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Topic subjectSecret Invasion (Marvel series, 2023)
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746161, Secret Invasion (Marvel series, 2023)
Posted by xangeluvr, Tue Sep-27-22 12:27 PM
how is there not a post about this, or did i miss it? this looks fantastic!

747730, Full trailer.
Posted by bwood, Mon Apr-03-23 08:25 AM

Now this is what I'm talking about! More like this!
747745, Can't wait to go home to watch the trailer on a tv.
Posted by normal35762, Tue Apr-04-23 04:45 AM
Looking forward to this show.

Side note. It's funny how other youtube pages try to dupe you into viewing their fake trailers before the real trailer comes out. I see a trailer on one page then I go to the official page to see what's up.
747788, Sam Jack was like, I DON'T WANT NO BULLSHIT SCRIPTS!
Posted by Castro, Sat Apr-08-23 08:35 PM
Its going to be fiyah
748351, Apparently, there’s secret site to see the first 5 minutes.
Posted by JFrost1117, Mon Jun-12-23 03:26 PM

I can’t check it out now to confirm.
748360, Cool ass marketing, but it felt more like a trailer than actual
Posted by Castro, Tue Jun-13-23 06:11 PM
first five minutes of the show.
748362, Just got to see it.
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue Jun-13-23 11:08 PM
I'd say it's the first few minutes up until the tackle. Definitely not a full 5 minutes. It's out next week, so I can wait.
748438, Episode 1
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Jun-21-23 06:48 PM
Thoughts to not be taken too seriously:

Is this gonna be 8-10 eps of them telling us everyone we've come to love over the years has been an imposter the whole time? Has dude been friendly with Wakanda while not being a real human?

This will probably be a series to watch multiple times to get all the Easter eggs and callbacks.

I'm probably gonna love Olivia Clarke no matter how busted they make her look.

Action definitely did ramp up crazy for a first episode.

Bruh, when people wanna be done with the MCU, they wanna be DONE DONE. "Kill me, completely. I'm not getting flewed out for no flashbacks, hallucinations, dream sequences, nunna dat."
748523, RE: Episode 1
Posted by jrocc, Thu Jun-29-23 10:30 PM
>Is this gonna be 8-10 eps of them telling us everyone we've
>come to love over the years has been an imposter the whole
>time? Has dude been friendly with Wakanda while not being a
>real human?

it's only going be 6 episodes. while Skrulls have been on Earth for quite a while, my guess is that the "invasion" part is fairly recent because the Skrulls were friends at first. it doesn't look like they're going with the comic version of "so-and-so has been a Skrull the whole time" story. of course it remains to be seen how they really play it out though.
748545, It feels like it needs to judged as a whole project.
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Jul-05-23 08:37 PM
Maybe at the end when everything is uncovered, it’ll make sense as a whole.
748548, There is a lot of detail in this in the dialogue. Just watched Ep:3
Posted by Castro, Thu Jul-06-23 12:20 AM
Its a slow burn but its about to pop off now.
748567, There really is. I just watched ep 3 last night and kept rewinding
Posted by Lach, Mon Jul-10-23 05:56 PM
Because they were giving so much detail in the dialogue as you said. I'm enjoying it so far.
748551, Getting better
Posted by Hitokiri, Fri Jul-07-23 08:13 AM
First episode was a chore to get through
Second was a bit better
Third was pretty good
748630, 4 eps in. underwhelming to say the least.
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Mon Jul-17-23 12:32 AM
theres nothing exciting or compelling about this.

might be the most boring cast of characters in any marvel show ive watched.

it sucks cuz i was really excited about this shit in a way i havent been with many marvel/disney+ shows.
748635, Yeah...and my problem is this SHOULD feel like a huge deal.
Posted by soulfunk, Mon Jul-17-23 12:08 PM
The show feels like there's no stakes, which isn't even that big of a problem in and of itself if it was a smaller story. But we have millions of aliens invading earth and plotting for the extinction of the human race, and it seems like it's just another day in the MCU.

On top of that in this last episode the reveal of Rhodey as a Skrull should have been a shocking turn, but you could see it coming a mile away. Why have him set up as an antagonist (firing Fury, ordering a hit on him) before the reveal? They should have had Rhodey seeming to work side by side with him, helping, and THEN have it reveal that he's been working with Gravik the whole time.
748647, fam that was so stupid.
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Mon Jul-17-23 07:58 PM
>On top of that in this last episode the reveal of Rhodey as a
>Skrull should have been a shocking turn, but you could see it
>coming a mile away. Why have him set up as an antagonist
>(firing Fury, ordering a hit on him) before the reveal? They
>should have had Rhodey seeming to work side by side with him,
>helping, and THEN have it reveal that he's been working with
>Gravik the whole time.

exactly. dude came on the scene already acting funny and aroused zero suspicion.

the skrull shapeshifting gimmick is getting tired anyway.

i wouldnt be surprised if we get that stale 'whos the real _____?' trope where somebody has a gun pointed at 2 versions of the same person and has to figure out which one to shoot lol.

also last episode had to be one of the worst shootouts ive ever seen on screen. like the general feel of distance, angle, line of fire, etc were way off. people supposedly ducked behind cars getting shot. people standing up and walking not getting shot. it was a really confusing physical environment lol.

this feels like scabs wrote this show during the writers strike.
748716, FACT
Posted by basslinewonder, Wed Jul-26-23 03:20 PM
>should have had Rhodey seeming to work side by side with him,
>helping, and THEN have it reveal that he's been working with
>Gravik the whole time.

748657, sonya falsworth is the only interesting character in the whole show.
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Wed Jul-19-23 05:15 AM
such a dope role.
748663, Seriously. She’s so good in this it almost feels out of place.
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jul-19-23 09:02 PM
It’s like she’s shining a spotlight on how boring the rest of the show is.
748660, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Jul-19-23 12:15 PM
748665, feels like most of the show, not just intro, was done by AI
Posted by sevencents, Thu Jul-20-23 10:35 AM
I think they used AI to make more than just the intro.

this show should be so much more interesting than it is.
it feels flat...very little emotion or sense of urgency.

The scenes and direction feels formulaic, no particular framing or sequence of shots that contributes to the mood or tension.

a secret skrull invasion involving world leaders and Rhodey from Avengers should feel like a big deal...it's all been kinda meh.

748666, Maybe the writers are actually Skrulls????
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Jul-20-23 11:14 AM
748667, haha, would be a better twist than the actual show
Posted by sevencents, Thu Jul-20-23 11:16 AM
748670, They didn't even try to keep us guessing with Rhodey
Posted by Nopayne, Thu Jul-20-23 02:51 PM
They made him a mustache twirling villain from the start.

I think the way they kicked off the Skrulls in the MCU is an even bigger problem. I barely remember anything about the plot details in Captain Marvel because it was so convoluted. It's hard for me to care about the Skrulls outside of knowing that they are refugees.
748703, Finally started this over the weekend
Posted by mista k5, Mon Jul-24-23 11:40 AM
All caught up and I enjoyed it. Looks like I'm in the minority lol I do worry about them going too far with the whole, ___ was a skrull all along but so far it's been fine for me.
748710, you not in the minority
Posted by jrocc, Tue Jul-25-23 05:24 PM
a lot of people have been enjoying the show. i think most are waiting for it to be over to really analyze it. can't fully give an opinion till we know how it wraps up, but yeah so far, it's been an enjoyable ride.
748711, its got a sub 7 score on imdb. 59% and 67% on rotten tomatoes.
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Tue Jul-25-23 06:35 PM
thats pretty bad especially considering the expectations.

748718, Everyone is not an online critic
Posted by jrocc, Wed Jul-26-23 04:54 PM
748723, reply #32?
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Thu Jul-27-23 12:05 AM
did you change your opinion after the finale?
748728, I didn't really give much of any opinion
Posted by jrocc, Thu Jul-27-23 02:30 PM
I said it was enjoyable up to that point and that's still true.
748713, that final fight was so bad.
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Wed Jul-26-23 04:15 AM
and the president just went straight to genocidal villain huh?

i think homie was right about this whole show being created by a.i.

thats the only acceptable excuse for this turning out the way it did.

748722, episode 6 is the lowest rated mcu project ever.
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Wed Jul-26-23 09:59 PM
748729, Yeah. This show went from blah to straight up terrible QUICK.
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Jul-27-23 02:45 PM
The fight was just super bad TV level CGI. The “who you gonna shoot?” scene with the president and fake Rhodey had zero tension. The actor playing the president just isn’t good. The turn to have him go hard against all Skrulls and not trust Fury who directly saved his life multiple times is just completely non-sensical. I saw that final scene kiss with Fury’s wife in her own skin coming four episodes ago.

I don’t want to be too hard on it but goodness - how did this get made???
748733, Yeah, not a great ending
Posted by mista k5, Thu Jul-27-23 04:46 PM
I still enjoyed it overall but the finale was pretty bad. I wouldn't come back to it but I think if I had waited to start the series until this coming weekend so I could binge it all I wouldn't have hated my time watching it.

I think when the Disney shows started I didn't know where the MCU was headed but I trusted that they did. Now I don't think they do. I feel like there's less and less reasons to keep watching.
748714, I'm trying to not be too "entitled nerd" about it.
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Jul-26-23 02:53 PM
But, the coulda/woulda/shouldas are piling up.

It feels like they just pooted this out to get it off the books or something. Normally, I feel like there's content to cut from some short seasons, where they try to cram in too much that doesn't matter. This one felt really lacking.

Nick Fury, king of the post credits, gets no pc scene to speak of.
748715, they saved all the show's budget for the last ep
Posted by basslinewonder, Wed Jul-26-23 03:17 PM

748717, so apparently rhodey *spoiler*
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Wed Jul-26-23 03:27 PM
has been a skrull since civil war?
748724, Incorrect.
Posted by CyrenYoung, Thu Jul-27-23 09:00 AM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
748725, explain why he still has on a hospital gown
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Thu Jul-27-23 09:44 AM
like he had in civil war and his legs are still hurt.


was he kidnapped during another random doctor visit? lol.

everybody else was fully clothed when they got freed and were walking fine without assistance.

they made it a point to tell rhodey specifically 'youve been held hostage for a *long* time' when they were carrying him. pretty much telegraphed the 'twist'.
748727, I didn't connect that dot but I could see it
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Thu Jul-27-23 11:11 AM
That would be a big twist that he had been a Skrull all those years. But it could've been he was kidnapped during some routine check-up on his legs.
748730, Sincerely hope it's not true
Posted by jrocc, Thu Jul-27-23 03:02 PM
The amount of even more questions that brings up is mind boggling to say the least. I think they kind of want us to think that to get people talking, but it just doesn't make any sense.

For starters Tony, Nat and Vision were there at the hospital with him so that would be hard to explain how it happened and none of them noticed. At that point in time it does not appear that the Skrulls had any beef with Fury or any reason to impersonate one of the Avengers for that long. They were still working with Fury up until at least Endgame because he said Gravik was in charge of collecting the DNA after the big battle. Rhodey was shown to have to need those exoskeleton leg braces that Tony made in order to walk which means his legs still don't work without them. In Endgame when he ejects from the suit he falls down because he can't walk without help.

So as corny as it sounds, he could totally be still going to the hospital for checkups from time to time. I think in FATWS he was a Skrull but that's got to be it. Anything else doesn't make any sense at all.
748731, Agree with this. Specifically in Endgame if he was a Skrull
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Jul-27-23 03:31 PM
his blood shouldn’t have been red, and it also wouldn’t have made sense for Skrull Rhodey to keep up the front by crawling after the mech-legs were damaged.
748734, ask yourself whats likelier with *this* group of writers.
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Thu Jul-27-23 07:07 PM
making the creative decision to arbitrarily put rhodey in a hospital gown to hint at him being kidnapped during an assumed and unaccounted for doctors visit with no specific timeline.

or making the creative decision to put rhodey in a hospital gown as an easter egg callback to a scene in a past marvel property when he was in a hospital gown while badly injured and vulnerable to attack.

my personal opinion...based on how this show turned out lol...they got extra cute with it and just shot it from the hip. they didnt care to consider all of the ripple effects on the past mcu.

i mean...they had nick fury engaging in a plot to secretly collect the dna of his own team and they just made a generic character the most powerful being in the mcu lol.
748735, As someone who had a hand in this production, trust me...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Thu Jul-27-23 08:50 PM
..the "reveals" are not over.

Yes, the inclusion of the hospital gown was intentional.

Forgive me for not saying more, but y'all already know how Marvel rolls.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
748744, secret invasion director believes rhodey was a skrull since civil war.
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Fri Jul-28-23 12:36 PM

so its not just some amusing fan theory.

