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Topic subjectThor: Love and Thunder (Takia Watiti, 2022)
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744092, Thor: Love and Thunder (Takia Watiti, 2022)
Posted by bwood, Mon Apr-18-22 09:16 AM

744096, I dunno…literally everything looks CG except the actors
Posted by Tiger Woods, Mon Apr-18-22 12:51 PM
744130, Did you not watch the last movie?
Posted by Heinz, Tue Apr-19-22 09:07 PM
If you had no problem with it why now?
744207, Looks like another winner
Posted by xangeluvr, Fri Apr-22-22 06:48 PM
Can't wait
744624, New trailer
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue May-24-22 12:48 AM

I think it gives too much away but it still looks cool.
744630, Christian Bale looks PHENOMENAL
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Tue May-24-22 08:16 AM
I completely missed that he was in this movie as the main villian. And Russell Crowe
744631, I'm renting a theatre for this one too!!
Posted by handle, Tue May-24-22 09:53 AM
Even if it's $299.

(I broke even the last time by accepting donations from friend I invited.)
745079, It's great.
Posted by bwood, Wed Jun-29-22 09:11 PM
For me aside from Spider-Man: No Way Home, the Phase Four movies (keyword movies) has been lacking.

Takia Watiti delivered. Again. Still Luke Ragnarok better, but this shit is what The Dark World wanted to be. It's a funny, action packed ride that's also romantic as hell.

I never related to Thor more than here in this movie. His arc made me feel seen.

The cameos throughout the movie never took me out and felt like a natural extension of the story.

And finally a villain that has pathos and weight. Seriously, everytime Gorr came on screen, his presence felt like a genuine threat.

The two credits scenes are dope as well.

Sad that only Takia can use CG to his advantage and make it look polished and visually inventive especially one sequence everyone will be talking about.
745081, Good to hear. How do you think it fares for the summer movie season?
Posted by spenzalii, Thu Jun-30-22 09:17 AM
Is it better than Maverick? I'm sure it won't have the legs the Croose vehicle has, but it's Marvel, so they have their own thing, I suppose
745083, Fuck no it's not better than TG: M.
Posted by bwood, Thu Jun-30-22 10:32 AM
Maverick is in a league of its own. C'mon man, as much as I like this, it's not even as good as Ragnarok.

Quality wise the only thing that might come close to touching Maverick is Nope.
745129, Maverick is on another planet from this.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Jul-09-22 12:08 PM
Also not nearly as good as The Batman imo.

745085, Glad to hear they handled Gorr well
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Thu Jun-30-22 10:35 AM
I was concerned when I heard he was the villain of the film. Even with the weight of Bale's acting, it worried me that they wouldn't get the full threat that Gorr is.

745087, Lol I just came out of OKretirement to check for your review
Posted by BigWorm, Thu Jun-30-22 11:45 AM
Thanks as always.

Now I'm way more excited for it.

Hope everyone is surviving the times out there.
745121, it was ok, I wasn't aware that this one was geared more towards kids...
Posted by ThaTruth, Fri Jul-08-22 09:14 AM
and I thought Tessa Thompson would have a bigger role.

I didn't realize who Christian Bale was until the credits.
745127, Thought it was great. Bale was brilliant in it
Posted by CaptNish, Fri Jul-08-22 11:47 PM
He shoulda played the Joker instead of Batman.
745128, It’s fine. Wish these movies had any weight whatsoever.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Jul-09-22 02:11 AM
Hard to take a cancer subplot seriously when 80% of the movie is nonstop bits. Endless montages and voiceovers, way too much of Waititi’s character (and the non stop talking to the hammer/axe bit, which I personally felt fell flat as a pancake). The Bale intro carries actual weight and emotional impact… and then the second the opening credits start, the movie immediately bails from investing in its characters in any serious, meaningful way.

Some of the visuals are cool, but then they’re cancelled out by soooo much incomprehensible CGI and the flattest green screen work imaginable. Some of this looks beautiful, some of it looks like a cheap TV show. I don’t know how much of this was a rushed deadline, or how much of this is Marvel spreading themselves incredibly thin. Whatever the case may be, these movies increasingly feel like morsels of creativity stuck in 2 hours of green screen cotton candy.

