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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjectStepping down...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=66639
66639, Stepping down...
Posted by delrica, Mon Apr-02-07 07:14 AM
Peace fam.

This has been a rough year thus far and I don't feel that I can serve as your moderator in the capacity that I used to.

I log on at a minimal basis and that's usually when someone has asked for something to be deleted, or because I remember that Okayplayer.com is something I'm supposed to be actively participating in.

That's a disservice to myself and the rest of you.

Not sure if I'll be back at all, but I know that as of today, I will be stepping down as Freestyle's moderator.

Thanks for the fun times, the frustrating times and all that fall in between.

66640, wow.
Posted by KnowOne, Mon Apr-02-07 07:30 AM
66641, call me Del
Posted by ThaAnthology, Mon Apr-02-07 07:51 AM
what's all happening???
66642, I hope everything is okay Del
Posted by Shakeet Lokh Em, Mon Apr-02-07 07:52 AM
Honestly man. Peace peace peace and more peace to you. It's been an honor and a lesson in having someone of your poetic caliber be a mod here. I really wish you didn't feel like you had to step down. That's me being selfish though. Many blessings your way. Peace.
66643, RE: Stepping down...
Posted by southernboy_423, Mon Apr-02-07 08:00 AM
wow, come back soon.

"my third eye like pink eye...seen and contagious" - Common Sense


66644, I hope whatever you're going through...
Posted by Morehouse, Mon Apr-02-07 08:39 AM
things work out.

Take care fam.
peace and love.
66647, hang in there sweetie....
Posted by KnowOne, Mon Apr-02-07 09:42 AM
and feel free to hit me up any time if you ever need to talk.
66659, we will miss you
Posted by ms mimi diva, Mon Apr-02-07 06:16 PM
i know. sometimes you got to step away to step forward.
66661, peace, delrica...
Posted by morpheme, Mon Apr-02-07 06:43 PM
i wish u peace & a great abundance of really wondrous things
the ability to accomplish
the measure of progress
in ur time away
don't be a stranger
{bein strange is okay}

66663, hey ...i knew it was coming
Posted by Zin, Mon Apr-02-07 06:55 PM
i still need to come up and check ya'll on the poetry jaunt ....
66667, do what you have to, do what you must
Posted by mindful, Mon Apr-02-07 07:55 PM
but, keep writing...

take it easy lady, and you will be missed.


I wrote my first novel because
I wanted to read it. ©Toni Morrison
66680, RE: Stepping down...
Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Mon Apr-02-07 10:07 PM
The "only" thing I care about is your health -- You okay? -- *concerned look*

Step back if you must / but don't 4~get to step forward and let us know how you're doing!

*Take Care*

66729, RE: Stepping down...
Posted by Nowachaoticthing, Tue Apr-03-07 11:13 AM
I understand how personal matters can impact performance... I hope things get better for you and yours soon.


Know that your presence as both peer and moderator is and was nothing short of inspirational. You were fair-minded, even-keeled, and never showed a shred of ego in your moderating duties. I always felt encouraged by you, and looked to your handling of conflict as setting the standard for mods.

Your successor will have big shoes to fill.

"To be a poet is a condition, not a profession."
- Robert Frost

My crappy blog: http://www.livejournal.com/users/eyes_of_mine/

Blind Eye Turning: My book

My other crappy blog:
66757, Thank you Delrica!
Posted by okpdan, Tue Apr-03-07 04:08 PM
for all your time and energy
66807, RE: Stepping down...
Posted by ASIEM, Tue Apr-03-07 11:45 PM
u have left an inDELible mark
the archives has in it some real lessons forever thank you for that

"keep pennin till the earth birth's your rightful seed then nurture it wit more ink..."
"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
(Be and it is)
" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder
66809, awwwwww!
Posted by Ezzsential, Wed Apr-04-07 12:50 AM
well goodluck with everything that you are tryin to do del- and thanks for everything, please come back to visit as much as you can...

shouldn't say it all or it will be taken
stolen by the Devil
God's my only vacation

66810, anchor this please
Posted by Ezzsential, Wed Apr-04-07 12:53 AM

shouldn't say it all or it will be taken
stolen by the Devil
God's my only vacation

66814, Welcome back ThaAnthology
Posted by KnowOne, Wed Apr-04-07 12:58 AM
66823, yes yess! that too!
Posted by Ezzsential, Wed Apr-04-07 01:18 AM

shouldn't say it all or it will be taken
stolen by the Devil
God's my only vacation

66836, peace to you and yours
Posted by blaksilence, Wed Apr-04-07 08:03 AM
66941, RE: Stepping down...
Posted by invisible ink, Thu Apr-05-07 09:29 AM
stay up...and trust the process of life...miss k
66955, Mamaaaa oohhhhh I didn't mean to make you cry
Posted by marijane, Thu Apr-05-07 03:36 PM
bohemian rhapsody

how befitting

wherever you go and are

be well


keep shining that resonating light

peace and love
67020, i would come in for the first time in god knows
Posted by LexM, Fri Apr-06-07 02:30 PM
and see this.

you'll be in my prayers. take care.

~*~http://omidele.blogspot.com/ ~*~

"...we don't think in the dialectical rigid pattern of quatrain or synthetic pattern of sonnet: We think in blocks of sensation & images. IF THE POET'S MIND IS SHAPELY HIS ART WILL BE SHAPELY." ~allen ginsberg
67032, imma miss ya...you 'll always have a place on my top8
Posted by blak_yukon, Fri Apr-06-07 04:43 PM

<--really!,have one--

me and the fellas would converge and heat up some Hot Pockets in preparation for Rap City.� Roc

let's talk:

my uncles:
67038, RE: Stepping down...
Posted by AidenWaves, Fri Apr-06-07 05:05 PM
"no leave..we can make it work...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!


but i'll miss you."
67083, RE: Stepping down...
Posted by Whateva, Sun Apr-08-07 07:33 PM
wow..its been real.
67362, you were a great mod...
Posted by revion, Mon Apr-16-07 02:19 PM
and i'll always credit your reign
as the one that gave me confidence as a writer

* gives a nod of appreciation *

i wish you the best of luck

67721, Wow, I come in here like once every 3 months, and then see this
Posted by Allah, Wed Apr-25-07 10:50 AM
Peace Delrica