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Topic subjectBook of Boba Fett (Disney+ 2021)
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743080, Book of Boba Fett (Disney+ 2021)
Posted by Heinz, Sat Dec-25-21 12:35 PM
4 more days guys!

Latest tv spot (don’t worry any footage is only from the first 15 mins of the first episode)

New tv spot https://youtu.be/CWLFEzyn9J8
743115, I wish I could gin up enthusiasm for this, but I don’t see its purpose
Posted by Tiger Woods, Tue Dec-28-21 08:08 AM
The beauty of the character was that we knew nothing about him

And I’m way more into trodding new ground ala Mandalorian

I’ll still watch though
743116, I have full faith in Filoni and Favreau on this…
Posted by soulfunk, Tue Dec-28-21 08:27 AM
Filoni has a proven track record of taking characters we know little about, and blending them with new characters and characters we are VERY familiar with to tell interesting stories. And I can definitely see even just from the trailers that we are getting something fresh here - this isn’t Boba Fett just doing bounty hunter stuff, he’s a crime lord in this which takes him in a new direction. Filoni has done some criminal syndicate stories before in The Clone Wars, and it was GREAT content.
743122, he’s a crime lord..eyeroll af
Posted by rdhull, Tue Dec-28-21 01:30 PM
>Filoni has a proven track record of taking characters we know
>little about, and blending them with new characters and
>characters we are VERY familiar with to tell interesting
>stories. And I can definitely see even just from the trailers
>that we are getting something fresh here - this isn’t Boba
>Fett just doing bounty hunter stuff, he’s a crime lord in
>this which takes him in a new direction. Filoni has done some
>criminal syndicate stories before in The Clone Wars, and it
>was GREAT content.
743123, i mean that was kinda established when he took over Jaba's old spot
Posted by Mynoriti, Tue Dec-28-21 01:49 PM
at the end of the Mandalorian credits

we already have a series about a fett type bounty hunter. should this be another one?

people complaining before this show even starts lol

743125, Same people who complained about mando lol
Posted by Heinz, Tue Dec-28-21 03:16 PM
743133, First episode was FIRE…
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Dec-29-21 10:20 AM
I love how they are using bacta tank dreams for flashbacks, can definitely see that continuing throughout the series with flashbacks from all kinds of eras. That quick shot of Kamino looked great, I hope we see more.

The story in the present time is starting off strong - there’s a lot of places they can take this. Obviously the mayor is going to be a problem. He might be bold because he’s backed by other criminal syndicates off world. Maybe the Black Sun, Crimson Dawn, or the Pikes? Also the Twilek running that cantina was obviously in on the hit that happened in the streets - loading up their helmets with credits so they wouldn’t be able to use…

My one potential nitpick issue is that this seems tonally VERY similar to The Mandalorian. I’m sure there’s a specific story they want to tell, but I hope Fett is more of a conflicted antihero in those vs a guy with a dark past who turns good because of his moral code - I feel like this show (and the lead characters) need to be differentiated more, especially seeing that I expect Mandalorian to continue without Grogu as a main character (I don’t expect to see Z Grogu again until the series finale). But I’m excited about watching this show!
743135, I loved it!
Posted by Heinz, Wed Dec-29-21 11:35 AM
The theme song isnt as good as Mando but its pretty damn good and a hard act to follow. I think tonally its supposed to be the same as its one entire story. Regardless I don’t mind it. Im sure when we get Andor and Obi Wan those will feel different but this is part of Fav and Filioni’s story so I anticipated the same tone for this, Ahsoka and whatever replaces the Gina show.
743142, Great Start, nice way to fill in holes
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Wed Dec-29-21 03:32 PM
>I love how they are using bacta tank dreams for flashbacks,
>can definitely see that continuing throughout the series with
>flashbacks from all kinds of eras. That quick shot of Kamino
>looked great, I hope we see more.
I think thats where they're going with the show, but I do wonder if his need to be in the bacta tank will continue. For now it looks like he needs it to get back to 100 but I hope it's not a "he needs the Bacta Tank to stay alive." cause that would suck.

>The story in the present time is starting off strong -
>there’s a lot of places they can take this. Obviously the
>mayor is going to be a problem. He might be bold because
>he’s backed by other criminal syndicates off world. Maybe
>the Black Sun, Crimson Dawn, or the Pikes? Also the Twilek
>running that cantina was obviously in on the hit that happened
>in the streets - loading up their helmets with credits so they
>wouldn’t be able to use…
I'm sure we'll see other syndicates but If I remember correctly by the time of this series most of them had been wiped out or power wasn't a quarter of what it was during the Clone Wars, with the exception of the Pikes.

Jennifer Beals Twilek is def in on it, my guess is the Mayor and a like are testing the new leadership of Fett. But it makes me curious, how in the hell did Bib Fortuna keep things going after Jabba's death if they came at Bobba this way.