I’ve liked some of the origin tales lately (Shang Chi and Moon Knight chief among them), but these last few sequels are all just instantly forgettable for me. The jokes are fine, but they give me no reason to care. Even the death fakeouts (there are multiple) have zero impact because we know they won’t actually kill these characters for good— or even for a couple movies (and they don’t).

MVP is eeeeeasily Russell Crowe. By far the best joke-to-laugh ratio.
745235, RE: It’s fine. Wish these movies had any weight whatsoever.
Posted by eldealo, Sun Jul-17-22 08:42 AM
>Hard to take a cancer subplot seriously when 80% of the movie
>is nonstop bits. Endless montages and voiceovers, way too much
>of Waititi’s character (and the non stop talking to the
>hammer/axe bit, which I personally felt fell flat as a
>pancake). The Bale intro carries actual weight and emotional
>impact… and then the second the opening credits start, the
>movie immediately bails from investing in its characters in
>any serious, meaningful way.
>Some of the visuals are cool, but then they’re cancelled out
>by soooo much incomprehensible CGI and the flattest green
>screen work imaginable. Some of this looks beautiful, some of
>it looks like a cheap TV show. I don’t know how much of this
>was a rushed deadline, or how much of this is Marvel spreading
>themselves incredibly thin. Whatever the case may be, these
>movies increasingly feel like morsels of creativity stuck in 2
>hours of green screen cotton candy.
>I’ve liked some of the origin tales lately (Shang Chi and
>Moon Knight chief among them), but these last few sequels are
>all just instantly forgettable for me. The jokes are fine, but
>they give me no reason to care. Even the death fakeouts (there
>are multiple) have zero impact because we know they won’t
>actually kill these characters for good— or even for a
>couple movies (and they don’t).
>MVP is eeeeeasily Russell Crowe. By far the best joke-to-laugh

I agree with pretty much everything you wrote. Although I enjoyed Russel Crowe’s scenes, it’s disappointing that they also decided to make the character a complete joke. Like so many other characters that Marvel refuses to take seriously. Marvel is letting guys like Taika Waititi and James Gunn make huge decisions for the direction of important Marvel characters. Quite disappointing. I get that these movies should offer a bit of levity, but the excessive joking distrqcts from the overall story.

INFIN8 Photography
745236, I think Gunn does a good job at striking a balance.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sun Jul-17-22 10:41 AM
Did the same with the new Suicide Squad movie too, really. The jokes are there, but so's the heart. Waititi doesn't have the same deftness of hand in alternating between tones.

I actually *do* wish the Marvel movies would hand the reins of properties over to more filmmakers with distinctive style. Ragnarok was probably still too jokey, but at a time when many of the MCU movies were starting to feel *very* similar tonally, having something distinctive felt fresh and new. It didn't really look and sound like the others. Which I definitely appreciate. And maybe Waititi could do something like that again-- this one just sort of felt like a mess.

And Ragnarok *looked* so much better than Love and Thunder imo. The sheer ramping up of the amount of Marvel content, combined with the increased proliferation of blue screen for even the most basic shots and a "we'll figure it out in post" attitude, is so clearly putting a strain on the caliber of the visuals of these movies imo. I don't know if it's a shrunken pre-production time, an over-reliance on post-production, or what. But it's not even just the CGI. Basic things like lighting and camera placement just feel flat. So many shots just looked like TV, and cranking up an Instagram filter over the scenes doesn't really change that.

As someone who grew up a massive Marvel nerd, I hate that I'm starting to feel jaded about these movies. But the same things that made so many of the early ones feel exciting to me just don't feel as prevalent anymore. There's a rushedness, a sameness of tone, an indifference to visuals, and a growing feeling that they care more about putting the next product down the assembly line than they do making something with real *care.*

Which is, going back to the original point, why the Guardians movies tend to feel so successful next to many of the more recent Marvel movies. Not only is Gunn a talented filmmaker, but it's pretty obvious that he really cares about the characters.
745238, I know I'm on an island alone here...
Posted by CaptNish, Sun Jul-17-22 04:47 PM
...but I thought Vol 2 was a big whiff. It's probably my least favorite Marvel film not named Dark World. And I also say that with the first Guardians being one of my favorites.

