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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjectCool Cee Brown is here. Let the pimpery commence.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=70536&mesg_id=76143
76143, Cool Cee Brown is here. Let the pimpery commence.
Posted by Black Broadway, Fri Aug-08-08 03:54 PM
My name is Cool Cee Brown and I am an emcee/writer/blogger. And I possess the dubious distinction of being a native of the nation's capital, the only major city in the United States to have never produced a platinum rapper.

Of course, there's Wale now. And we're all very proud and hoping his album does well.

And now my poetic offering:

"I need some room to beathe, gimmie some room please.
I need to feel the Cancun breeze with Four Season room keys.
You think I'm playin? I will soon leave
Y'all in the dust by airplane, train or bus
Before my forehead veins go bust.
I'm tryin'na work around my problems like the vein in a dutch."

I am also one half of the legendary DC rap duo, Dirty Water, and the co-CEO of Black Broadway Records. I'm new to okayplayer. but I'm going to start contributing regularly. Hoping to get some positive feedback.
