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Topic subjectFuriosa (George Miller, 2024)
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749520, Furiosa (George Miller, 2024)
Posted by bwood, Thu Nov-30-23 06:45 PM
We're back in The Wastland baby!!!

749521, Not to be a hater but…
Posted by Tiger Woods, Thu Nov-30-23 09:34 PM
…Fury Road famously had very little CGI, and that’s clearly not the case here

God I hate CGI so much
749534, Fury Road had a lot of CGI-- it was just *good* CGI.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Dec-02-23 02:47 AM
Like, there are full digital character doubles, CGI vehicles, obviously CGI sets-- like, there are almost certainly more shots with CGI than without. It's just that there's also a lot of insane practical stuff in there too, so it's hard to tell what's what when you're caught up in the madness. Which is how CGI should be. If you're noticing the CGI, you're not making your movie correctly.

And sure, some of the CGI in this trailer looked a little too smooth, a little unfinished-- I strongly suspect the FX in this trailer are not done. George Miller has yet to release a movie in his entire career that doesn't look fantastic. I'm not worried at all.
749558, Right - it (WELL) ACTUALLY had CGI in nearly every shot
Posted by Nodima, Mon Dec-04-23 08:32 AM
Both the baseline practical stunt work and magical editing job fueled the other narrative, but Fury Road truthfully hovered at or slightly below 10% fully practical photography.

The crude nuance being that they drove so many cars, jumped around on so many rigs and lit so many fires that it's pretty uncool to point out that movie would've been a litigation bonanza if it weren't mostly a mirage. And even more cool that they made the core shots so convincing that the effects artists weren't saddled with selling every pixel of it.

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749559, Have you guys read the book?
Posted by Tiger Woods, Mon Dec-04-23 08:40 AM
750463, Yes. I own it.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu May-30-24 01:50 AM
The amount of very cool stunt work being done in the movie doesn't change how much CGI is in the movie. Per the VFX supervisor Andrew Jackson, there were 2000 visual effects shots in the movie.

And per the director of photography John Seales, "There was an enormous amount of green screen. The 40 to 45 percent of the film with the beautiful Charlize Theron and five beautiful girls in the backseat who are all involved in getting that truck to a certain point and back again is done without the truck moving. The visual effects boys built big hydraulics rams and could put the entire semi-trailer tanker onto rams and rock that thing."

Do I think Furiosa's look is occasionally more artificial than Fury Road's? Sure. And it certainly has much more CGI, I'd think, given how much longer the movie is, so maybe the budget was stretched for certain shots. But just for the record, Fury Road has a ton of CGI in it.
749533, Lot of people
Posted by navajo joe, Fri Dec-01-23 10:53 PM
would do well to go back and watch Fury Road again.
749538, YES
Posted by rdhull, Sat Dec-02-23 12:43 PM
750417, Unsurprisingly, this shit rules!!!
Posted by bwood, Wed May-15-24 07:00 PM
Look,while FURY ROAD is still the best MAD MAX tale, this shit has two of the best action sequences of the franchise.

George Miller is the king of visceral action storytelling. Only Sergio Leone comes close. The MAD MAX franchise finally gets it's epic.

Cannot wait to see this shit again on Monday and talk to George Miller afterwards.

750427, Saw it again this morning with a Q&A
Posted by bwood, Mon May-20-24 08:00 PM
This moves much faster on a rewatch. I'm convinced that this has two of the best action sequences on film.

Still like Fury Road more, but yeah I fuck with this hard.

Q&A afterwards was wild as George Miller halfway through just casually talks about how difficult Tom Hardy was on Fury Road, while how easy it was to work with everyone in this film.

Chris Hemsworth: "America has STAR WARS. Britain has HARRY POTTER. Australia has MAD MAX."

Me (in my head): "Amen"
750431, Will be seeing this at the Lincoln Center IMAX this Sunday morning.
Posted by Numba_33, Thu May-23-24 12:38 PM
I'm pretty certain I didn't watch Fury Road at the Lincoln Center IMAX last go round, but I could be wrong. Almost wished I did way back when since I actually went to another movie theater to watch Fury Road a second time because I was so impressed with the movie.

I hope all the special effects will be that much more impressive in that massive IMAX theater.
750445, Out of curiosity
Posted by Numba_33, Sun May-26-24 01:24 PM

>Q&A afterwards was wild as George Miller halfway through just
>casually talks about how difficult Tom Hardy was on Fury Road,
>while how easy it was to work with everyone in this film.

Did anyone prompt him to mention Tom Hardy? If not, it sounds as if George Miller is heavily disappointed that he won't be able to recast Tom Hardy for future Mad Max films.
750455, RE: Out of curiosity
Posted by bwood, Tue May-28-24 08:34 AM
He brought it up in the most polite, calm way possible. He said he's honestly still confused by Tom's actions.
750438, Really enjoyed this
Posted by navajo joe, Fri May-24-24 07:39 PM
It's a very different film from Fury Road and doesn't reach the heights of that film but it's still really enjoyable and really well done. This would likely be the best film any other filmmaker's filmography.

Anya Taylor-Joy was the perfect choice and makes the inane "Why did they recast Furiosa?!" handwringing even dumber in hindsight.

Action-wise, I don't think anything here touches Fury Road but the sequences are no slouch and George Miller is a master and when he stops making these it'll be a great loss. I don't think there is anyone alive making sequences on this level that are not only insane and technically perfect but serve story and develop character.

