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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjectThe arm and the leg it will cost you to step up here....
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=75626&mesg_id=75626
75626, The arm and the leg it will cost you to step up here....
Posted by PG, Tue Jul-08-08 02:26 PM
I gotta spit in the style of best kept holstered
Cause sample wise it won‘t be some let alone most cleared
I’m cutting invitations to trample highs like swinging the wax sword of Damocles
Demanding attention like shit to dam fool flies *grabs nuts and says you can’t handle these ~ shit*
Fuck writs I kick wits too sick ‘n quick kids twitch in fits and take gut wrenching hits like three bottles of analgesic
If I spit I spit lines clean like turpentine
We call it field surgery to all you candy stripers putting in work and time….