I think Gunn is good what he does. I also really enjoy The Suicide Squad (though, far from as much as a lot of people seem to). But I don't know that I (personally) would use him as a a comparison of what T:L&T coulda shoulda been handled.
745137, Praise the almighty Bao.
Posted by JFrost1117, Sat Jul-09-22 09:41 PM
I enjoyed it. I wish the Guardians had been a surprise because trailers made it seem like they would be in the whole thing and help in the battles. Shit like that makes me feel like Marvel didn’t have enough faith that people would show up.

Got to get my googly eyes on for Kat Dennings and Tessa T.

Kinda wish one of the post-credits scenes were of Loki looking on from the Time Authority.

The cameos in the Ragnarok "play" were hilarious.
745138, It’s lesser Ragnarok, and that’s fine
Posted by pretentious username, Sun Jul-10-22 02:03 AM
They found a formula that works for Thor and I’m not mad they repeated it. It brought to mind the one flaw in Ragnarok though: both of these movies have serious villains that feel misplaced in a comedy movie. It’s odd, but Ragnarok got away with it more smoothly. Bale was great here, as was Blanchett in Ragnarok, their stories just felt a little weird given the tone.

Also, Marvel keeps doing “fake out” deaths now, and it’s pretty annoying. I know that’s how comic books are, but it makes even real deaths feel weightless.
745148, Bale was amazing. Marvel's formula is getting boring and stale.
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Mon Jul-11-22 11:44 PM
Outside of SpiderMan marvel is struggling to make great post-avengers movies. They've all been decent to boring. I don't really see how they turn it around. Making Thor a 100% stand-up comedian Def ain't it. I wish Bale was able to play The God Butcher in one of the earlier Avengers movies. His performance is absolutely wasted here.
745237, Too much Taika, but this is the best Thor story yet.
Posted by Cold Truth, Sun Jul-17-22 12:56 PM
First: This shit was way too quippy.

They undercut *every* serious, heartfelt moment with a joke.

That's a serious mistake that does undermine the movie. It kills certain scenes.

Taika needs a filter. Dial that shit back a bit.

My other gripe is, there weren't enough dramatic moments to flesh that out. I was good with the bit with the kids- especially at the end- but I'd rather have seen more of Gor's backstory than watching him rip the head off a space snake, though it was fucking hilarious.

But Thor quietly ascends to more of an Odin level God here, and I'm with it.

I *loved* the way he unwittingly put the incantation on Mjolnir to protect Jane. IMO, that was the perfect setup for this. Again- that's Odin level shit.

Then, he deliberately does the same for a whole army of kids. LOVED it.

And this wasn't just him getting his ass handed to him until a miracle saved him- all though it did reach that point with Jane's return. But he was a credible threat to Gor until Gor got the upper hand.

The Zeus shit was great, but again, played a little too heavy to the jokes. And again, Thor showed his ass (pun intended!) with the Thunderbolt. I like that they kept him strong.

The relationship shit with the hammers was funny, just, again, overplayed.

Taika is perfect for the tone and direction of the franchise. But Feige needs to weigh in a bit more and reign in some of the excess.

But I don't get the criticism that this is weightless- same with Strange, really.

Thor gets closure on the love of his life.
She got to go to Valhalla.
He's leveled up quite a bit and has an impetus to take his role as a God much more seriously.
He's a fucking DAD now, keeping a promise to his dying enemy.
Astrid! He was a pleasant surprise.

I wish Sif would have been part of the team, so I didn't like that.

Give her some tick.