>My one potential nitpick issue is that this seems tonally VERY
>similar to The Mandalorian. I’m sure there’s a specific
>story they want to tell, but I hope Fett is more of a
>conflicted antihero in those vs a guy with a dark past who
>turns good because of his moral code - I feel like this show
>(and the lead characters) need to be differentiated more,
>especially seeing that I expect Mandalorian to continue
>without Grogu as a main character (I don’t expect to see Z
>Grogu again until the series finale). But I’m excited about
>watching this show!

I think the tone is the way it is because we're seeing characters that live on the Outer Rim on of the SW Universe, so it's more of a wild west kinda vibe with things. I don't think we'll get a conflicted anti-hero vibe, Fett seems to know who he is and what he wants. He's just trying to do it his way and not like the previous people whom we obviously know how ruling by fear turned out for them.

I could be wrong but either way...
743144, I believe that during this time period that
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Dec-29-21 05:02 PM
Qi’ra from Solo has popped up in comics as bringing back Crimson Dawn. That may have been pre-Endor (ROTJ) but that’s not long before this time period so I do believe that Crimson Dawn is back in some kind of way.

>I'm sure we'll see other syndicates but If I remember correctly by the time of this series >most of them had been wiped out or power wasn't a quarter of what it was during the Clone >Wars, with the exception of the Pikes.

>But it makes me curious, how in the hell did Bib Fortuna keep things going after Jabba's >death if they came at Bobba this way.

To your point, I think we’ll find out that Bib didn’t really keep things going, and that Jabba’s empire is pretty run down at this point such that Boba also doesn’t have much power. I’m that one Mando post-credit scene he took Bib out QUICK. The palace itself seems pretty abandoned. So I’d guess the story of this season will be him building the “family” back up.

When I mentioned “conflicted anti-hero” I meant that he’s clearly not ruthless evil, and from the little we saw in this episode I can see some tough decisions having to get made in balancing doing things his way vs. the ruthless way things had been done. He got caught slipping multiple times just in this episode from not taking Fennec Shands advise on how he needs to handle things. I definitely see some conflict happening during the season with him trying to be a “respectful” crime lord in a business where respect is seen as weakness.
743146, is there a timeline to these new shows?
Posted by makaveli, Wed Dec-29-21 05:09 PM
or can they be watched in any order?
743149, Timeline is 5 years after Jedi > Mandalorian > Book of Boba Fett
Posted by handle, Wed Dec-29-21 06:01 PM
Watch Mandalorian if you want to see all of the Boba back story, he really comes in for a few episodes in Season 2.
743162, Ludwig is 2 for 2 with these theme songs
Posted by Heinz, Thu Dec-30-21 10:35 AM
Gat damn this shit goes hard

743163, Loved the first episode. Glad we got the explanation of the escape
Posted by Lach, Thu Dec-30-21 11:00 AM
743197, am i the only one who was underwhelmed?
Posted by Original Juice, Fri Dec-31-21 07:13 PM
maybe my expectations were heightened by my experiences with The Mandalorian..

Something about the script felt clunky.

Boba is a lot less ruthless than I thought he would be. I get it.. he has principles and wants to rule with respect.. but then why be a crimelord? To be a weak one? Doesn't make sense. He's a survivor, so why doesn't he have a plan to survive as the new boss in town? He is like the Anti-Tony Montana.

I hate when Star Wars "aliens" speak modern English with terrestrial colloquial accents. It's seems lazy in comparison to the levels of detail they used to go into when making the original trilogy.

Those "ninjas" looked hella dumb. That monster with the 20-pack and 4 arms looked like some watered down Tokusatsu..like somebody you would see fighting the Power Rangers. Not Star Wars.

I love Boba Fett though and I'm a Temuera Morrison fan since Once Were Warriors. Also a Ming Na Wen fan since Joy Luck Club. Obviously a Mandalorian/Favreau fan. I see that the ep was directed by the infamous Robert Rodriguez.. who I consider to be legendary; however, LOTS of his directorial choices over the years are super questionable.
Not sure I want him in the Star Wars universe tbh

- Morrison/Ming Na Wen
- Boba Fett getting his story told
- Theme song is dope
- Still a lot of potential to be good
- The vibe is not exactly like Mandalorian (spaghetti western).. It's a little of that, but I'm getting more of a Sinbad the Sailor/Clash of The Titans vibe for some reason
743199, Yeah, i'm wondering how soon this breaks down
Posted by Mynoriti, Fri Dec-31-21 07:43 PM
>Boba is a lot less ruthless than I thought he would be. I get
>it.. he has principles and wants to rule with respect.. but
>then why be a crimelord? To be a weak one? Doesn't make
>sense. He's a survivor, so why doesn't he have a plan to
>survive as the new boss in town? He is like the Anti-Tony

His refusal to torture the 2 Gomorrean guards worked out in his favor. I'm assuming it's going to be a case of people mistaking his kindness for weakness. That when he claps back its some medieval shit. I don't think he's on some Stringer bell try to reform the game shit. Boba's been around too long to not know the nature of the world he's dealing with. then again, he's never been top dog. not sure he's comfortable with it

