling or living in jail
we need options because without them we will fail
on the reel you needed the real before it grows stale
my rhymes send so many flows at the worlds ears its like a drop of a whale
and you didnt expect it but its nearly here already
its been here for you and you are all here to this board was always ready
im deadly when these heavy books come crashing upon my enemies
i am the levee to be broke and the flood is knowledge within me

75483, Classic
Posted by empro, Tue Jul-01-08 04:55 PM

You got off on this one! Glad to be able to read and enjoy your work fam.

Powerful posting
75486, RE: Classic
Posted by WILDOUT, Tue Jul-01-08 05:51 PM
that means alot for real;

even if they dont understand everything that im spitting
when i walk away im leaving most of the people smitten
Posted by gsquared, Tue Jul-01-08 07:09 PM
Nice drop....
75488, Yeah --- U R ...
Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Tue Jul-01-08 07:14 PM
*OKP Official* -- :D

Especially with ^this^ flow in particular ...

It's a lil' longer than I care to drag my eyeballs across -- But mos' def' worth the read. (((Between my short attention span and my lazy eyes))) -- I'm doing good to have read this from top to bottom -- :P

You said a mouth full here ... so ... Any chance of us "HEARING" this flow over a tight beat? -- ~Just Wondering~

*Good Job*

Posted by WILDOUT, Tue Jul-15-08 05:07 PM
http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=117434 peep the song its up just a rough copy but still peep it its hot still
Posted by WILDOUT, Thu Aug-21-08 08:20 AM
peep the next mix of the tune its bigger-


Posted by ASIEM, Tue Jul-15-08 05:26 PM
wow Wildout this is perhaps the best of your best I mean you really like Photo said a mouthfull and the wirds are just rediculously insane
here TO YOU i THROW a PEN ==________________