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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectX-Men '97
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=750003
750003, X-Men '97
Posted by bwood, Thu Feb-15-24 08:58 PM

It's finally dropping!!! Hope it's good!
750004, Same mediocre animation and bad b-movie voice acting? Hard pass.
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Feb-15-24 11:07 PM
This will appeal to the people who populate hacky nostalgia social media pages where everyone felates the decade in which they were born.

This is a cheap fix for nostalgia junkies and it will probably do well because of it. But the OG didn’t age well at all IMO and getting more of the same is a disappointment.

750008, It really didn't age well lol. Tons of opportunities for improvement.
Posted by khn, Fri Feb-16-24 12:45 PM
I think the things that it did effectively, that are enduring, can easily be carried over - the character design and the overall aesthetic (imo).

More polished animation and better voice acting - and maybe even taking advantage of some of the better X-stories that have been told in the last 30 years or so* - and this could be a worthwhile endeavor indeed.

* - Admittedly, I can think of maybe 10 that are legitimately really good lol. Still, that's a season worth of content!
750009, I was hoping they'd follow the What If design or SpiderVerse
Posted by Lach, Fri Feb-16-24 01:33 PM
ah this will end up being something I just stream in the background while working
750010, The animation didn't age well, but the stories mostly did
Posted by pretentious username, Fri Feb-16-24 02:08 PM
The exceptions being the filler episodes Fox Kids made them do. And the animation was a budget issue. This looks like an improvement on that front.
750021, They told surprisingly mature stories. That part holds up.
Posted by Cold Truth, Sun Feb-18-24 08:10 PM
>The exceptions being the filler episodes Fox Kids made them
>do. And the animation was a budget issue. This looks like an
>improvement on that front.

They improved, but minimally IMO. They didn’t make any real leaps forward.

It’s essentially an HD remake using the same general presentation. I could probably overlook the dated animation style if they didn’t go with the same bad voice acting style.

IMO the only reason it’s getting praise is the nostalgia factor.

If that series never existed and they put this out today, with those stylistic choices, it would receive a “wtf is this bullshit” reaction.
750022, The stories holding up is a huge part of what drives the nostalgia
Posted by pretentious username, Sun Feb-18-24 10:38 PM

>IMO the only reason it’s getting praise is the nostalgia

If we were talking about Power Rangers or Care Bears, I’d agree. But when people are nostalgic about this show they’re not just talking about how fun they thought it was when they were 6. They talk about the maturity of the stories, the compelling cast of characters, and the great character designs. That’s not just surface level stuff that a lot of nostalgia is.
750023, I’m talking specifically about the aesthetic choices
Posted by Cold Truth, Mon Feb-19-24 12:02 AM
You put out a high profile show like this today with these aesthetics and it would get savaged for it.

They could have continued the series with modern audio and visual aesthetics rather than simply spit shining the old one.

What we got isn’t very good and quality story telling will not override the poor aesthetic choices for me. It’s like great lyrical MC’s with terrible voices and odd delivery, over cliched beats. I don’t care how deep those bars are if it sounds like shit.

This is no different.
750011, Idk, I thought that looked sick
Posted by Tiger Woods, Fri Feb-16-24 07:29 PM
Gambit charging Wolverine’s claws and Magneto’s appearance at the end of the trailer were both sweet af
750014, I'm with you
Posted by bwood, Sat Feb-17-24 09:04 AM
Rewatching the show now. Outside of the dialogue (it's a kids show), this holds up. The storytelling is great, the characters are better than any of the fucking movies, and the action is dope
750019, the 90s show is great. idk what CT talking about
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Feb-18-24 06:27 PM
im about halfway through the 3rd season on my rewatch. is it campy and corny at times? yeah but it's a 90s kids show. they all were.
750020, It’s weird to say you don’t know what I’m talking about, but say what it is
Posted by Cold Truth, Sun Feb-18-24 08:04 PM
Not only do you know what I’m talking about, you even agree with me to a point.

>im about halfway through the 3rd season on my rewatch. is it
>campy and corny at times? yeah but it's a 90s kids show. they
>all were.

Yes, they were. They were great at the time- especially for a kid.

But it doesn’t hold up to anything but nostalgia.

As you said: It’s campy and corny. And rather than improve in that, they gave us a *slightly* better version of that same camp and corn. It looks, feels, and sounds dated.

