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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjectfinite
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=63119&mesg_id=63119
63119, finite
Posted by marijane, Sat Jan-13-07 09:45 PM
It's like rain on your wedding day...

That's what I'd say if we'd gotten that far
the ironies had babies
we sat in silence
loving the akward space
peeling at the air
aching for rememberence of bliss
moments past
the sheets were still rustled
her name fresh on his lips
his skin newley embedded in hernails
without erotica
this was the end of an era

the peace that calms the dying
blew ferry dust over their last kiss
eyes turned keys of destiny and
she knew
he pretended he didn't
as she didn't turn back
and he didn't wait
driving off
she smiled

I smiled
knowing i hadn't lost
wishing I had won

in secret symposiums
with sweetened symphonies
and hip-hop hearts
you know who you are
my inspiration
I'll always love you.