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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectI thought it was just 'ok'
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=749410&mesg_id=750803
750803, I thought it was just 'ok'
Posted by handle, Sun Aug-25-24 11:11 PM
Saw it at like 4:30pm in almost the smallest theatre in the multiplex.

I guess the first one was almost so perfect that I was hoping for something like Toy Story 3, or at least Toy Story 2 - but it did not top the original.

Glad to hear Ron Funches's voice!

I think it was 'ok' but hockey camp trials was not as compelling as running away from home to me.

Also there were some little kids there, I'm not sure how much the 4 year old got out of this. I think maybe it's better suited for 10 year olds and older.

Didn't realize this made more money than Deadpool & Wolverine.