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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectTransformers One (Josh Cooley, 2024)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=750845
750845, Transformers One (Josh Cooley, 2024)
Posted by bwood, Wed Sep-11-24 05:37 AM
Saw this shit last night in 3D.

This shit is a lot of fun and hella entertaining. Sure, the story is familiar. Sure, the first twenty minutes is whatever. But, when this thing takes off... it fucking rules.

This has better character development and set-pieces than most blockbusters that dropped during the summer.

See it in 3D.

Can't wait to see this in 4DX or IMAX 3D.

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a09yJU-mCI
750855, Saw this shit 3D again last night...
Posted by bwood, Sun Sep-15-24 09:59 AM
Yeah this goes hard.

Hands down the best Transformers movie yet. Itching to see it in 4DX.

Megatron is right.
750867, Yo see this in 4DX 3D!!!
Posted by bwood, Fri Sep-20-24 02:43 PM
Holy shit what an experience!!!
750871, Saw this yesterday with my wife and kids
Posted by calij81, Sun Sep-22-24 10:31 AM
We all loved it. I highly recommend seeing it.