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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjecteye am your poetry man
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=70767
70767, eye am your poetry man
Posted by ASIEM, Fri Oct-26-07 11:21 AM
the thought of
you makes me smile so wide
this heart of mine
is beating in sync
with yours
talk to me
see the stars twinkle
as we walk cross flames desire
find in me all you need
eye am your poetry man
speaking words from inside
mellow are the thoughts
sturring deep churning
like butter you melt
at the nights end
something sweet
drips again from mine lips
finding you in dream scape whispering
love songs keeping pace
we dance

a text message a card sent
at light speed catching me in time
expressions held so close
you laugh each moment
thoughts rize from
yesterdays maze of anger and tears
where fear once gripped us
in the puzzle of getting know
what love has become
no longer trapped in cylces

flowers beneath your feet
bathe in quiet surrender
this is paradise for lovers
that keep believing against odds
imagination taking form
personified awaken
this your life
eye am your poetry man
capturing perfect images
in words
the keeper of the torch
trusted with your heart
burn with passion
there is majic here
a good jinn over your shoulder
recording what is spoken softly
i hear you crying no tears
this is happiness

listening to a higher calling
each day there is something new to see
to feel to touch
reaching for sunrays
just bask a while
and be free
eye am your poetry man

"keep pennin till the earth birth's your rightful seed then nurture it wit more ink..."
"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
(Be and it is)
" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder
70770, RE: eye am your poetry man
Posted by Jahlovall3305, Fri Oct-26-07 01:28 PM


listening to a higher calling
each day there is something new to see
to feel to touch
reaching for sunrays
just bask a while
and be free
eye am your poetry man

I have discovered that i am not alone in my listening, that almost everyone is listening for something, that the search for places where the singing may be heard goes on everywhere. Thank you my friend. Well done.
71000, RE: eye am your poetry man
Posted by Jahlovall3305, Thu Nov-08-07 11:43 AM

I really like this........
even at my low, I try to read things to inspire me, empowered me and most of all........find harmony and Peace within my Being. THANK GOD FOR "THE BOARD".


71030, RE: eye am your poetry man
Posted by invisible ink, Fri Nov-09-07 04:22 PM
all i coud think of was that song "I'm ur Magic Man"(lol)...this makes u want to fall in love just cuz...nice nice lovey...miss k
71035, RE: eye am your poetry man
Posted by ms mimi diva, Fri Nov-09-07 07:47 PM
<----happy to see your posts!
79568, RE: eye am your poetry man
Posted by ASIEM, Tue Apr-21-09 06:37 PM
cause the topic came up again
79569, RE: eye am your poetry man
Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Tue Apr-21-09 10:04 PM
You make things alllllriiiight! --- *smiles*

I see you have Queen Latifah's "Poetry Man" on your myspace page ... but I have the original Poetry Man album by Phoebe Snow -- :P

Indeed ... after watching your words float across "OKP Freestyle" for a few years now ... (and if I'm not mistaken, I think I saw you on other web sites B-4 OKP) -- But you've been "The MAN" -- (Poetry Man) -- for quite some time -- and I appreciate you for sharing your perspective creativity with us.

This was nice, by the way .... sorry I missed it the first go~round -- *my bad* -- :(

79572, RE: eye am your poetry man
Posted by ASIEM, Tue Apr-21-09 11:18 PM
you know i think it was urban nation or something like that the moderator and owner i think is named "empress" is that it? I know i have admired you for as long as i have written online hell i would have made you my wife if i could have lol you are a hella talent for real we have seen alot come and go up in here.