I kinda share your underwhelmed sentiment even though i still really enjoyed it. my expectations for this are through the roof
743200, There is no real worldbuilding for this series to do. That is the problem.
Posted by Castro, Sat Jan-01-22 11:49 AM
We know the planet, we know the gangsters, we know Boba, we know too much...so the series has to focus on characters, and right now, the central character is flat. The flashbacks are too convenient, and take away from the plot.
743201, Imagine having a definitive conclusion to a show
Posted by Heinz, Sat Jan-01-22 01:59 PM
After the first episode lol

They established a lot. They fan serviced a lot. They laid the groundwork a lot. All in 30+ mims. Shit was well done…for a first episode that is essentially a small piece to the Favreau/Filoni universe that is Mando/Rebels. If you are watching this as a new show and this is a pilot sure your critique holds weight, but this is not that scenario. Not even a little bit.
743202, Pretty sure the monster was homage to the Kraken from Clash of Titans
Posted by stylez dainty, Sat Jan-01-22 02:47 PM
So I dug it, even though it was out of place looking.

Pretty much agree with everything else. This version of Boba Fett seems like a hard character to base a show around, but maybe they have some tricks up their sleeve.

Was it just me or was the cinematography and overall production design not to the level of the Mandolorian? I remember that just being a really cool show to look at, above all.
743203, I have trust that there’s a greet story they want to tell.
Posted by soulfunk, Sat Jan-01-22 04:04 PM
In this premier episode they needed to do a couple things - first to establish how he escaped the sarlacc to get to where he was in Mando season 2, and second to establish what he’s doing now after Mando season 2.

You’re right about the unanswered question - WHY does he want to be a crime lord? After a life as a bounty hunter in which he was a total freelancer, why take on the responsibility and threat of running a criminal empire? There’s definitely got to be a reason. Again, I trust that Filoni/Favreau have that covered in the story they want to tell.

At this point there’s plenty of evidence in how Filoni builds stories up. Mando season 1 episode 1 was VERY similar to this episode, with the exception of the Grogu reveal at the end of that episode - and with Mando a hook was needed because with him being a completely new character without that reveal telling us what the season would be about, it felt like some guys playing around with Star Wars action figures and giving them new character names. Book of Boba will definitely have a full story to tell.
743204, I was a little underwhelmed, but I’m sticking with it regardless
Posted by pretentious username, Sat Jan-01-22 09:31 PM
Boba Fett is a badass character, so the ceiling for this is high. I doubt it reaches Mandalorian levels, but it could be good. I just wonder how he stays a protagonist as a crime lord??? Even an anti-hero is a bit of a stretch. We’ll see.
743240, Chapter 2 : The Tribes of Tattooine
Posted by Heinz, Wed Jan-05-22 11:12 AM


Black Krrsantan!!!!
743242, Justice for the Tuskans
Posted by Melanism, Wed Jan-05-22 12:12 PM
The B-Story of the Skywalker Saga is really the family tormenting the native people of Tatooine.
743261, I was happy as shit for the Tuskens
Posted by Mafamaticks, Thu Jan-06-22 08:41 PM
743243, Yeah...they came with the deep cuts today...
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jan-05-22 01:47 PM
Black Krrsantan plus Tosche Station. And done in a perfect way where if you didn't know who/what they were it wouldn't matter at all.

I love where both parts of the story are going.
743244, You think we get Aphra?
Posted by Heinz, Wed Jan-05-22 03:00 PM
743245, I think Aphra is dead by the time of this
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Wed Jan-05-22 03:16 PM
Didn't she finally get got after the Bounty Hunters war?
743246, Nah I believe she lives
Posted by Heinz, Wed Jan-05-22 03:34 PM
743247, I'm pretty sure she's still alive...
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jan-05-22 03:37 PM
We haven't seen her post-ROTJ yet but I don't remember her actually getting killed.

And yeah - I think everything is on the table.
743252, I'm hyped fuck the haters
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Wed Jan-05-22 11:53 PM
It would be wild if Aphra appeared and we find out she knows or worked Fennec at some point.
743253, Seeing her with Triple Zero and Bee Tee would be nuts
Posted by Heinz, Thu Jan-06-22 11:56 AM
those droids are crazy
743263, I'd love to see them, but don't know if this is the series where you...
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jan-06-22 09:14 PM
...introduce them. Maybe one of the other forthcoming off-shoots.
743268, I figure one of the off shoots
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Fri Jan-07-22 10:28 AM
I don't seem them bringing trip 0 and BT along with Black K all in one show.
743254, I tired (unsuccessfully) to explain to my wife who he was
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jan-06-22 12:38 PM
I fell off on the comics a while back. Are BT-1 and 0-0-0 still functioning?
743255, I have no idea what any of you are talking about
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Jan-06-22 01:30 PM
but i liked the episode lol
743256, That’s the beauty of it…fan service done right.
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Jan-06-22 02:02 PM
In a universe as big as Star Wars with so many films, live and animated TV shows, books, comics, and video games all being large of a huge canon it’s wonderful to see little connections like this where you don’t need to know the background specifics, but for those who know they get that little reward.

