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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjectHip Hop Poem
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=63324
63324, Hip Hop Poem
Posted by ThaAnthology, Tue Jan-23-07 04:50 PM
Hip Hop Poem

Solid Southern Blues lick venomous fluidity
At molten canvases
Spoiling the view

While Harlemite Jazz men taunt visceral images
Of smoke-laden hues
Draped in needle drips
Nodding away
Into forever

All the while
Hip Hop reminds us that children
Must grow
And if unattended
Trees grow crook-necked

But also that before they die
They find themselves righted

Slighted at times
But righted

Smooth to Barbadian breezes
Kissing feet

Pleading forgiveness

And before eyes close…
Like all predecessors

It is good

© Fahim Malik Nassar
63366, ~Inhale/Exhale~
Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Fri Jan-26-07 02:16 AM
^That^ was refreshing! -- *Delightful Read Indeed*

But these lines really grabbed at my eyelids:

>While Harlemite Jazz men taunt visceral images
>Of smoke-laden hues
>Draped in needle drips
>Nodding away
>Into forever

*Kooooool Daddy*

63385, thanks yo!
Posted by ThaAnthology, Fri Jan-26-07 06:59 PM
just trying out something new! glad you dug it!
