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Topic subjectlove itself
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67742, love itself
Posted by kenyaman17, Wed Apr-25-07 05:48 PM
love has endless methapors
ones so simple and plain
to others
that enslave the soul of lovee
the experience of love itself
is a metaphor
there is dips and curves
one day you praise her or him
like Allah
the next you shame them
like the devil himself
love is a drug that everyone
has gotten high on
we chop up the pieces and snort then quick
feel the intoxicating feeling of that
sweet sweet release
but that is only felt in the head
others inject it slowly into their veins
feeling love rush through and seize all the pain
love itself is a metaphor
and the person is under its control
....dark skinned like a fiend
"i'll rock yo body, like im stonin you" -Lord Quas