It would be annoying if they made it where you had to read all the comics and books to know what’s happening, but to your point even if you don’t know who that character was you can see he’s an intimidating Wookiee, and from his glare towards Boba there’s a hint at some prior history between them. No need to know any more than that.
743269, yep, that....
Posted by Voodoochilde, Fri Jan-07-22 10:50 AM
yep this....

>In a universe as big as Star Wars with so many films, live
>and animated TV shows, books, comics, and video games all
>being large of a huge canon it’s wonderful to see little
>connections like this where you don’t need to know the
>background specifics, but for those who know they get that
>little reward.
>It would be annoying if they made it where you had to read all
>the comics and books to know what’s happening, but to your
>point even if you don’t know who that character was you can
>see he’s an intimidating Wookiee, and from his glare towards
>Boba there’s a hint at some prior history between them. No
>need to know any more than that.>

i dont know any of the 'extra Star Wars stuff' thats out there, i only know all of the movies (honestly 'Rogue One' might be my favorite Movie of them all), "The Mandalorian" & "The Bad Batch" LOVE both of these shows more than most of the movies.

Other than that, im clueless, but it didnt affect my enjoyment of this episode at all....when i saw that big dark Wookie step out and give that glare, i hollered out load! (and rewound and rewatched multiple times, just cuz it was so cool). Yeah, even without any actual specific knowledge of exactly who/what/why he was, i still 'got' all i needed to 'wow' me and fully enjoy this episode. And am hoping (pretty sure) we'll get more of him later in the season of this show or others...agreed, well done indeed!

have you listened to
her stuff?


RIP David Williams:

743270, Rogue One is my favorite individual movie by FAR...
Posted by soulfunk, Fri Jan-07-22 11:23 AM
>(honestly 'Rogue One'
>might be my favorite Movie of them all),

And I'm a huge Star Wars fan who finds something to love about all the movies. But if I'm picking one individual movie? Definitely Rogue One. You'll have people say that it's Empire Strikes Back, but Empire on it's own is incomplete. It's great because of where it fits in the OT, the challenges that came up and where they went. You'll have people say it's A New Hope, but when rewatching, the dialogue is cringy, and there's not a lot of meat to the story itself. It's great because of all of the innovations in making it and the fact that it launched this entire universe.

But if I'm judging one individual film? Rogue One managed to introduce a full cast of new characters, gave us enough character development for us to fall in love with all of them for different reasons, gave all of them wonderfully tragic individual death scenes, added to the overall ST lore and worldbuilding, gave us the best space battle in all of Star Wars, and gave us by FAR the best closing scene ever in a Star Wars movie. Even the music is COMPLETELY underrated - Michael Giacchino did heavy work on new themes that fit perfectly in the SW universe and tied right into the OT.

And this isn't a thing where I reevaluated it years later, I loved Rogue One on first watch. At one point when it was in the theaters I was literally going to see it 3-4 times a week, sneaking out of work early and catching late afternoon showings in nearly empty theaters. I love that movie.

743262, Just in case you're curious
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jan-06-22 09:13 PM
The place where Boba Fett beat up the aliens and stole the bikes was Tosche Station (where Luke wanted to go to pick up the power converters). In a deleted scene from the first Star Wars, they show Luke going there at the very beginning of the movie tp hang out. The two humans who were being bullied by the bikers were the grown up versions of two of Luke's friends from Tattooine.

The evil Wookie with the Hutt twins was Black Krrsantan. He's a bounty hunter they introduced in the Star Wars comic books that launched around the same time as Force Awakens. There was a Vader comic book where they introduced him, Dr. Aphra (an amoral archeologist who helps Vader), and essentially evil version of C3PO and R2D2. The characters were so popular that they've hung around until now.
743271, Yeah Tosche Station scene was such a nice touch
Posted by Heinz, Fri Jan-07-22 11:51 AM
featuring the Sons of Anarchy Tattooine chapter lol
743275, RE: Yeah Tosche Station scene was such a nice touch
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Fri Jan-07-22 03:08 PM
>featuring the Sons of Anarchy Tattooine chapter lol

I did have to roll my eyes at that part. When they showed them in the previous episode and I saw they had cuts on, I was like "C'mon Dave, why do we need a SW version of Biker Mice from Mars?"
743272, awesome. thanks for this
Posted by Mynoriti, Fri Jan-07-22 01:05 PM
>The place where Boba Fett beat up the aliens and stole the
>bikes was Tosche Station (where Luke wanted to go to pick up
>the power converters). In a deleted scene from the first Star
>Wars, they show Luke going there at the very beginning of the
>movie tp hang out. The two humans who were being bullied by
>the bikers were the grown up versions of two of Luke's friends
>from Tattooine.
>The evil Wookie with the Hutt twins was Black Krrsantan. He's
>a bounty hunter they introduced in the Star Wars comic books
>that launched around the same time as Force Awakens. There was
>a Vader comic book where they introduced him, Dr. Aphra (an
>amoral archeologist who helps Vader), and essentially evil
>version of C3PO and R2D2. The characters were so popular that
>they've hung around until now.
743321, RE: Chapter 2 : The Tribes of Tattooine
Posted by Original Juice, Thu Jan-13-22 12:26 AM
Much, much better than the first episode. This is the good side of Robert Rodriguez.

Okay.. I like the direction of this show. Still kinda wishing Boba was a little more ruthless, but I'm learning to let go of that expectation. He's honorable. I can dig it.
743314, Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa
Posted by Heinz, Wed Jan-12-22 11:08 AM
Holy shit!!!!!!!

So much to talk about. Fuck i’ll wait I don’t want to ruin it.
743316, They packed a LOT into this episode...
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jan-12-22 12:39 PM
Raw thoughts after just watching, spoilers below...

I love how the stories are coming together with the Pikes being involved in both the past and the present. Speaking of the past, my guess is that it wasn't the swoop gang who killed the Tuskens, but the Pike Syndicate did it and set it up to look like it was the swoop gang. The Pikes ain't going that easily after having their train hit. The dude Fett went to negotiate with obviously knew about what was happening to the Tuskens while he was gone. Plus the swoop gang was just a little group of thugs, no way they'd be able to catch the Tusken village sleeping like that. Heart strings were getting pulled when Boba laid the kid's gaffi stick on the fire...notice we didn't see a body of the warrior though, she's definitely still alive at this point.

Then in the present you have the Pikes showing up to take over Tatooine...Black Krrsantan fight (my guess is that at some point he comes back to save Boba). Nice quick cameo shot in Mos Eisley of Amy Sedaris's character from Mando and her pit droids. Danny Trejo with the Rancor (I definitely wouldn't trust him if I was Boba...that could be the Hutt twins second attempt at assassination with that "gift")

My only issue with this episode was that speeder chase...it went on too long for as low budget as it looked. I understand that every action sequence in a TV show is not gonna be theater level quality, but to that point there was no reason to have that chase go on that long, because it drew attention to the action being low budget.
743317, Yeah
Posted by Heinz, Wed Jan-12-22 01:03 PM

The car chase on the 40's style Vespas could have been better if their bikes and the car moved faster. It shouldve been more like the opening scene in SOLO. The pace of it was odd but maybe due to their choice in vehicles for the Top Boy Cyber Punk crew (I like them tho). I think Trejo is fine and his character is exactly who he is.


743318, You know it's gonna happen...
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jan-12-22 04:42 PM


And I think it will be Boba riding it through Mos Espa to the mayor's office with the Rancor acting as his "litter"...
743319, Haha
Posted by Heinz, Wed Jan-12-22 04:44 PM

It’s going to be our Jon Snow rides a Dragon for the first time scene lol
743329, Yeah, that part certainly wasn't my favorite
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jan-13-22 12:14 PM

>My only issue with this episode was that speeder chase...it
>went on too long for as low budget as it looked. I understand
>that every action sequence in a TV show is not gonna be
>theater level quality, but to that point there was no reason
>to have that chase go on that long, because it drew attention
>to the action being low budget.

I'm guessing Rodriguez and Favreau were going for a tribute to the car chases of old, but it didn't work. I'm sorry, I thought of Wayne's World 2 when they drove through a portrait of Jabba the Hutt that just happened to be crossing the street.

Rest of it was really good though. Especially the stuff with the Rancor. Boba riding one is going to be bad-ass.
743330, They tried to cram in EVERY chase scene trope...
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Jan-13-22 12:21 PM
>I'm guessing Rodriguez and Favreau were going for a tribute to
>the car chases of old, but it didn't work. I'm sorry, I
>thought of Wayne's World 2 when they drove through a portrait
>of Jabba the Hutt that just happened to be crossing the

The ending with crashing into the barrel of fruit, the alley cuts, the chasers jumping a ramp to land on the car, etc...even the very beginning of the chase with dude locking the door to slow them down and then leaving out the back door...

Plus with the chase being so slow...I was waiting for something to completely go against expectations like having the mayor's assistant get killed by someone random during the chase.
743322, RE: Chapter 3: The Streets of Mos Espa (casting spoilers)
Posted by Original Juice, Thu Jan-13-22 12:31 AM
Kinda feeling the Tatooine hipster gang. Those Vespas gotta be the brightest, most colorful things on that planet since R2D2 and C3PO.

Was nice to see Young Nat from (the) Yellowjackets as the leader of the hipster crew.

Also really good to see Machete. Robert Rodriguez earns plus points for that one.
743326, Yeah I'm assuming the bright bikes choice was to really show
Posted by Heinz, Thu Jan-13-22 11:13 AM
that they are millennials and not just young street punks the way Han and Qi'ra were in Solo.

I mean they could've made them black and shiny tho lol
743328, I saw a reviewer call out that those bikes looked to be Lucas
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Jan-13-22 11:48 AM
inspired, specifically from American Graffiti which had races with bright cars from the '60s era...also those characters seemed like they'd fit in in prequel era Coruscant like that cantina Kenobi and Anakin went to in Attack of the Clones...

