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Forum name | Pass The Popcorn |
Topic subject | Rebel Ridge (Saulnier, 2024) |
Topic URL | http://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=750850 |
750850, Rebel Ridge (Saulnier, 2024) Posted by navajo joe, Sat Sep-14-24 07:25 AM
aka Black Reacher
I mostly enjoyed this. Aaron Pierre and Don Johnson are great in it and whenever they're in a scene together the movie hits an extra gear.
It's overlong by like an easy 20 minutes and Saulnier works a little too hard to subvert genre expectations. This could have been a TNT Dad movie classic and everything I wanted and didn't get from McQuarrie's Jack Reacher. But it's not quite there and that's due largely to pacing issues. It's good and has great elements but to have an actor with he physicality and presence of Pierre playing a human weapon and not unleash him is somewhat frustrating. I mean, I love genre subversion as and undercutting of violence as a narrative solution as much as the next guy etc buuuuuut....spoiler in next post
750851, Spoiler Posted by navajo joe, Sat Sep-14-24 07:34 AM
I very much wanted that nigga to go full Dorner on them cops
750852, RE: Spoiler Posted by cp900, Sat Sep-14-24 08:00 AM
>I very much wanted that nigga to go full Dorner on them cops
Hard agree.
750860, yeah, not sure why I expected otherwise. Posted by Nopayne, Mon Sep-16-24 12:57 PM
The convenient stash of beanbag rounds and smoke bombs made me roll my eyes but it's fine. I doubt this movie would have been released if he was taking out cops left and right.
750861, Saulnier definitely took out some cops in his previous film... Posted by Frank Mackey, Mon Sep-16-24 03:59 PM
Hold The Dark has one of my favorite shoot out scenes
750862, oh cool I didn't know he did that, I'll check it out. Posted by Nopayne, Tue Sep-17-24 12:19 PM
I thought Green Room was great and I remember liking Blue Ruin as well.
750870, Spoiler Posted by BurbKnight, Fri Sep-20-24 11:53 PM
I did want a full on Kill Bill like movie, after he was first pulled over.