He's out in the cosmos, protecting other civilizations besides Earth.
745245, it was fun and enjoyable ***spoilers***
Posted by mista k5, Mon Jul-18-22 03:52 PM
i really liked how portman played mighty thor, going into the movie i wasnt sure it would work. sucks that she died, would had liked to see more of it.

the guardians part was cool and it was a good choice to limit the time they were in the movie.

zeus part was hilarious.

i do get the complaints about there being too many jokes, especially in certain parts but i enjoyed it.

i also wish we saw more of valkyrie, are they doing a solo movie or show for her?

bale was great, i second guessed if i was in the right theatre when the movie opened. it had a whole different vibe. i wasnt sure that it was enough of an introduction into gorr but it did work. i also wasnt sure if it was bale or not at first. i think halfway through i was pretty sure but i still had to look it up to be sure.

i do feel like the last part with gorr was a bit of a let down but its cool that thor is a dad. im not sure why that would have been convincing to gorr. he didnt want his daughter to grow up in this world er universe but because thor loves jane its okay now? i guess there have been worse logical moments in the mcu but it did leave me a bit empty.
745246, The necro sword was gone and he was dying
Posted by Cold Truth, Mon Jul-18-22 04:53 PM
He saw that Thor was not just the only God that didn’t forsake his people, but was willing to face near certain death for them, and his heart didn’t turn hateful even as the woman he loved did die for them.

Moreover, he was merciful toward Gor and let him make his wish.

He had a chance to give his daughter a new and full life, and once again, Thor proved thatbhe was worthy.

IMO that was a pretty logical ending for Go. He found a deity worth putting his faith in.

That’s just about the most logical ending of his arc if you ask me.
745247, you got a couple points
Posted by mista k5, Mon Jul-18-22 05:55 PM
I forgot the sword was also corrupting him so that on its own could allow him to see things differently. I see the argument for Thor winning him over but it feels flimsy to me. I'll buy it though.

I think what keeps me from fully accepting it is that we saw how so many of the Gods actually behave and what their priorities really are so Gorr wasn't really wrong. There are definitely exceptions but it seems those are rare. Edit: Gorr didn't see what we saw so it's reasonable to see how he would easier to convince.

Outside the movie, I'm curious how religious people feel about it. I'm thinking there are two camps, the first obvious one is being offended that they would portray gods this way. I think the savvy ones would use it as an example how false gods are no good and thats why you should only follow whatever real god they're pushing.
746186, I think it's fairly strong, and consistent with his motives
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Sep-28-22 09:07 PM
>I forgot the sword was also corrupting him so that on its own
>could allow him to see things differently. I see the argument
>for Thor winning him over but it feels flimsy to me. I'll buy
>it though.

I can see how it seems like a sharp turn- but losing the corrosive power of the Necro Sword brought him back to his initial motive: to save his daughter. And as I said, he just watched a god do all the things he wished his own god had. So, while I know you buy it, I think it's a fairly strong and consistent case.

>I think what keeps me from fully accepting it is that we saw
>how so many of the Gods actually behave and what their
>priorities really are so Gorr wasn't really wrong. There are
>definitely exceptions but it seems those are rare. Edit: Gorr
>didn't see what we saw so it's reasonable to see how he would
>easier to convince.

Naw, I think he saw more than enough. I think your unedited point makes sense- but it still brings me back to what Gor- both during, and after, the effects of the sword- saw from Thor, gave him faith that Thor, at least was good. Or, as it always is with him: Worthy.

And he had a chance to give his daughter a life, which is all he really wanted to begin with. So his initial mission of vengeance was about his view that the gods were unworthy of devotion and deserved to die, bu his turn in the end was all about wanting to give his child a chance at a good life- and he found someone who showed him that he, at least, was different.
746002, This movie is for first graders , what the hell?
Posted by Tiger Woods, Thu Sep-08-22 06:32 PM
This is like the live action Power Rangers movie with Ivan Ooze

Surprised they made this. It’s like soap opera Dialogue. One of the worst, dumbest, and most useless Marvels yet.
746003, Same thing happened with Wonder Woman 1984
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Thu Sep-08-22 07:09 PM
Director makes a commercial hit, is given freedom to do whatever, and goes "full retard" with the sequel and its awful. Someone at Marvel needed to reign in Taika Waititi. Even his response to the criticism has been obnoxious. Shame because he is one of my favorite film makers. He went too goofy with this one. Wasted an amazing Bale performance.
746004, Here's hoping Wakanda Forever can salvage Phase 4
Posted by navajo joe, Thu Sep-08-22 08:18 PM
Because everything since Endgame has been a miss for me including this.