But yeah - they could have done a much better job on editing that chase scene to make it tighter and not feel so slow...
743332, Ahhh that’s kinda dope
Posted by Heinz, Thu Jan-13-22 02:15 PM
743397, Chapter 4: The Gathering Storm
Posted by Heinz, Wed Jan-19-22 11:35 AM
Some really great shit in here, but also some shotty looking CGI lol. I gotta rewatch because I saw it late last night/early morning before I knocked out. Overall a great episode tho.
743398, I'm kinda losing interest
Posted by Nopayne, Wed Jan-19-22 01:40 PM
They always pack action into this show but it still feels like a slow burn. I was foolishly expecting something closer to a Boardwalk Empire.

Highlights for me this week include the random Thundercat cameo and the hunt for his suit.
743401, That was random as heck lol...
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jan-19-22 02:35 PM
>the random Thundercat cameo
743400, I just watched it on my phone in between meetings for work
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jan-19-22 02:33 PM
so I didn't notice the CGI issues in this episode. There have definitely been issues throughout the series though, so I'm not surprised.

I thought this episode was great. The one issue I have is the pacing...the spent a LOT of time in the flashback timeline that didn't give us any new information. We already knew how he found Fennec and saved her after she was left for dead in Mando, already knew that she had droid parts put in her to save her life, already knew that he'd gotten the Slave 1 back and that he'd killed Bib, etc., but it was all paced kinda slow as if this was new information.

That being said, there were little nuggets throughout that are likely important going forward...Fennec mentioned that there's no way the biker gang wiped out a Tusken tribe on their own. I definitely think the Pykes set that up. It was DOPE seeing Boba take them out with the Slave 1...also great to see the sarlacc get killed by a seismic charge.

Fennec also mentioned that he still needed healing on the inside - I think this entire season is about Boba figuring out who he is - post Jango Fett's son, post bounty hunter career, post near death experience in the Sarlacc, post member of a Tusken tribe, etc. They had a good conversation on why he wanted to be a daimyo - though I still think he has additional motivation. We're also seeing more on how he's "ruling with respect" - he could have made Black Krrsantan his slave based on the gift from the Hutt twins, but he let him go, later went to find him and then hired him legitimately. (How dope was the scene with BK taking on the Trandoshans? Given the history of Wookie/Trandoshan relationships he was likely hunted and made a slave by Trandoshans so the beef definitely makes sense.) Also the Godfather scene with him and the other families was handled completely respectfully = it will be interesting to see how that playes out. Fennec for the third time in this episode played the role of the audience, asking him if he could trust those criminals...

At the end of the episode when they talked about hiring muscle, did y'all notice that the music went to the Mandalorian theme? Would be great to see him in this...maybe get a bit of insight on what's coming on Mando season 3...

743438, Chapter 4: Spoilery Title
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jan-26-22 08:00 AM
Wow. Bryce Dallas Howard CRUSHED directing this episode. Amazing.
743442, Oh so *that's* where the budget is going
Posted by Nopayne, Wed Jan-26-22 01:54 PM
They had some amazing shots in this episode. Was that a Dyson ring that they were trying to show or just some big ass ring station?
743443, lol re: the budget...
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jan-26-22 01:58 PM
They got an episode with the slowest car chase in entertainment history, and then in this episode come with a Naboo starfighter streaking through Beggar's Canyon and then straight into space to do a buzz by on a commercial liner???
743445, Hahahah so good
Posted by Heinz, Wed Jan-26-22 02:38 PM
Also did he join ISIS since we last saw him lol Disney was like fuck it lets go savage with this first kill
743446, I loved that from a character development standpoint.
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jan-26-22 03:48 PM
Over the first two seasons of his show, Mando moved from being an individualistic bounty hunter to having a purpose because of Grogu. After season two - he’s not only lost his purpose, he’s lost his moral compass. So from a character development standpoint he’s LITERALLY right back to season 1, episode 1 with his “take you in warm or take you in cold” line, and him brutally decapitating someone. (Remember him using the door to cut a dude in half in the Mando premier?)

Then, not only has he lost his purpose and moral compass, but he’s lost his only remaining identity and “family” after admitting that he’d revealed his face to someone. At this point he has the Armorer and Paz Vizla gunning after him (both for the dark saber AND his Beskar since I’m sure she doesn’t view him as worthy of it as no longer a true Mandalorian). AND he has Bo Katan ready to come after him for the dark saber (he also owes her, he was supposed to help her retake Mandalore after the save Grogu mission).

That’s why he jumped at the chance to help Boba Fett. We’re in for an incredible ride.
743449, Ahhh great points
Posted by Heinz, Wed Jan-26-22 05:49 PM
Do you think he helps out Boba before leaving or he takes off and this is a set up for season 3?
743450, Both...
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jan-26-22 08:04 PM
>Do you think he helps out Boba before leaving or he takes off and this is a set up for season 3?

I think he visits Grogu to check in on him and then comes back to Tatooine to help Boba, with season 3 of Mando being about his struggle with other Mandalorians (both the Death Watch remnant with the Armorer/Vizla and Bo Katan's group.)

Also I don't think the Grogu visit even happens on screen in Book of Boba Fett. There's two episodes left in this show, and we still need to see Boba Fett pull together his team and have the war with the Pikes, and resolve the situation in Mos Espa.

