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Topic subjectNight night
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=62393
62393, Night night
Posted by WILDOUT, Thu Dec-07-06 10:23 PM
The fairfolk fairy fair's thee well
While dreamers fall in sleeper's spells
The darkness lands upon the land
The body manifests again
The waker wakes to hear the sound
The day has come, the Earth is round
62412, RE: Night night
Posted by WILDOUT, Fri Dec-08-06 02:08 PM
All i need is three threads no complex interwoven frozen page on pages 3-6
no overloaded memory cartridge displayed to keep fixxed
ill bounce these up with rhymes and leave you night time pre-fixxed

tripping turning twisting learning my mind is not a mind at all
the mind falls in love with the energy when it hears its names
it falls in love with the energy again and again
this is life im the sagittarius sage in sagas blazing arrows betwixt my fingertips
dragon lips curled back smiles gleaming moonlit
no longer poisonned like you and your boys dem
lets start a movement..no really im all that and more
the past is here, and after here is here and here is hearing all of this at once
i make you jump out your mind and take you out on the hunt
of original humanity which is not humanly specific
the wonder of this dimensions existance
and you must know that there are other places
whenever you see the sky
and peace to I am, Everything
from your son from your son and daughter from your son and daughter
etceteras of all life incarnate are better garments then gold or platinum
i dont spit i bring out the vaccuum which pulls away the dirt on your jewels, to the fools
and i am one, don't misunderstand son, the term fool is from the tarot meaning new beginnings,
if you learn the lesson, then you pass a challenge, if you stay the fool then you learn when
you look back like damn, that was crazy, and take the abstract in
to satisfy your reactions, im asking
are you satisfied with your life
for real
let me know
we've got more talent then their cocaine about to blow
and we let it show in more ways for more days
new songs, new poems, new music heard from hallways
always us again and again, to tell the truth
i think i like okp better then industry and as a youth
when i was struggling and hustling and bustling tracks
some of the shit i said then you might of thought was wack
cause it was stereotypical but cleverly said
but those who read up found out that thats not all that there was
and looking back i see the poison in the wound
entombed in the past which i still live from dawn till june
and soon you wont understand what im getting at any longer
^ that type of shit to read in rhymes is sad to hear when you followed me to this point
but i cant help what i say, im just blazing this joint
62417, A note to self:
Posted by WILDOUT, Fri Dec-08-06 03:40 PM
"I am just a man"
but there is no I am.
How could there be a man if there is no I am
Is not the graffiti a part of your hand
waving at the passengers of the subway
as you glance out
and nod at yourself and
your the creation and the creator of it all
is creation creating create with in us all
a note to self is a note to nothing.
futility can be beautiful and amount to something.
i remember the future where my body is absorbed
breakdancing with the devil in the pale moonlight
fallen angels every enemy
obsessed in shatan
and we all have been tempted and we've all made mistakes
sun..forgive the fallen angels for they are but the experiences within
the stories that we live by our reflected in the steps we're taking
and shake yourself free of those shackles and all those chains
walk outside and while they don't notice that you're truly free
take that dirt off your shoulder and eat the rest of your chips
and enjoy the time that your here, to be to live