The only current character I'd like to see further adventures of at this point is Madisynn from She-Hulk.
746017, Not for me.
Posted by spades, Mon Sep-12-22 09:05 AM
746018, kind of a Marvel B movie. I enjoyed it
Posted by Rjcc, Mon Sep-12-22 09:06 AM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
746020, Just watched this weekend and.....*sigh*
Posted by WarriorPoet415, Mon Sep-12-22 01:35 PM
Really needed some restraint.


Like damn. All comedy, all the time. It really made my eyes roll when Zeus did the whole twirling the lightning bolt in front of Thor bit.

Even if you wanted a super humorous tone throughout the whole thing, why would you make everyone's humor pretty much the same?

The GOG felt weird in this one, especially Quill. Somehow, it was great to see the gang again, but they were somehow underused and misused? Quill's tone was totally off and out of character.

It felt like things started to matter in the third act, but even then the sequence with the kids just still felt like comedy overload.

I agree with Cold Truth that every serious or could have been great moment is undercut by quippiness or a gag that has overstayed it's welcome.

I mean, overall it's enjoyable, but it pushes nothing forward in the MCU and is just kinda there. It's fine, but it could have been great.

If TW had dialed back the quippiness and gags by like 25%, it would be certifiably great.

"To Each His Reach"


Fuck aliens.
746349, i think fans limit themselves by needing "forward"
Posted by cgonz00cc, Thu Oct-13-22 08:53 PM
one of the more rewarding things about comics for me is when new writers do characters their way

then massive crossover events are flavored by the individual takes on the characters at that point, rather than basing the characters on how the next crossover is going to go
746168, Like She-Hulk, if you give up on seriousness, it's more enjoyable.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Sep-28-22 09:32 AM
It's just extremely silly and nothing to take seriously at all. Feel like its the only way to enjoy it. Specially when you get to the part of the children fighting demons.

I have this other complaint but it seems like Marvel Movies are falling into a Death Star rut. Like its all the same movie, with the same stakes, with the same resolution.

Like they introduce this idea/person "Eternity" and all of a sudden, after years of the MCU, we learn about this being who can grant any wish? Well why didn't Thanos use Eternity to wipe out half the universe? Why didn't the Avengers use Eternity to fix what Thanos did? Why hasn't every villain to date been trying to track down Eternity?!?!

Like you introduce out of nowhere this MacGuffin problem, solved by a MacGuffin solution and everything is the same at the end. It just seems like lazy story telling.

And damn if its not another movie where the Power of Love saves the day.

Anyway, my kids enjoyed it and I enjoyed watching it with them so for low stakes watching at home, I didn't mind the time spent watching it.

When it feels like a movie is made for kids, it probably is.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
746175, This feels like the weight of having SO much content that's part of
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Sep-28-22 02:23 PM
the same universe. Like after a certain point there's a never ending power balance dynamic. First it was "so and so wasn't here because they were on another planet", then it was "so and so wasn't here because they were in another universe/timeline". But at a certain point when you're dealine with cosmic multiversal entities that are able to move across timelines and across universes, doesn't that just break everything that came before it?

>Like they introduce this idea/person "Eternity" and all of a
>sudden, after years of the MCU, we learn about this being who
>can grant any wish? Well why didn't Thanos use Eternity to
>wipe out half the universe? Why didn't the Avengers use
>Eternity to fix what Thanos did? Why hasn't every villain to
>date been trying to track down Eternity?!?!
746185, Did other problems cease to exist because WWII did?
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Sep-28-22 09:01 PM
Nope. Some problems were solved in part because of the war, but your day to day problems still existed, did they not?

Sure, some things paled in comparison, but they still existed- and for those suffering through those problems, the existence of a much larger scale problem didn't change the difficulty of their immediate personal issue.

>the same universe. Like after a certain point there's a never
>ending power balance dynamic.

I don't think that's the case at all. Even after we got these massive, cosmic threats, we went back to smaller, street level threats. We got thanos and the snap, and then wound up with Hawkeye and an aspiring fan battling tracksuit gangsters and Kingpin on the streets of New York.