My guess is the next episode opens with Mando's return to Tatooine to join up with Boba along with maybe others who are helping (maybe Bossk? Would be cool to see Black Krrsantan and Bossk have to work together through some Wookie/Trandoshan beef.
743454, Yeah same, i think we see it on Mando S3 not this show
Posted by Heinz, Wed Jan-26-22 11:25 PM
I think the Pykes hire their own bounties like Cad Bane, Bossk, and others to go up against Boba and his team. I would be surprised to see those 2 fight alongside Boba.
743457, yes, indeed
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Thu Jan-27-22 02:27 PM
>That’s why he jumped at the chance to help Boba Fett.
>We’re in for an incredible ride.
743456, this was the first episode
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Thu Jan-27-22 02:25 PM
that didn't have me wanting it to hurry up
743451, FINALLY!...give Bryce Dallas Howard ALL the eps....
Posted by Voodoochilde, Wed Jan-26-22 08:36 PM
...gotta be honest, up to this point, ive felt the Direction in the Boba eps has been 'uneven', mostly lacking in dynamics, intrigue and 'fun'...imo it hasnt been the writing or the plot-lines that have been lacking, ive personally felt its the Direction thats been the issue...meaning HOW the story is being presented, not the story itself....

so far, until now, ONLY episode 2 gave me any significant 'wow' feelings....the others not so much.

Enter the talented Bryce Dallas Howard.
From start to finish, THIS LATEST episode (5) was FUN, COOL, EXCITING....and no, its not just because you-know-who is in it, but its because of HOW the story was told...all of the CHOICES the Director made here are what made this such a satisfying episode.

(as a side note, some of my favorite episodes of the previous live action Star Wars series were also Directed by Mz Howard)....so, with that i say...give Bryce ANYthing she wants to direct in this universe... please.

743452, Absolutely the best Directed episode so far.
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jan-26-22 09:10 PM
I'll say this though - she had an advantage (besides Mando) that the other directors didn't have. In episodes 1 through 4 we had the storytelling split between the present day story of Boba as a crime lord and the flashbacks. I think that was a great idea using the flashbacks to bring that together, but it feels a bit like Favreau had that idea, but each director handled that split storytelling a bit differently (he's been the writer for every episode, but hasn't directed any.)

Bryce was free to just direct the story without having to split time. That in addition to your great points on choices she made really made this the best episode so far. An example I'll mention is the Mando/Vizla fight...that was a difficult thing to pull off. She had to direct that showing that Mando wasn't in full control of the dark saber - struggling against its "weight", but he needed to ultimately win that fight. All while battling on a rail-less walkway with space behind them. That was beautifully done. I also mentioned up above how well done the sequence was in the N-1 Starfighter - that thing looks better on this TV show than we ever saw them look in the prequels. You could FEEL how fast it was going...

743458, Yeah her first Mando episode was mid
Posted by Heinz, Thu Jan-27-22 09:38 PM
The village one. She’s good tho but people need to stop pretending shes 2 for 3 lol
743459, ^^^
Posted by Nopayne, Fri Jan-28-22 09:50 PM
743476, First episode I’ve really enjoyed.
Posted by JFrost1117, Mon Jan-31-22 02:24 PM
743489, Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Feb-02-22 08:38 AM
I have no idea what they are doing with this show, but I'm loving the ride...spoilers below...

I figured Chapter 5 was just a one episode preview of Mando Season 3 along with bringing him into the final battle of Boba season 1. I figured we wouldn't see him visit Grogu until next season of Mando. But my goodness - in this one episode we get:

Cobb Vanth

And somehow, someway, given all of that, the thing I got most hype about was

CAD FREAKING BANE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Even though I was pretty sure he'd show up in this show, my goodness he looked great. BETTER than in animation. Those eyes were so menacing. Filoni killed it in this episode. And somehow managed to squeeze Ahsoka in there and made it work. Her knowing Luke brings up so many questions. Also making Grogu choose looks to be the way to save him from a terrible fate at the hands of Ben Solo - but I didn't think that choice would happen until much later.

I can't wait for the Disney Gallery or whatever show they do with all of the behind the scene footage on this season. And the CGI/deepfake on Luke???? I know they hired the guy who fixed the Mando Luke scene with deepfake, I wonder if he did this. Because this was some of the best de-aging I've scene, and there was a LOT of Luke in this episode.

On top of all that, I'm pretty sure this is the first time we've seen actual spice in Star Wars (not hidden inside a container, but actual visible refined spice.) Someone correct me if I'm wrong...I know they stole unrefined coaxium from Kessel where there are spice mines, but pretty sure we never say actual refined spice. Obviously the entire idea of spice was something Lucas ripped off from Dune, but cool to see it here, and it looks very similar to how it looks in Dune, like a magical sand...

