750563, I think this would be a case where an exception would be obvious though Posted by Cold Truth, Sun Jun-23-24 08:39 PM
>However, featuring adults helps normalize the idea of >animation as legitimate cinema for adults or at least make it >more mainstream. > >Plus, we don't see a lot of stories about mental health, much >less about a more-or-less normal representation of it. > >I'd buy a ticket to a story about the internal madness a >parent feels when starting a family.
Agreed on the above
But I think this is a story that could have long legs with additional stories following Riley into adulthood. I think it would make perfect sense as the core audience- and their parents- would literally grow up with her.
IMO it's rare case of a franchise with potential sequels that are both a license to print money and has a natural, even desirable reason to make them.