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Topic subjectChef Jealous prepares : lover's special
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71885, Chef Jealous prepares : lover's special
Posted by overaboves, Fri Jan-04-08 06:14 AM
OCTOBER 10, 2009
hello studio audience, take your seats
maestro...music please

men-u is set
water in the pot
chopped idol, minced princes, beets, dash o ho, chunky kings, queens and freaks
piece o scum, pinch o lewd and proud times three
enter murderer, enter blasphemous, enter diseased
diviners, scoffers and double scoop of thief
shoulders, flanks, emptied livers of worldly sheep
likkle prawn, pigs: blood-snout-gold ring and feet
secret ingredients: lies, chillies and swishy sweets

melt till they turn: hours?, year?, weeks?

Babylon....your table is set, grab your drinks, take your seats
the choice was yours....enjoy!!!!!

Chef J's Last Day Feast.

71907, up, for the concept alone...
Posted by mindful, Tue Jan-08-08 11:01 AM
men-u is set
water in the pot
chopped idol, minced princes, beets, dash o ho, chunky kings, queens and freaks
piece o scum, pinch o lewd and proud times three
enter murderer, enter blasphemous, enter diseased
diviners, scoffers and double scoop of thief

an invigorating read. the wordplay above is what drew me in. the concept|subject matter is a great one and i love the twist|flip of the content. dope. Peace~


I've never considered myself
to be beautiful, and I still don't Špam grier

no hate in '08
72011, 4 mindful and whomever else
Posted by overaboves, Mon Jan-14-08 06:26 PM
COME WALK: days - http://cf.blb.org/search/translationResults.cfm?Criteria=days&Version=KJV&sf=2

use these:
Dan 12:11-http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Dan/Dan012.html#11
Dan 12:12-http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Dan/Dan012.html#11
Rev. 12:14-http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Rev/Rev012.html#14
the annual Feast Days of God(2008): Passover-April 19/Days of Unleavened Bread-April 20-26/Pentecost-June 8/
FEAST OF TRUMPETS-SEPTEMBER 30/Day of Atonement-October 9/Feast of Tabernacles-October 14-20/the Last Great Day-October 21

the WHAT:

Trumpets signal a time of WAR
Unleavened Bread signifies removal of SIN
Pentecost is receiveng of THY FREE SPIRIT(WIVES)
Passover our HUSBAND returns

((((((WATCH)))))))3 stripes

(Feast of TRUMPETS)SEPT.30, 2008 to (Days of UNLEAVENED BREAD)APR.12, 2012 equals 1290 days.
(Feast of TRUMPETS)SEPT.30, 2008 to (PENTECOST)MAY 27, 2012 equals 1335 days.
(Feast of TRUMPETS)SEPT.30, 2008 to (PASSOVER)ARPIL 6, 2012 equals 1284 days(time,times and half a time)

72017, RE: up, for the concept alone...
Posted by ASIEM, Mon Jan-14-08 11:01 PM
you said it perfectly

"keep pennin till the earth birth's your rightful seed then nurture it wit more ink..."
"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
(Be and it is)
" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder
