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Topic subjectin the absence of love...
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57879, in the absence of love...
Posted by ASIEM, Mon Jun-12-06 01:49 AM
i was born a man
in time when boy was still
a rank below earned merit

raised to conquer
self made prisons
fear rejected the demon
in the mirror
at last free behind
drug induced states
i lasted till
seasons changed
torment into a painful
hope lifted in admission

never alone
i give away
what i kept sacred
daily another life
falls and rises
talkin heads
find serene beginnings

an element
no longer a mystery
i use as yet another tool
carving a slow smile
across the devide
between i and others
looking for something
to hold to feel to last
till rage turns and is
no more a comfort
in the absence
of love...

"keep pennin till the earth birth's your rightful seed then nurture it wit more ink..."
"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
(Be and it is)
" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder
58007, *nodding head in appreciation*
Posted by southqueens, Sun Jun-18-06 07:50 PM
60534, RE: *nodding head in appreciation*
Posted by ASIEM, Sat Sep-23-06 02:58 PM
thanks for peepin in

"keep pennin till the earth birth's your rightful seed then nurture it wit more ink..."
"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
(Be and it is)
" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder
60547, this is stunningly beautiful
Posted by ms mimi diva, Sat Sep-23-06 05:20 PM
So many lines here, but notably...

"never alone
i give away
what i kept sacred
daily another life
falls and rises
talkin heads
find serene beginnings"

Love the idea of release of what was sacred....


"an element
no longer a mystery
i use as yet another tool
carving a slow smile
across the devide
between i and others
looking for something
to hold to feel to last
till rage turns and is
no more a comfort
in the absence
of love..."

The idea of healing the division between us and others...

well done.
63966, RE: this is stunningly beautiful
Posted by ASIEM, Tue Feb-13-07 08:32 PM
thank you truly mimi
sometimes i think what is best in us get's lost or at least misplaced

"in the absence of love"

"keep pennin till the earth birth's your rightful seed then nurture it wit more ink..."
"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
(Be and it is)
" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder
64007, mmmmmmm....
Posted by invisible ink, Wed Feb-14-07 03:50 PM
one day we gonna have to link up so i can sketch the face that writes the verbs and nouns so eloquently...u had me right here:

i was born a man
in time when boy was still
a rank below earned merit

this is going to be a classic...miss k
64149, RE: mmmmmmm....
Posted by ASIEM, Fri Feb-16-07 07:10 AM
wow thanks invisible
the pen wrote this One
na mean?
oh and yeh i welcome the opportunity

"keep pennin till the earth birth's your rightful seed then nurture it wit more ink..."
"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
(Be and it is)
" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder
64013, RE: in the absence of love...
Posted by Nowachaoticthing, Wed Feb-14-07 04:00 PM
The depth of this is simply stunning. Every time I read it, I observe new things i hadn't seen before.

"To be a poet is a condition, not a profession."
- Robert Frost

My crappy blog: http://www.livejournal.com/users/eyes_of_mine/

Blind Eye Turning: My book

My other crappy blog:
64150, RE: in the absence of love...
Posted by ASIEM, Fri Feb-16-07 07:12 AM
Nowachaoticthing that means alot thank you

"keep pennin till the earth birth's your rightful seed then nurture it wit more ink..."
"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
(Be and it is)
" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder
64064, An IN~DENTION In My Heart ...
Posted by PhotoSynthesis, Thu Feb-15-07 10:14 AM
Right here:

>carving a slow smile
>across the divide
>between i and others
>looking for something
>to hold to feel to last
>till rage turns and is
>no more a comfort
>in the absence
>of love...

Actually -- the whole flow was a waterfall of emotion! -- *Felt*

64213, RE: in the absence of love...
Posted by omo_oba, Sat Feb-17-07 10:14 AM

the desperation is this stanza is intense and so real.

>raised to conquer
>self made prisons
>fear rejected the demon
>in the mirror
>at last free behind
>drug induced states
>i lasted till
>seasons changed
>torment into a painful
>hope lifted in admission

and ...

> an element
>no longer a mystery
>i use as yet another tool
>carving a slow smile
>across the devide
>between i and others
>looking for something
>to hold to feel to last
>till rage turns and is
>no more a comfort
>in the absence
>of love...

then i love the bittersweet culmination of the end. its not a disney-fied love for all ending, but something that can't help but force a smile on this reader.

excited to be back cause i know theres a lot more where this came from. can't wait to read more

>"keep pennin till the earth birth's your rightful seed then
>nurture it wit more ink..."
>"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
>(Be and it is)
>" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in
>love is fair" Stevie Wonder
64215, RE: in the absence of love...
Posted by freedomfighter, Sat Feb-17-07 10:27 AM
don't understand
how can there be an absence of love
when the lord of host always holds you close
resting in your chest

clear things up will yeah i'm dumb?

Freeworld Order
Dangurus Mines
64232, i guess this is a question so...
Posted by ASIEM, Sat Feb-17-07 05:19 PM
never wanting to take away from interpretation I will ask this.
your name is freedomfighter what are you fighting for/against?

"keep pennin till the earth birth's your rightful seed then nurture it wit more ink..."
"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
(Be and it is)
" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder