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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjectRE: still learning
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=67645&mesg_id=67693
67693, RE: still learning
Posted by tonka truck, Tue Apr-24-07 05:25 PM
i don't know
picking guitar picking vibes
make me feel alive to fight against machines hives
spread across i'm lost in america
do i need to pack knifes
or produce dj clue K contrustions
wrestling tree of life jacob angels come and go contusions
2yk left pyro cairo cross burns to ashes
wheres the masses faith the man or wood
black or white hoods
democracy ain't no good
why you provoke mason goat gloat on

still learning
me to feeling the deep connection with the earth element?
grounded corner stone foundation roots

you get it A-

but i ain't your hero

The End - To Everybody