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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectScream VI (Radio Silence, 2023)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=747553
747553, Scream VI (Radio Silence, 2023)
Posted by bwood, Thu Mar-09-23 05:31 AM
Saw this shit Tuesday night.

Wasn't a fan of 5, but I fucks with this one.

It felt like a SCREAM movie. Hadn't had that feeling since 2.

This now understands that SCREAM has become the very thing it was parodying. It leans heavily into that. It subverts expectations like THE LAST JEDI did. To me this is THE LAST JEDI and SCREAM 2 rolled into one.

There's sequences in here that are some of the best of the franchise. Gail's big set-piece, the subway, and the ladder are all top teir shit.

All of the characters are written and characterized much better this time as well.I want to follow these characters now.

My biggest issue here is the reveal of the killers. That hasn't been good since 2. As weak as it's been here, it is not as bad as 3.

Wes would be proud.
747572, Not bad, liked it more than the last one.
Posted by High Society, Sun Mar-12-23 05:20 PM
is the older sister in anything else?
Couldn't take my eyes off her in this film.

747581, Melissa Barrera
Posted by bwood, Mon Mar-13-23 11:17 AM
She was also in IN THE HEIGHTS.
747660, great letterboxd slam
Posted by howisya, Wed Mar-22-23 04:13 PM