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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectI'm a fan: SPOILER ALERT
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=750709&mesg_id=750743
750743, I'm a fan: SPOILER ALERT
Posted by Beamer6178, Mon Aug-05-24 02:40 PM
Character arcs are more compelling.

I like Barbara being a public defender, she sits at the intersection of "crime," punishment, and injustice. Isn't just an idealistic teenager who's bored, has philosophical leanings that make her an interesting potential partner of Bruce. Like that Harley is her own woman, not just a Joker derivative, and enjoyed her sessions with Bruce. I'm guessing she'll figure out who he is over time.

I like the realistic aspect of three women with all these damn men around finding kinship and camraderie with each other.

Dent was good too, but goddamn they love to kill that nigga lol. Granted, it was much better than how they did it in The Dark Knight but that character could have had legs, especially since characters can kill and be killed.

Lucius Fox a lawyer??? I like but I'm wondering how many people he has in his circle who can look out. I feel like Tompkins may know who he is, but can't really see anyone else who knows right now.

His relationship with Alfred is most interesting. Was WAITING for him to call him by his first name lol. Still not sure exactly how old Bruce is supposed to be but there is a lot of good backstory to explore their relationship and his evolution.

They can get a lot of mileage out of this.