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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjectNostalgic
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=63318&mesg_id=63318
63318, Nostalgic
Posted by empro, Tue Jan-23-07 06:12 AM
In his mind is where she lives
In reality she forgets, but never forgives

Wanting so desperately what was
But will never be
26 years of lies, yet their still connected legally
Beginning to wonder will they ever be free

Secretly writing letters on yellow colored sheets
Deep within this family there have been too many incompletes
A house not made into a home
While she's on the phone he roams
Slowly growing not knowing she would become one of the worlds greatest spy's
Discovering and uncovering betrayal but she continues to still stay
My eyes see her as frail
Stray away is all I can do
This is not about me
But him and you

A house of 4 has been cut down to only 2
There is no emotion
No devotion
No romance
Just plenty of trouble with finance

I don't even wish things could be the same anymore
Since it's all based on lies anyway
We look just alike
Yet when you stare at my face you have nothing to say
Everything is so uncertain
But before God lowers the curtain...
I hope and pray that things just might be okay.