Which is fine. People love nostalgia.

Obviously most people still love whatever it was they came up on and this will appeal to them. That doesn’t mean it’s above or beyond criticism.
750157, it hasn't even premiered yet and you're already trashing it
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Thu Mar-14-24 11:07 PM
>As you said: It’s campy and corny. And rather than improve
>in that, they gave us a *slightly* better version of that same
>camp and corn. It looks, feels, and sounds dated.
>Which is fine. People love nostalgia.
>Obviously most people still love whatever it was they came up
>on and this will appeal to them. That doesn’t mean it’s
>above or beyond criticism.

it hasn't premiered yet!
750159, Everything I’ve addressed is readily observable in the trailer and clips
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Mar-14-24 11:43 PM
I also watched the original series in real time, and recently went back to it.

I don’t need an entire ep of this one to see the animation style and hear the voice acting choices.

So what are you talking about exactly?
750160, Cold Truth: Reviews of Future Past
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Fri Mar-15-24 01:40 AM
>So what are you talking about exactly?

A person trashing a show that hasn't premiered yet.

750165, Do you think the vocal and visual choices will change when the show drops?
Posted by Cold Truth, Fri Mar-15-24 09:11 AM
>A person trashing a show that hasn't premiered yet.

Do you think the trailer featured vocal and visual choices that aren’t actually going to be used in the show?

It’s a simple yes or no question.

Trailers can be deceiving, but that’s typically with characters and scenes.

Perhaps it’s common practice, but I can’t recall any shows or movies where the voice acting and animation style is completely different from the one in a trailer that’s released a month before it drops.

So, do you expect them to have completely different voice acting and animation style than what they show in the trailer?

A simple yes or no will do.
750168, Geez bub, keep buzzing in my ear
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Sat Mar-16-24 11:34 PM
750169, You replied to me. Anyhow, we both know the answer is “no”
Posted by Cold Truth, Sun Mar-17-24 01:56 AM
I love when people chime in all incredulous and suddenly shy away from the discussion once you show them they never had a point to begin with.

The voice acting and animation are right there in the trailer. Nobody needs 30 minutes of those same choice to know they don’t like them.

100% of the buzzing here came from you and your inability to accept that everyone isn’t as excited for this as you.
750175, bzzzzz-bzzzz-bzzz-bzzz-bzzz
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Mar-19-24 01:48 AM

750178, Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Mar-19-24 08:46 AM
it’s sad how hard it is for you to admit you were wrong even on trivial shit, and would rather turn a post about a show you seem to be excited for into this bullshit.
750185, bzzzzzzz-bzzzzzzz-bzzz-bzzz-bzzz
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Mar-19-24 07:05 PM
750186, You do realize you’re plugging ear ears and stomping your feet, right?
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Mar-19-24 07:30 PM
That’s the literal equivalent of what you’re doing

Rather than admit you didn’t really have a valid point or just move along, you’re doing this.

I’m perfectly fine with replying while you have your weird little tantrum over badly outdated voice acting and animation.
750196, *Magneto helmet*
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Wed Mar-20-24 07:41 PM
750197, It’s much, much more like a MAGA hat
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Mar-20-24 08:59 PM
750209, Make Arakko Great Again
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Sat Mar-23-24 12:42 AM
750210, Nah. You’re definitely on the Donald Trump, red hat brand
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Mar-23-24 01:03 AM
Like them, you ran in with your chest out, loud and wrong as fuck, and the second someone showed you exactly how and why, you turned into a child, holding your ears and all.

750035, Iono about y'all but I'm here for it.
Posted by spades, Wed Feb-21-24 12:28 PM
Looks good to me. This iteration of X-men was second only to Batman TAS in terms of quality for me.
750161, Gambit rocking a durag
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Fri Mar-15-24 02:11 AM
Remy got some Creole mixed in that Cajun heritage - LOL
750176, I started rewatching the original in preperation for the
Posted by Adwhizz, Tue Mar-19-24 05:48 AM
first time since it originally aired.

And yea the animation and acting has aged, but It still had pretty intense action and storylines for a "kids" cartoon from the 90s

looking forward to the new eps, from the trailer the animation is updated and improved from the original show.