We're just seeing multiple conflicts on varying scales.

First it was "so and so wasn't
>here because they were on another planet", then it was "so and
>so wasn't here because they were in another
>universe/timeline". But at a certain point when you're dealine
>with cosmic multiversal entities that are able to move across
>timelines and across universes, doesn't that just break
>everything that came before it?

Not at all.

Other, lesser threats or problems don't necessarily cease to exist because a greater one does. ANd in many respects, in these movies, those larger scale issues reshuffle the deck.

Status quos change
Heroes change
Some people gained, others lost, be it power or loved ones

Shit, Asgard is now a small town in Oklahoma, instead of the sprawling, fantastical landscape it once was.

Peter's whole world was upended, and he lost his entire support system.

The list goes on. Those smaller problems exist, even though half the universe was murdered in the snap of a finger. The ramifications of the films we got this year, will be felt down the line.
746184, Because the Infinity Gaunlet and a wish are different things
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Sep-28-22 08:48 PM
>Like they introduce this idea/person "Eternity" and all of a
>sudden, after years of the MCU, we learn about this being who
>can grant any wish?

Not sure I get the issue here. Damn near every discovery can be reduced to "all of a sudden". Because things have to already exist, in order to be discovered. It's just peeling back another curtain, unveiling a bit more of this world, and it's inhabitants.

>Well why didn't Thanos use Eternity to
>wipe out half the universe?

Easy: He didn't know how to reach Eternity, but DID know how to obtain the Infinity gems. He went with the goal that seemed more readily obtainable.

Or he knew of Eternity, but thought it was a myth.

There are any number of plausible explanations.

>Why didn't the Avengers use
>Eternity to fix what Thanos did?

Most problems likely have more than one solution.

Why not ask this question of every solution one doesn't choose?

It's not much of a problem at all. And again, any number of possible reasons exist. But the movie actually answers this: they didn't understand that Thor could use the Bifrost to reach Eternity until Jane noticed some old drawings that showed this happening.

Just because a potential solution exists, does not mean that everyone automatically knows how to reach it.

It's nothing to believe that Thanos knew of Eternity, but simply wasn't entirely sure it existed, or how to get to it- but had much more sure knowledge of the existence of the Infinity stones, and a more realistic plan to obtain them.


>>Why hasn't every villain to
>date been trying to track down Eternity?!?!

Why doesn't every thief steal crypto instead of whatever it is they stole?

Why doesn't everyone make the exact right decision at all times?

It stands to reason, exercise and healthy diet yield significant positive results, so why are junk food and streaming media multi-billion dollar industries?

The answer is simple: people, and life in general, are complex.

Do you think Vulture, Killmonger, Whiplash, Hydra, etc, *all* know Eternity exists?

OF those who do, is there any rational reason to assume most of them knew how to get there?

Everyone has their own agenda, and their own reasons. So even those who did know- and we have no reason to assume anyone knew enough to actually make it happen- likely craved something different.

>Like you introduce out of nowhere this MacGuffin problem

It's not out of nowhere though. It's just something we hadn't seen until now. A gazillion things exist in the comics, and it's a matter of time before a lot of them wind up in an MCU movie. They're not coming out of nowhere, just because we're only just now learning of them.

You could argue that Kang "came out of nowhere", because we didn't discover his existence until Loki. It's no different.

>solved by a MacGuffin solution and everything is the same at
>the end. It just seems like lazy story telling.

what's the MacFuffin though? The Necro Sword? Eternity itelf? Neither of these are unimportant. Stakes are definitely high here. Hell, those stakes are why Zeus wanted no part of the mission.

The light, silly nature of the film doesn't really change th weight of those stakes.

>And damn if its not another movie where the Power of Love
>saves the day.

That's what superhero movies are, damn near by definition.

The love one *hero* had for the other, as well as *humanity*, drove said heroes action. But it's not like love itself was some magical spell. It was still driven by actions- but most superhero movies are, to an extent, a series of actions driven by one person's love for someone or something.
746350, this is a serious question...
Posted by cgonz00cc, Thu Oct-13-22 08:54 PM
have you ever read a comic book?