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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectThe problem with that is if fan service is done poorly then even the
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=750192&mesg_id=750772
750772, The problem with that is if fan service is done poorly then even the
Posted by soulfunk, Fri Aug-16-24 11:53 AM
die-hards won’t like it, because they still want a good story and poor fan service breaks the immersion of whatever that universe is.

Using a Star Wars example, specifically Rogue One, Darth Vader in the hallway going ham was fan service done WELL. Definitely something that all fans want to see and even non-fans likely enjoyed.

“Medium level” fan service would be 3PO and R2’s cameo. Clearly fan service, but makes sense and fits in terms of the universe that they would be at that base. They were on Leia’s ship at the beginning of A New Hope so them being at the rebel base definitely makes sense. For some folks though (fans included) it was too much of a wink to the camera.

Bad fan service in Star Wars would be something like Palpatine’s return in Rise of Skywalker. They didn’t have the story planned out, realized they didn’t have a villain for the last movie, and decided to play the hits with “Somehow Palpatine Returned.” Fans hated that as it took away from his death and Anakin/Luke’s victory in Jedi. And there was zero setup of this I. The first two sequels. A less clear example might be some of the wink moments in the Mandalorian.