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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjectRE: I don't care what you say or what I say
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=88061&mesg_id=89163
89163, RE: I don't care what you say or what I say
Posted by dragontales, Mon Jul-11-11 05:28 PM
true indeed you are a winner
but what did you win and i was not competing
so who did you go up against?

well i guess opposites don't attract
and if you don't enjoy or disapprove of people who smoke weed
might tis well erase half the people from off the face of the world

but in all honesty i enjoy the years here but lately
things are getting complicated and personal uncomfortable
because you dwell on my life instead of what we both came here to do and that is write and release emotions reread what we wrote and grow
well at least i do

both of you have a good night and if i'm not here tomorrow have a good day

drop the ad-libs