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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjectyou are all
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=63494
63494, you are all
Posted by the_best_part, Tue Jan-30-07 09:31 PM
you slid beneath my skin
like moss underneath river stones
it felt slick and
couldnt grip
couldnt hold
couldnt hang on
made me feel
free, not free
you didnt push me
slipped away
couldnt grasp the
concept of you
the unknown
gripped around my heart
a clench of terror
i saw the worst in me
in your eyes
i saw the best part
there too
i couldnt be the
all in we
couldnt be the all
that you are, i
had to become something
something with grip
a strong hold of self
assured an antagonist of fear
i had to flow
float away
without even the hope
that you'd understand
63500, So Nice ...
Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Tue Jan-30-07 11:23 PM
... to see your name on the board again! -- *Yep*

Even nicer to see your words -- like soothing balm, written for itching eyes -- :D


63501, RE: you are all
Posted by ASIEM, Tue Jan-30-07 11:26 PM
grip letting go slipping holding on! all that, yeh i can relate.
this gotta be universal for those that love deeply?

"keep pennin till the earth birth's your rightful seed then nurture it wit more ink..."
"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
(Be and it is)
" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder
63509, i like that title
Posted by UncleClimax, Wed Jan-31-07 09:54 AM
see more than a bit of ambivalence in this piece....captured that feeling really well...holla!