I want to highlight that Miller knows how to build out a world and a mythology without losing mystique. Something so many prequels fail to do. The world and the characters become MORE interesting not less here. It's like the opposite of Solo: A Star Wars Story. You're rewarded for having seen the other films in the series and your intelligence isn't insulted and but you're not penalized if you're not familiar with Fury Road or any of the Mad Max films that preceded it.

Everything feels organic and not like "well, we don't actually have any worthwhile stories to tell but we have this IP so let's fan fic some fill in the blank shit on a popular character"

I'd love another Furiosa film
750439, I'm in this week - but is it really "BOMBING??????"
Posted by handle, Sat May-25-24 10:45 AM

‘Furiosa’ Up In Smoke With $31M-$33M, Possibly Lowest Memorial Day Opening In 41 Years, Might Get Clawed By ‘Garfield’: How Worried Should Hollywood Be About Theatrical? – Saturday Update

I wonder if *most* movies are going to perform this way now that people pay for fast internet and multiple streaming services - that they won't prioritize spending money to go to the theatre, which can realistically run $12-22 per ticket in major cities, plus gas, parking, sodas, the un-skippable trailers, etc.
750442, Huge overreaction imo
Posted by pretentious username, Sat May-25-24 03:40 PM
As mentioned elsewhere in the article, Mad Max is not a particularly massive franchise. Even Fury Road didn’t do crazy numbers, especially Domestic.
750449, it's not...good though?
Posted by will_5198, Sun May-26-24 03:43 PM
Miller is 79 so we are on borrowed time here

although the franchise should end whenever he is no longer behind it creatively
750451, I meant using this as evidence of the death of theaters is an overreaction n/m
Posted by pretentious username, Mon May-27-24 08:45 AM
750461, A lot's changed in the last decade, though.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu May-30-24 01:40 AM
When Fury Road came out, movies weren't going to digital 3 weeks after release and they still had physical media as a viable form of post-release revenue. Now, physical media is a mere shadow of its former self, and audiences are far more prone to stay home to see a movie they know will stream less than a month away.

These days, unless you have a special deal due to some massive star or big name director throwing a fit about keeping it exclusively in theaters as long as possible, your movie realistically has 3-4 weeks to make back its budget. Occasional movies leg out, yes, but I think the new normal will be "make money immediately or panic" unless they extend the amount of time a movie is exclusively in theaters.

I certainly hope Furiosa becomes a leggy hit.... but Fury Road had a lot going for it that Furiosa really doesn't due to the current state of the industry.
750464, ^^^^^^^^
Posted by bwood, Thu May-30-24 09:02 AM
Wall Street killed shit. If it doesn't look good on a spreadsheet, then the suits don't care.

The Fall Guy hit VOD in less than two weeks. What kind of message does that send out? To audiences and filmmakers alike (even as a background extra, that has to be disheartening).

The studios are doing this to themselves. Netflix is still the biggest streamer despite still being billions in debt and consistently doling out garbage that's talked about for a day or two before everyone forgets about it.

It's scary for sure, but these people don't even give things a chance. Even Barbie was shoved to VOD pretty quickly last year when it was STILL making around 8 million a weekend.
750444, Thunderdome to Fury Road's Road Warrior (with less quality gap)
Posted by stylez dainty, Sat May-25-24 11:43 PM
Slowed things down and got into wasteland politics. Enjoyed it a lot. Not the adrenaline shot of Fury Road, but plenty of emotion and personality. The action set pieces were sort of Spielberg-ish, unfolding gradually, but satisfyingly.

Effect work had some dodgy moments (a few too obvious green screens and cgi bodies flying around with weird physics) but overall looked great. Every performance was good. Towards the end it sounded like they actually dubbed Charlize's voice they were so close.

I worry word of mouth won't help this build momentum, since to me this is more like a Bladerunner 2049 type movie, where some people will really love settling into this movie's vibe, while others will think it's long and weird. Funny how solid of a franchise Mad Max has grown into five movies in.
750448, as good as any of the Max movies
Posted by will_5198, Sun May-26-24 03:42 PM
Taylor-Joy and the actress who plays young Furiosa both nail it

typically awe-inducing action scenes; that tracking shot of the paragliders engaging the tanker is pure Mad Max ecstasy

some dark Wasteland stuff, more so than Fury Road I think
750462, I mean, it's great.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu May-30-24 01:41 AM
Not much to add to what others have said. Give Hemsworth a Best Supporting Actor nomination.
750465, A bit of an odd question here for folks that saw the movie
Posted by Numba_33, Thu May-30-24 12:04 PM
Am I the only one that thought Dr. Dementus had a slight resemblance to Nicole Kidman?

**radio edit**


Also also; the actor that played the guy that Dementus captured from Gastown towards the middle of the movie was an Aborigine, correct? Pretty cool of Miller to cast an Aborigine since the movie took place in Australia and all; nice representation.
750608, RE: A bit of an odd question here for folks that saw the movie
Posted by Nopayne, Thu Jul-04-24 09:18 PM
>Am I the only one that thought Dr. Dementus had a slight
>resemblance to Nicole Kidman?

The nose?

>Also also; the actor that played the guy that Dementus
>captured from Gastown towards the middle of the movie was an
>Aborigine, correct? Pretty cool of Miller to cast an Aborigine
>since the movie took place in Australia and all; nice

I didn't catch that but I believe that there was another Aborigine that's in the camp when young Furiosa first shows up.
750779, Caught on MAX
Posted by go mack, Mon Aug-19-24 12:29 PM
Really good, as others said not quite Fury Road but a nice lead in for it.

Surprised Anya Taylor Joy wasn't in it til the last hour really, but the little actress was also great.

I hope this isn't the last of Mad Max, fear it will be with this underperforming.