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Topic subjectHealing: Part I
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60349, Healing: Part I
Posted by Amai_1, Fri Sep-15-06 05:58 PM
"Thank you God for healing me...
Thank you God for healing me...
Thank you God for healing me..."

Someone once told me that the only way
To ask God for anything,
Was to thank him in advance.

"Thank you God for healing me...
Thank you God for healing me...
Thank you God for healing me..."

And on and on it runs
Inside my mind,
Throughout my soul,
As I tightly close my eyes
To the tears
Of my suffering.

This melancholy melody
Replays each night,
And all throughout each day
Each and every time
The heaviness beats
Inside my hollow chest.

But then...

Tonight brought something new.
A beautiful beginning...


The enchantment of a brand new baby
Born into this loving family
Which I've learned to call my own,
Brought a rush of love






Healing, in return, is filled with love.

So beautiful,


10 tiny toes and miniature fingers too
A look of magnificent wonder
Dancing across her clouded eyes.

"Happy birthday Baby Girl,
Welcome to this world."

The surprising hint of a smile
Plays across her pink lips...

And now...

I can't help but to allow
My own eyes to cloud
With bittersweet rain
At such a remarkable thing.

The wonder of a brand new life,
A work of absolute perfection,
Does wonders for a soul
In need of healing.

"Thank you God, for healing me."


60370, Thank you, sweet
Posted by lunaeco, Sun Sep-17-06 08:00 AM
Good grief, you'll make me cry, and that's very easy.
What a gorgeous poem and what a way to express and compare grief and pain and all these wonders.

I wish I'd read this last year, 5 years ago, other times when I needed to relate life and pain and death and found a prayer like this to express some of what I felt. THank You.

"The wonder of a brand new life,
A work of absolute perfection,
Does wonders for a soul
In need of healing."
60433, RE: Thank you, sweet
Posted by Amai_1, Mon Sep-18-06 11:46 PM
Thank you Lunaeco - this was important to me. I'm not sure if you read my preceeding poem titled "I Need..." but this was kind of an answer to that one.

It was such a beautiful experience and it really did begin my healing process. I still have my days but I can always look back to that moment and remember that life is too precious to waste it by being upset so much. I know that it's going to take more of these experiences and other things in order to fully heal...but that's why I titled it "Part 1"

:) I'm so glad you enjoyed it, thank you for taking the time to read it and respond.
60888, up nm
Posted by mindful, Wed Oct-04-06 06:18 PM

Pinwheels and HulaHoops|the book
http://msmind.blogspot.com|the life

La magie, est dans ses yeux.
le prodige est dans son âme.
61052, RE: up nm
Posted by Amai_1, Tue Oct-10-06 04:45 PM
thanks for the love Mindful :)
61066, RE: Healing: Part I
Posted by tonka truck, Wed Oct-11-06 08:27 AM
honestly this was str bull
dung press down on all 4's

good lord sarcasticly speaking
61181, RE: Healing: Part I
Posted by Amai_1, Sat Oct-14-06 12:50 PM
Thanks for the hate

It's all love in the end, sucka