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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectVery disappointing but still has its moments. 1 thing going forward:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=750575&mesg_id=750624
750624, Very disappointing but still has its moments. 1 thing going forward:
Posted by khn, Tue Jul-09-24 02:30 PM
Get the Faks the fuck out of the paint. As occasional comic relief before, they worked ok. This season showed it really shouldn't ever really go further than that. I took it as a queue to tune out when any episode regrettably cut to them doing their frick and frack thing - and it felt like that happened a lot. A lot a lot. I really don't care about Matty Matheson the celebrity chef, so him yucking it up is pretty blah in general, and not really acceptable when that screen time could be going to literally any other of the awesome stable of characters they have.