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Topic subjectA re-post Journey Thru My Green Mile
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83528, A re-post Journey Thru My Green Mile
Posted by ASIEM, Mon Nov-23-09 09:07 PM
Charter Member
1554 posts Feb-04-05, 00:37 AM (EST)

"journey thru my green mile"

LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-05 AT 01:02 AM (EST)

she gasped for air
i was there
she paced until her lungs
pushed forth a loud
burst as she cried
silently for another
wisp of oxygen!
i wondered how could i help?
i lay there anticipating, waiting
even hesitating. locked in the grip
of a powerless appeal to my own
inability to feel,
to trust, to own up
to what is out of my hands...
i just want the pain
to stop. i wanna help, i wanna
cry louder than i did as an infant.
i wanna thrust my breath into her
and make her know how
much i really Love what she is to me,
has made me, and stop
the madness that permeates between us...
i can't. her breath grows weary.
i grow weary in desperation,
i don't want you to leave,
i don't want to lose you,
i wanna help you someway,
but how?
how do i relive the past
for each of us and take away the memories ?
there lies our pain, waiting to find
resentments, torments, trilogies of fear, awaiting
our bitter ends to meet again in
argument; after disagreement reaches
another pinnacle point of no return.
now, i gasp for air, cause i am the enemy
i should revere you more, respect you more,
love you more, still i fight for
acceptance, understanding at the selfishness
that has raptured me and keeps me restrained
from loving long enough to last thru the pain...
air, we need to breath fresh air. we need to
feel fresh things. we need to love all over again...
i am tormented by you being old enough to raise
me all over again and i still bask in juvenile feelings
looking for someone to excuse me from the pain i caused...
take this appeal and let us live in harmony before....
the journey thru my green mile ends.

"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
(Be and it is)
" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder