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Topic subjectlaid back in a hammock for weeks
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=58909&mesg_id=58909
58909, laid back in a hammock for weeks
Posted by Lincoln Hawk, Fri Jul-28-06 08:10 PM
fact of the matter
i be Joe Cool
crack a straw in a camels back
drink a gallon of water
Get Grown that fucka Frak
the stone to hustlers crack
i mean real physical
tough leather in general
thirst quenchin ya schedule
its class in session
cop a flask and weed blessin
dissolve some mental tension
evolve like cock erection
and explore the safe passages
floor to face canvases
core to base scavangers
we all dig deep pockets
and stall to speak proper
on call to be imposters
yall flaws is Jeeeez walkin
softly on broken glass
thats hopes in tokin ad's
afloat but foldin fast
exposed to chosen paths
eyes froze paralyzed collide close
deny them sly crows
but why then "i suppose"
im still a beast
laid back in a hammock for weeks
H back goin bananas in streaks
and yes the hammer is leashed
but dont risk it
i flow briscuit
bar-b-que beef fisted
starve and move lean bizness
its common knowledge
i prose to potter scholars
the grove is gardened dollars
thats madison square
high chair feedin these cats
this evening with Frak
you get the new meaning of sac
thats big balls
gorilla godzilla lined pillar and all
signed filter withdraw
my autograph is that awesome math
stoned and tell joss to get off my nads
ya dig it!!!