Also like the "97" concept where it's picking up right where the last season ended

I'm just waiting to hear that "Previously on X-Men..."
750188, First two episodes are great.
Posted by bwood, Wed Mar-20-24 10:30 AM
Gonna wait on the rest of the season to air as I rather binge this than watch weekly.

With that said, I don't need live-action X-Men in the MCU. This scratches that itch. If it's good, cool. If not, I'll have this show.
750194, Refresher course of the whole series
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Mar-20-24 01:59 PM
750195, Good start
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Wed Mar-20-24 04:22 PM
I can't remember if the original was so dramatic, but I was a middle school/high school kid then, so I probably didn't notice the action. I appreciate they are going with some major comic storylines, and I agree with Bwood; if they can make animated content as good as this show and be consistent, then we don't need live-action X-Men.

Also glad they got rid of Bishop's mullet and gave him a taper
750207, They been playing on Bishop’s head his whole life.
Posted by JFrost1117, Fri Mar-22-24 09:16 PM
This cut is about the best look besides him being completely bald.
750208, the original was every bit as dramatic.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Mar-22-24 11:19 PM
i've been rewatching it over the last year and they absolutely nailed it. Magneto taking them folks for a ride sealed it for me this is going to be excellent.
750241, Episode 3: Madeline, you ignorant slut
Posted by JFrost1117, Fri Mar-29-24 04:43 PM
Points to not take too seriously:

-Were all of these storylines blended together in the comics? It feels like they’re rushing.
-I see they’re going to use Morph as the fan service machine. I was watching at work and really thought they quietly brought Magik on a mission.

When D-plus content is this good, I want to consume it all at once instead of waiting weekly.
750242, they speedran this plotline but they hit the highlights well
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Mar-29-24 07:59 PM
in the old show this probably would've been 2 or 3 episodes but now people would cry about how slow the pacing is

also Goblin Queen was absolutely smoking!

her look and fight scene actually reminded me of the Castlevania Netflix show

so far im very pleased by this. i could honestly do w/o Xmen movies if they just keep running this for a few seasons. I have always thought whenever they get to Xmen that should be D+/Hulu's attempt at a Game of Thrones level prestige show. Xmen needs to be long form.
750254, Episode 4: Mojo Oh No!
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Thu Apr-04-24 04:19 PM
It is a mid-episode, to be honest. I had fun with the traveling through the video games, but overall, it was meh.

I do have to say I enjoy how quickly-paced the episodes are; it makes it more enjoyable to watch.

Oro and Forge's story was meh, too, but it looks like it's leading up to possibly Vampire Storm?, Which should be fun.

This made me think of the old PrepTimePosse Blogspot page When I wrote a shameful two-part article on Storm's love life (I was only 25 then, so please forgive me!) and chuckle a bit.

The show is still fun, and I'll keep watching until it's finished.
750256, RE: Episode 4: Mojo Oh No!
Posted by JFrost1117, Fri Apr-05-24 11:46 AM
If Trump fed off of (caring about) ratings like Mojo, I don’t think he would’ve gotten through the whole 4 years.

Roberto being a puss-puss about using his powers is pissing me off.
750259, I dunno, I think Mojo would feed of Trump news
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Fri Apr-05-24 02:49 PM
Roberto need to stop fucking around and become Sunspot.

750261, this one was kinda weak but i loved the Mango Sentinel MVC reference
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Apr-06-24 09:27 PM
750292, Ep. 5: Money, Cash, Hoes
Posted by JFrost1117, Thu Apr-11-24 01:28 AM
Shit wasn’t the same after they came through and crushed the buildings.

Do they get to mention Cassandra Nova or attribute the attack to someone else?

This episode might’ve ruined my life as a child. I read the comic run much later in life where I wasn’t affected so much, but this would’ve fucked my Saturday to pieces.

Did they get completely caught off guard or was there a hypnotic element to the music?

Was Jean/Maddie’s psychic shock due to massive loss of life, or something unrelated?

