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Topic subjectUsher: Rendezvous In Paris (Anthony Mandler, 2024) - vibe.com swipe
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750751, Usher: Rendezvous In Paris (Anthony Mandler, 2024) - vibe.com swipe
Posted by c71, Tue Aug-06-24 11:39 AM
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Usher Shares Epic ‘Rendezvous In Paris’ Concert Film Trailer

The film features chart-topping hits including "Yeah!," "My Boo," "Love In This Club," and more.


AUGUST 6, 2024

Become the “voyeur” of Usher‘s mind with the official trailer for his upcoming concert film.

Usher: Rendezvous In Paris goes inside the R&B singer’s acclaimed performance in the City of Lights. Captured during Paris Fashion Week at La Seine Musicale, the film features chart-topping hits including “Yeah!,” “My Boo,” “Love In This Club,” and more.

The concert features never-before-seen costumes, state-of-the-art lighting, and additional special effects. On-screen, the film takes fans off-stage, giving a glimpse into the 45-year-old’s lifestyle.

“Paris was a special experience for me as an entertainer and for my fans,” detailed the 2024 BET Lifetime Achievement Award honoree in a statement. “I hope those who weren’t able to make it in person get to experience how special it was. As for those of you who were, I hope you experience the show and see what it takes to get there through a different lens.”

Usher: Rendezvous In Paris will screen in 2,000 cinemas worldwide, including approximately 1,000 cinemas in the United States. The film will play at AMC and ODEON locations, and many other locations globally. It will be released in the U.S. and globally by Trafalgar Releasing, in partnership with AMC Theatres Distribution.

“For 30 years USHER has captivated and entertained audiences through his music and concerts,” explained Adam Aron, Chairman, and CEO, of AMC Theatres.

“Just a few months ago, he drew rave reviews for his stunning performance in front of 129 million people during the Super Bowl Half Time Show. Bringing his unparalleled concert experience to movie theatres for his fans around the world is a perfect fit for AMC Theatres Distribution.”

Usher: Rendezvous In Paris is directed by Anthony Mandler. It is a production of Arcovision, Kingdom Films, and Laffitte Group Productions, and is produced by Anthony Mandler, Usher Raymond, and Ron Laffitte. Executive Producers include Aakomon Jones, Angelo Gopee, and Kwesi Collisson. Executive Producers for Sony Music are Tom Mackay, Richard Story, and Krista Wegener.

Tickets are now on sale at the official website for showings between September 12 – 15. Take a look at the trailer for Usher: Rendezvous In Paris above.