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Forum nameFreestyle Board
Topic subjectthe state of things seen
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=7&topic_id=56477&mesg_id=56477
56477, the state of things seen
Posted by ASIEM, Mon May-08-06 01:45 AM
trippin i stay here looking for mornin
to come find it's way into
my mind make connection
wit my feet and get the nerve to leave
but here i lay another night
looking up from underneath this
self imposed prison
stuck like crack paralysis
can't move my lips won't part...
eyes racin looking for
someway to exit, somehow feel
kill the numbness and be real
well the thought lasted long enough
to write the memory
a paradox i am lying
a confession i won't tell
to anyone so i'll make believe
i am understood while i talk to you
(ponder that)

i speak in tongues twisted fates
rob graves enemies hate
lovers wait making love
in RAGE and tempers fly
while babies cry...there are no new
beginnings just ends to means
and bottom line figures scream
for more, money, more, time,
more twelve step programs to reach lost souls
nobody hears the laughter anymore
nobody see's visions from tablets
written long ago
shattered dreams make headlines
and War is the only way for PEACE...
another Paradox planted
deep in cerebral places
dark corners, hidden faces without meaning
purpose or position just lingering
for the right moment to explode
and kill innocence in bystanders
(again... ponder that)

still the heart of art will last
by anymeans and rewrite THE STORY of BEING...

"keep pennin till the earth birth's your rightful seed then nurture it wit more ink..."
"Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran
(Be and it is)
" A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder