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Forum namePass The Popcorn
Topic subjectRolling Stone's 50 Greatest Superhero Movies of All Time
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=745046
745046, Rolling Stone's 50 Greatest Superhero Movies of All Time
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Jun-29-22 10:43 AM

Much like their music lists, they make some objectively insane decisions based on trying to cater to a younger audience. For instance, SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING over SPIDER-MAN. And, even more so, X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST over X2.

But I thought there'd be some interesting fodder for discussion for those still around the board here.
745050, Some thoughts
Posted by spades, Wed Jun-29-22 11:00 AM
Scott Pilgrimm should be higher.
The Old Guard? Why is this here?
Nice to see some animated DC fare thrown in the mix!
BP as number one is nice, but wrong.
745054, Unsurprisingly, a ton of the Marvel stuff is overrated.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Jun-29-22 11:43 AM
Thor above Scott Pilgrim is insane.
Ant-Man above The Batman is insane.
Shang-Chi right above The Suicide Squad, Blade II, and Unbreakable is... incomprehensible.
Deadpool above Batman Returns and The Rocketeer is insane.
Doctor Strange above Robocop is ABSOLUTELY BANANAS.
Spider-Man: Homecoming over *so much of this stuff* is insane.

And yeah, Black Panther belongs very high on the list, but I think #1 is a stretch. I think they just wanted a Marvel movie at #1.

Also, Blade II but no Blade? Hellboy but no Hellboy II? Also, if we're thinking DCU, I'd also say Aquaman is better than a number of the things they included.

(And, on a personal note, I'll always go to bat for Ghost Rider 2 over Ghost Rider, but I realize that's not popular, lol.)

These lists are always impossible to get right, obviously, but the skewing of the Marvel rankings is pretty blatant imo.
745074, Hellboy 2 is a GLARING omission.
Posted by spades, Wed Jun-29-22 05:08 PM
and yeah, both Blades should have been in there.
and I 100% agree Robocop should have been MUCH higher.
745051, Snubbed: Kick-Ass
Posted by Oak27, Wed Jun-29-22 11:16 AM
Watchmen as well.
745056, RE: Snubbed: Kick-Ass
Posted by pretentious username, Wed Jun-29-22 12:09 PM
>Watchmen as well.

Dark Knight Rises is on here, but Batman 89 is not.
745053, First Avengers way too low
Posted by go mack, Wed Jun-29-22 11:41 AM
Swap it with Wonder Woman and a bit closer maybe. I also don't think BP is the best, fine in top 5
745055, Woof! I don’t even know where to start with this list
Posted by pretentious username, Wed Jun-29-22 11:52 AM
But to your point, I will say I think the Tobey Macguire SpiderMan movies have aged poorly and I’d take Homecoming and No Way Home over them.
745057, Oh wow, we disagree very strongly!
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Jun-29-22 12:31 PM
>I think the Tobey Macguire
>SpiderMan movies have aged poorly and I’d take Homecoming
>and No Way Home over them.

If anything, I think they've aged really well. Some of the CGI notwithstanding, the colors, the direction, the inventiveness of the action, the genuine emotion and stakes-- I think they're on a completely different plane. If they were released today as is, in today's marketplace of workmanlike direction, Whedon-esque quippiness, and muddy visuals, I think they'd look damn near revolutionary.

745061, I think it mostly comes down to which Peter/love interest I prefer
Posted by pretentious username, Wed Jun-29-22 02:02 PM
To me, Peter is equal parts sincere and funny.

Tobey is a little too sincere and not funny enough. Dunst fits the MJ role well, but it’s not a performance I’d write home about either.

Garfield is a really good actor, I just never bought him as Peter Parker until NWH. Definitely didn’t have the humor down until NWH. And I know this is a weird complaint, but he’s WAY too handsome to play Peter Parker. Emma Stone was good as Gwen, but again, nothing to write home about.

Holland has the sincerity and humor at the exact levels that Peter Parker should be. Zendaya is a different and more interesting take on the MJ character.
745062, I do think Holland is the best Spider-Man.
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Jun-29-22 02:08 PM
I just don't think his movies are nearly as good. The difference between Sam Raimi and Jon Watts could fit a football stadium.

And I actually do think Dunst is a pretty great MJ. Her stuff at the end of Spider-Man 2 is just outstanding.

I agree on Garfield, those movies stunk and he was miscast-- that said, he was the best part of NWH, lol. As much as I'd bitch about how the Spider-Man MCU movies are lighter than air, those Marc Webb ones are terrrrrrrible.
745066, It's weird, but Garfield's movies stinking was just what he needed
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jun-29-22 02:54 PM
to be great in NWH, because it gave his Peter more of the underdog edge you need to see in a Spider-Man movie...

>I agree on Garfield, those movies stunk and he was miscast--
>that said, he was the best part of NWH, lol.
745075, 00
Posted by spades, Wed Jun-29-22 05:10 PM
Wow, I feel like Tobey's Spidey movies (not 3, of course) are the GOAT versions.
745059, I think "Capt. America: First Avenger" is criminally underrated...
Posted by Marbles, Wed Jun-29-22 12:52 PM

By a lot of folks, not just this list.

I think the Cap trilogy is a strong 1-2-3 punch. I've been reading Avengers comics for decades and I was never a Cap fan because he always seemed like such a boy scout. But this movie exceeded m expectations and made him likeable without overdoing the goody-goody thing.
745072, I think they actually have it in the right spot...
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jun-29-22 03:38 PM
if not a bit too high. They have it above the first Avengers, and Civil War isn't on this list at all which is CRAZY to me...I like First Avenger but it's not as good as either of those.
745060, this is all over the map. My Top 5:
Posted by Tiger Woods, Wed Jun-29-22 01:38 PM

5) X2
4) Iron Man
3) Into the Spider-Verse
2) Batman (Burton + Keaton)
1) Spider-Man 2

looking at the RS list I'm reminded how many superhero movies blow
745063, When I stop to realize they make these lists specifically
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jun-29-22 02:15 PM
for clicks, engagement, and arguments, I actually realize how good they are at making accomplishing that goal. I instantly got mad about several rankings on this list and started to type an argument - but that's the entire point.

It's like they start off with a REAL list and then go back to overrate a few and underrate a few more just to make folks mad.
745064, Lol yeah, I get sucked in every time.
Posted by pretentious username, Wed Jun-29-22 02:21 PM
Rolling Stone is especially good at making lists that troll people without you feeling like it’s intended for trolling.
745069, They're great discussion starters...
Posted by Marbles, Wed Jun-29-22 03:25 PM

That's all that I consider them. I'll disagree with some of their rankings and talk about why. Someone else will make a good point that I had never considered.

We all know who & what Rolling Stone is. So there's no use in arguing that part anymore. I'd rather just jump right into discussing, debating and talking about the music or movies.
745070, correct. half the internet content for
Posted by will_5198, Wed Jun-29-22 03:34 PM
any online "publication" are listicles.
745073, Yeah. But as pretentious username mentioned, RS is GOOD at
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jun-29-22 03:40 PM
trolling on these lists. They make the lists good enough to not seem like they are trolling, and are usually well written, until you start looking at some of the rankings and it's like "HEY!!!"
745077, honestly not that bad
Posted by will_5198, Wed Jun-29-22 07:15 PM
glad that Logan is rightfully respected -- you can remix the whole list, but top ten is pretty good
745078, Black Panther at #1. Lmao
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Wed Jun-29-22 08:45 PM
I love a black power superhero movie as much as the next person but got damn that movie is so so overrated. To the point of ruining the movie.
745080, I must be the only person who hates Logan.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Jun-30-22 08:37 AM
It was such a departure from canon from a character perspective. So dark, poorly treated black characters. I hated it with a passion.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
745082, I haven't seen it since back when it came out. I'd totally forgotten
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Jun-30-22 09:20 AM
about how dirty they did Eriq La La Salle and his family. Like I must have blocked it from my mind. But I remember at the time loving Logan though being really disturbed by that scene.

>So dark, poorly treated black characters.