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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjectYesayah/Gmsk.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=63488&mesg_id=63488
63488, Yesayah/Gmsk.
Posted by Solomonchild, Tue Jan-30-07 03:58 PM
The Reflexion of Mother Nature

As women we work hard
From sun up to sun down
We work hard!
We've raised the children
We take care of the home
... and the husband
we work hard

But still ladies,
On earth there is more...
Reach within!
Take your creative skills!
And start a small business...
But don't put your faith
In just getting a job
If you can, go for a career instead
And while you are smiling,
Collect your well earned bread

Ladies, you are smart!
The mother of the earth
Within, there's no limit...no barriers
Forget just getting a job
Be great! Shoot for more...

Having a degree is very good
But if you have "native intelligence"
Everyone will want to walk in your shoes...
For you are WOMAN
Go ahead,
grab your bag,
Grab the lipstick
Fix the hair!
Be great!

You are a soldier woman!
