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Topic subjectAddictions ( Music lyrics, do comment )
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61371, Addictions ( Music lyrics, do comment )
Posted by The Lyric, Sat Oct-21-06 07:00 AM
Okay, one of these days, I will get a website with audio. In the meanwhile ...

The stuff in "quotes" preceded by <...> are mini skits. The beat actually pauses (briefly for the skit to play) just before a bar ends, then picks up exactly where it left off; so it's as if the chorus bursts out like you been holding back the chorus; kind of like if you have been holding back your breath for a few minutes, you sort of exhale with a burst so you can start breathing again


"Jay Z put out the word on hiphop-wired to boycott Cristal"

Damn, man, I didn't even get a chance to ball to that
Two liter bottle of coke on the rocks in a styrofoam cup,
we can raise to that, we can raise to that
Two liter bottle of coke on the rocks in a styrofoam cup,
we can raise to that, we can raise to that

(verse I}
Addicted to the truth like Jay to the game
Ruthless to root, spill lyrics to rain
Keep comin' for more, couldn't retire, he tried
Resident of Free World, I cannot deny
It Was Written, I am illycally liscenced to Lyric
Umbilical cord, I clamped and cut it,
this brand new cut, go a-head sample it,
Fade-in's not unlike your favorite cut,
Rasp-Berries, the balls IS monster
Disaster like Biggie Smalls
What's da .. rhyme scheme?
See if you can spot da .. seams
I sow the seed, then grow like mustard,
the tree, not yellow on a side of steamed beef
It's a Nigerian thing, try to stop me, yea as if

<Man on the street>
"So, that's it? Just like that? We boycotting Cristal?"


{verse II}
Addicted to passion like CD changers full of Tupac
The tooth took a punch which life just packed
Reached to grasp but even that fell short
Too sure she saw angels fall a lot
on the floor, ivories' coast on Goldie Locks
Instrument of choice is my voice box
Cream of the crop, pop told me hardwork
But it's hard when returns are far in between
the greens is scarce in my bank's account
The dreams is not matchin' my action sequence
So you jump cuts, as time and places pass by
Loosing trust of yourself, you stop askin' why
Try to restart, reboot, re-up, butchu fall flat
on your back, askin' where the passion went?
Grab the fifteenth monkey bar and puuull like <<grunt>>

<a dude to a girl>
"Gurl, my Cristal is on layaway; I'm THIS close"


{verse III}
Addicted to music pill, it's my anti-pain
My youth on the line, so turn up the tune
Hence I booounce, up and down,
like that one summer I almost drowned
Need to learn to swim with more patience
Over, then underacheived, life's a bitch
Take my time, then life might just be a lady
The track is the sound of finger snaps,
mouth gasp, necessity, mother of invention
And the father? Well, invention, apparently IS a bastard
Or maybe immaculately concept'ed
Conceived I on what seemed like a silver spoon
Till the buffoons looked at it and turned it to wood
Scarface, The Music Is Yours, I say to myself
(Matter of fact) it's a human thing,try to stop me, yea as if

<A dude to a friend>
"You jacked bootleg Cristal? Muthafucker, it's diluted Montain Dew!"

{chorus, fade out}

(c) 2006 The Lyric