750444, Thunderdome to Fury Road's Road Warrior (with less quality gap) Posted by stylez dainty, Sat May-25-24 11:43 PM
Slowed things down and got into wasteland politics. Enjoyed it a lot. Not the adrenaline shot of Fury Road, but plenty of emotion and personality. The action set pieces were sort of Spielberg-ish, unfolding gradually, but satisfyingly.
Effect work had some dodgy moments (a few too obvious green screens and cgi bodies flying around with weird physics) but overall looked great. Every performance was good. Towards the end it sounded like they actually dubbed Charlize's voice they were so close.
I worry word of mouth won't help this build momentum, since to me this is more like a Bladerunner 2049 type movie, where some people will really love settling into this movie's vibe, while others will think it's long and weird. Funny how solid of a franchise Mad Max has grown into five movies in.