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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectAnyone here listen to The Rewatchables pod? (The Ringer)
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=746930
746930, Anyone here listen to The Rewatchables pod? (The Ringer)
Posted by Heinz, Wed Dec-14-22 10:27 AM
I fucking love the concept and show so much. Such great guests and movies they talk about. The categories kill me. Last weeks ep of Man of Fire was great https://open.spotify.com/episode/454YfI4gQM0xxXkcHZbkd2?si=0u2HCZxeRTiQPGY9MZn4Ww
746933, Yep got into it last year and have gone through a majority of the eps since.
Posted by Brew, Wed Dec-14-22 10:57 AM
It's great.
746937, Chris doing the Pacino impression is THE best
Posted by Heinz, Wed Dec-14-22 01:39 PM
746938, yup
Posted by rdhull, Wed Dec-14-22 02:15 PM
746940, I check for it every week
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Dec-14-22 03:04 PM
will listen based on how fresh the movie is in my head. I haven't heard Man on Fire because it's been too long, same for the Verdict.

I probably like the core combo of Bill, Chris, and Sean the most but I appreciate that they mix it up with Van Lathan and others

Dig all the new categories, like the Butch's girlfriend in Pulp Fiction award lol
746941, Yep same.
Posted by Brew, Wed Dec-14-22 03:10 PM
>will listen based on how fresh the movie is in my head. I
>haven't heard Man on Fire because it's been too long, same for
>the Verdict.

Right. Never saw The Verdict but Man on Fire I saw 15+ years ago and spent half the movie making out with my eventual girlfriend at the time lol so safe to say I should watch again before I listen to that one.

>I probably like the core combo of Bill, Chris, and Sean the
>most but I appreciate that they mix it up with Van Lathan and

Yea they are the most nerdy/knowledgeable it seems but I agree, I like that they add people who clearly are more demographically in line with whatever movie they're covering in a given week. The way it should be.

>Dig all the new categories, like the Butch's girlfriend in
>Pulp Fiction award lol

Yea the categories have always been great. No Skips tried a similar format. That fucking show needs to come back. Fuck Spotify for canceling for seemingly no reason.
746951, I watch anything and everything Tony Scott.
Posted by Heinz, Wed Dec-14-22 10:26 PM
Especially Scott x Denzel. My fav tag team. I kind of want to watch Crimson Tide tonight
746949, RE: I check for it every week
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Wed Dec-14-22 06:17 PM
>will listen based on how fresh the movie is in my head. I
>haven't heard Man on Fire because it's been too long, same for
>the Verdict.
Man on Fire was good, but they needed more people for that one.
>I probably like the core combo of Bill, Chris, and Sean the
>most but I appreciate that they mix it up with Van Lathan and
It's fun when he has Shea Serrano on.
>Dig all the new categories, like the Butch's girlfriend in
>Pulp Fiction award lol

The new categories are amazing and I like they got Craig involved with creating some of them.
746946, I love it. Found out about it on here.
Posted by stravinskian, Wed Dec-14-22 05:00 PM

I can't say I like it enough to listen to episodes about movies I don't know. But for movies I do know, it's really great.

The main ones that've gotten my attention lately: GoodFellas, Lebowski, and Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Great analysis of three of my favorite movies.
746947, I can't imagine even the biggest fan is listening to episodes about ...
Posted by Brew, Wed Dec-14-22 05:43 PM
... movies they don't know/haven't seen lol. Wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.

>I can't say I like it enough to listen to episodes about
>movies I don't know. But for movies I do know, it's really
746950, I actually did this with the Project X episode
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Wed Dec-14-22 08:44 PM
>... movies they don't know/haven't seen lol. Wouldn't make a
>whole lot of sense.
>>I can't say I like it enough to listen to episodes about
>>movies I don't know. But for movies I do know, it's really

I had never seen Project X, I think at the time of it's release I was dealing with some stuff and wasn't really going out. But after listening to the episode about it, I watched on Netflix and then re-listened to the Podcast.
746948, Started listening during the Pandemic
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Wed Dec-14-22 06:15 PM
I love it. I don't always listen cause there are films that I just didn't see or care to watch.
746952, Yeah i get that
Posted by Heinz, Wed Dec-14-22 10:28 PM
I listen to those eps when i have nothing else to watch, i dont care about spoilers. Sometimes it makes me go watch the movie
746953, Great pod! Been listening from the start.
Posted by KnowOne, Thu Dec-15-22 09:37 AM
Made me go back and check out a few movies I had passed over. (Cop Land for example)
746983, Yeah, been reading/listening to Chris/Sean since the days of the sig
Posted by Nodima, Mon Dec-19-22 04:13 AM
And Bill even longer.

I think Bill honestly hamstrings the pod sometimes because he has a far more basic view of movies than they do (my actual favorite Ringer movie podcasts are when The Big Picture does any sort of movie draft) and like a couple others have said I hold a lot of episodes until I can see the movie in question if it's been a long time but it really is a cool podcast and again I've just been following these dudes forever so it's a no brainer listen

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746986, Agreed re: Bill. Anytime Chris, Sean, or any other host ...
Posted by Brew, Mon Dec-19-22 09:43 AM
... tries to bring up anything problematic in any of these movies, Bill basically shuts down lol. You can audibly hear his confusion then he just moves on to the next topic hahaha. Such a child.
746994, I feel the opposite.....
Posted by blueeclipse, Mon Dec-19-22 05:24 PM
I have a hard time getting through any of these that Bill isn't on. There's just a better balance and chemistry when he's there.

The Big Picture is fine but Sean/Chris/Amanda lose some perspective without Bill.

I enjoy The Rewatchables way more because the references are relatable and fun.

I can only take so much dry film banter and I LOVE that stuff but I also like to feel like I'm hanging out at the bar too.
746995, yup. same
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon Dec-19-22 06:11 PM
it's more fun to me when Bill's on, even when he has a goofy bad take, and the rag on him for it. it always feels like a better hang overall.
747008, Yea you guys are right.
Posted by Brew, Tue Dec-20-22 10:19 AM
746990, Big fan.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Dec-19-22 12:15 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

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