748746, Simply feeding the build up to Armor Wars...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Jul-28-23 01:46 PM
..I'm not sure why most people don't recognize the marketing happening here.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
748747, the best marketing would have been creating a good show lol.
Posted by .Monkeynuts., Fri Jul-28-23 01:54 PM
748748, I think they deliberately are implying that he’s been a Skrull
Posted by soulfunk, Fri Jul-28-23 03:03 PM
since Civil War, and that’s what they want the audience to believe at this point. But I don’t think it’s actually the case because of the reasons mentioned above which when you look into it clearly show Rhodey was human in IW/EG, and the fact that Gravik was still following Fury back then.

That being said, it’s another element of where this show has failed to IMO. Because going all the way back to when the reveal happened and what I said then - Rhodey was clearly a villain during this entire show. If that reveal was going to have an impact then he should have been acting like himself. ESPECIALLY if we’re supposed to be thinking that he was a Skrull back to Civil War.

I think it will eventually be revealed that he was apprehended around the time of Falcon and the Winter Soldier and replaced by that Skrull.
748752, 🤷🏾‍♂️
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Jul-28-23 03:20 PM
..while I completely understand the criticism, it's fair to say that I don't think most will appreciate each tv series until further down the timeline.

*Unbiased: that final fight btwn Gaia & Gravick was a snooze.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
748754, The fight was fine
Posted by handle, Fri Jul-28-23 05:46 PM
I mean these shows are really hit or miss on action staging. It was a fine comic book panel type fight. I got the point - they could assume any power of a BUNCH of folks, and the Gravik only saw force while G'iaa saw using other powers (like Ghost and Mantis) might be good too. (But she did finish him with FORCE.)

Falcon and Winter Soldiers had many fights that bad - especially when new Cap killed the guy with the shield.

A bunch of Wanda's action was pretty bad too.

This would have worked better as a *movie* -or *a 10 part series* but 6 part series seem to be tough.

But it was fine.

(Frankly, the Black Panther film final fight wasn't great - but it didn't really hurt that film.)

748757, IMO, outside of Moon Knight...
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Jul-29-23 01:39 AM
... the action in the TV shows has been flat out mediocre. Flat visuals, murky gray sheen, blurry CGI veneer, haphazard editing.

The strength of Marvel has *always* been its casting and its weakness has, by and large, been its ability to construct memorable action. They'll nail bits and pieces here and there, yes, and a couple of movies have more bangers combined than the rest (and if you're thinking "but what about this movie?" yes, that's probably one of the exceptions)... but the success has nearly always been predicted on the correct casting of characters and the ability to make us care. I don't think that's been consistent in the TV shows either, but I admit that I've felt mostly alone on that island, so I won't go to bat for that as gospel truth or anything. But if you compare the MCU TV action to not just movie action with a similar budget, but TV action on shows with a similar budget and more episodes, it's just... not as good. Which, as a Marvel fanboy since birth, sucks to say, but it's true imo.

And I think it'll take Marvel-- and Disney-- some serious work to earn back the good will of fans who think, after this entire phase, that they've lost the plot and are just churning out content to churn out content. An ending like the SECRET INVASION ending does nothing to alleviate the concerns that there hasn't been a plan and isn't a real plan going forward. And the previews for the MARVELS movie raises real concerns that the movies are just going to feel like 2-hour MCU TV episodes. Which... isn't a compliment.

If there's anyone rooting for the MCU to find the path again, it's me. I don't like being on the "what the fuck are they thinking" bandwagon. But it's increasingly hard to ignore. I *do* think that cutting back on doing *so* many TV shows and movies is the right move. Hopefully the next correct move is investing more money in pre-production and investing more time and money in FX houses to allow them the time and resources to make these things look good again-- and to hopefully make all the crossover stuff and build-up-to-other-shows stuff feel less forced and convoluted.
748755, they just want us talking
Posted by jrocc, Fri Jul-28-23 06:14 PM
748719, So. Many. Questions.
Posted by jrocc, Wed Jul-26-23 05:08 PM
It would seem that for all the criticism of the Netflix shows being too long at 13 episodes, 6 episodes is far too short. Especially if you're not going to be consistent with the run times. I have no idea what the ideal amount of episodes is but this ain't it. I get that some of this was filmed around COVID times but still. I understand not answering every little detail, but how you not answering questions at all and then bringing up more questions. It started out promising. There was some good acting moments and it was an interesting idea, but if anything deserved to have more episodes to go deeper it should have been this.