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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectI loved it. They gotta keep more seasons coming
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=750709&mesg_id=750744
750744, I loved it. They gotta keep more seasons coming
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Mon Aug-05-24 07:32 PM
I liked that it was cemented in a 1940s world and felt more like detective noir. The pacing was fun, not too fast or too slow.

Its episodic nature with a slight overall arch was an excellent way to build the world. Flipping genders on the Pengiun was fun; my hope for the next season is an enormous overall arch for the story with more growth for Bruce, Barbara, and Jim.

Clayface and the Ghost were standout episodes for me. Catwoman was fun, and I hope to see more of her in future seasons.

The bottom line is that this is what DC animation should be, not the abomination that was Justice League Crisis on Multiple Earths.