Beast was about to laugh that reporter out of them drawls, but he normally fumbles that shit because he’s insecure about his pheromone powers and second guesses shit like that.
750293, INCREDIBLE EP!!!!!!!!!
Posted by KnowOne, Thu Apr-11-24 07:28 AM
I was enjoying the show but Im really all in now. This all around was just next level. It felt like a season finale. And the creator said this ep was just a warm-up, and that eps 8-10 are the REAL events. HOW SWAY!?!?! I cant wait.
750302, that was fucking fantastic
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Apr-12-24 04:33 PM
750327, EP. 6 - NEED SOME GET BACK!!!
Posted by Castro, Thu Apr-18-24 03:46 PM
As epic as episode 5 in a different way.
750332, RE: EP. 6 - Talkin’ bout the (Milky Way) ghetto
Posted by JFrost1117, Fri Apr-19-24 02:34 AM
“Can we go to where I’m from after the wedding?”
“Ew, no.”

Nice cameo from the forgotten Summers brother.

Deathbird beat the shit out of a character that Captain Marvel and the Guardians took hella long to beat.

I love that they know we know the visual vocabulary of Dr. Strange’s magic for Forge to use it with little explanation needed.

“Inferior freak fluid”?! Watch your tone, skank.

Ororo regaining her power was kinda sexy.

Sinister instead of Cassandra Nova is a smidge of a letdown.
750333, Charles went straight Boogie Down Productions on them
Posted by Castro, Fri Apr-19-24 07:04 AM
And since Deathbird showed up, maybe Bishop pops up again.
750365, Ep. 7: MJ popcorn.gif
Posted by JFrost1117, Thu Apr-25-24 07:53 PM
This shit gettin juicy, child!

Fuck your shield, old ass nigga.

Michael Patrick McGill had me excited that they were able to get William Hurt before he left us.

The Bastion/Sinister jone session was hilarious.

I be watching this shit at work so I never see Morph change and get overexcited and let down by the characters he changes into.
750379, Episode 8: Zombies errr...Sentinels attack!
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed May-01-24 08:17 PM
Wolverine and Nightcrawler was going crazy
750387, RE: Episode 8: Zombies errr...Sentinels attack!
Posted by pretentious username, Thu May-02-24 11:27 PM
I’ve loved almost everything since Episode 5. This coulda just been fan service bullshit but they are really pulling out all the stops. I even like Cyclops after the last couple episodes.
750401, Ep. 9: Yoink!
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed May-08-24 11:07 PM
Again, another episode that probably would've had me lying on the floor contemplating life, as a child.

I didn't foresee the "Fatal Attractions" events playing out from the beginning of the season, but as soon as Asteroid M popped up, I could tell.

I saw a video about Morph vs. Mystique, and just from this series, Morph is that nigga.
750402, Didn't have that on the bingo card for this season. Pretty brutal
Posted by spenzalii, Wed May-08-24 11:41 PM
Zero chance this could have been pulled off on Fox Kids, that's for sure. While the episode as a whole feels a little overstuffed as they speed run through everything to wrap it up, being at a point where this storyline can be adapted, not really watered down and give us THAT shot is nothing short of legendary.
750404, I’m kind of surprised they’re doing Onslaught
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu May-09-24 10:31 PM
I wound up watching it with my wife.

The storytelling is great as expected, but this Captain Planet ass animation style and the soapy, melodramatic dialogue and voice acting is still horrible. Magneto, Charles, and Storm are prime offenders on the dialogue/voice acting front. It is what it is.

It felt like Onslaught was the direction pretty early and the second Rogue joined Magneto, I geeked a little.

*Yes, I realize I’m definitely in the minority who actually loved the Onslaught arc.

When Xavier hit Eric with that psychic blast I thought they copped out.

But the second Logan stabbed Eric, I knew it.

I just hope they don’t pull a swerve just to pull a swerve and do some other shit though.

Now I wonder if they’re going to go allvin with X-Man and Franklin, Heroes Reborn, etc.
750412, This show is not good.
Posted by ToeJam, Tue May-14-24 09:36 PM
They may get the characters but the plotting is trash
750528, Finally finished the season.
Posted by bwood, Tue Jun-11-24 05:44 AM
I know the MCU X-Men won't be as good as this.

My only complaint is that for ten episodes they did A LOT. I really wish that they saved some of this for season two.
750532, RE: Finally finished the season.
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Jun-12-24 12:33 AM
>I know the MCU X-Men won't be as good as this.

I wanna allow myself to be wowed and amazed, but yeah, I'm sure it's gonna take a minute for the quality to match, if it ever does.