I know people are gonna be complaining about how little Boba was in this episode after he wasn't in the last one at all. And with next week being the season finale they have to wrap up the entire battle with the Pikes. We also better see Boba riding that rancor through town. Also according to Wiki the next episode is directed by Robert Rodriguez - I hope they gave him a better budget than that yakety sax speeder bike episode. This season has definitely had some pacing issues with the flashbacks, and these last two episodes, but like I said up above I'm enjoying the ride. My jaw was literally dropped this entire episode.
743490, I can’t believe we got all that!!!
Posted by Heinz, Wed Feb-02-22 11:22 AM
I agree with you i dony know where its going but I love all the setups for whatever this grand story is.

Cad muthafucking Bane!

They are going to give us a young Luke show aren’t they. He looked so good. I agree this will make sense why Kylo doesnt end up killing him or possibly ends up killing depending what they choose story wise. I’m assuming he chooses the armor. He’s prob like fuck you Luke i’ll make my own saber LOL
743491, Especially after just having had all that trauma awakened
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Feb-02-22 11:51 AM
>I’m assuming he chooses the armor.
>He’s prob like fuck you Luke i’ll make my own saber LOL

I didn't even mention up above that we also got another Order 66 flashback, from a different perspective. Grogu has had so much trauma he's repressed all his training from the Jedi temple. To that point, if/when he does choose Mando over the Jedi academy, I hope that his connection with Mando lets him move past that trauma - allowing him to remember a ton of training that ends up making him a badass Jedi Mandalorian like Tarre Vizla.

To my point about the choice coming so much sooner than I expected, maybe when we return to Grogu he'll choose NOT to choose for now. Keep training with Luke for a while, and then choose to return to Din.
743492, Yeah that would make the most sense
Posted by Heinz, Wed Feb-02-22 12:29 PM
Unless they just want to be like don’t worry they are back together for season 3 lol
743494, giving him 60 secs to make a lifelong decision lol
Posted by rdhull, Wed Feb-02-22 06:48 PM
No "Think it over fir a while" etc lol

>>I’m assuming he chooses the armor.
>>He’s prob like fuck you Luke i’ll make my own saber LOL
>I didn't even mention up above that we also got another Order
>66 flashback, from a different perspective. Grogu has had so
>much trauma he's repressed all his training from the Jedi
>temple. To that point, if/when he does choose Mando over the
>Jedi academy, I hope that his connection with Mando lets him
>move past that trauma - allowing him to remember a ton of
>training that ends up making him a badass Jedi Mandalorian
>like Tarre Vizla.
>To my point about the choice coming so much sooner than I
>expected, maybe when we return to Grogu he'll choose NOT to
>choose for now. Keep training with Luke for a while, and then
>choose to return to Din.
743496, Luke is a bad teacher
Posted by handle, Thu Feb-03-22 11:16 AM
This shows it in action.

743493, Something I haven't seen mentioned yet...
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Feb-02-22 04:09 PM
If y'all remember way back in Fall 2020, before Season 2 of Mandalorian premiered, there was a soft announcement that Season 3 had been greenlit, and would premiere in December 2021. Then when the finale of Season 2 aired and the post credit scene announced Book of Boba Fett - that was set to come out in December 2021. There was a week or so where we and everyone else were speculating on whether both would drop at the same time, or if Season 3 of Mandalorian would be about Boba Fett instead of Mando, or whatever, until Favreau confirmed that Boob of Boba Fett was its own show with Mando season 3 coming later.

What I'm now wondering is if season 1 of Boba DID start off as season 3 of Mandalorian, and if at some point during early production/scriptwriting they decided "Hey this could be its own spin off show for Boba". They were already planning several interconnected spinoffs, with all of them planned to culminate in a "climactic story event". If this was originally a season of Mando, maybe initially Boba just had a relatively brief subplot about taking over Jabba's empire and taking out the Pikes with Mando helping. Then during writing that started turning into multiple episodes, and Filoni or Favreau came up with the idea of just expanding it, adding in the Tusken flashbacks, and making it its own show. That might explain a bit of the pacing issues.

All that being said, I still feel like some of what happened in these last two episodes (Chapters 5 and 6) should have been saved for Mandalorian. If someone was watching Mando and skipped this, they are gonna miss out on HUGE plot points when season 3 starts for Mando, the dark saber, the Armorer, Ahsoka, Luke, Grogu, etc...

As mentioned above, I'm loving all of this, but it just seems odd.
743520, I could see that being the case and maybe at some point after filming
Posted by Heinz, Sun Feb-06-22 04:28 PM
Boba scenes during Mando Season 2 they were asked if this could be a show and same for Ahsoka wtc
743519, Season 2 Mando finale + Episode 6 of BoBF>>>>>>>>>Episodes 7, 8, 9
Posted by calij81, Sun Feb-06-22 10:48 AM
At this point Disney should just retcon those movies to Legends status and start over.
743541, No one has taken blame for those movies, they just changed their story
Posted by Tiger Woods, Tue Feb-08-22 07:09 AM
The spin machine now is “look how well Star Wars translates to TV!” That was a big Iger talking point on his exiting victory lap tour.

They trot Favreau out for the big presentations too and he’s popular so everyone gets excited. It’s an effective CYA strategy.

No one - namely Iger or Kennedy - really talks about or takes blame for just how bad those sequel movies turned out…how rushed it all was, the lack of cohesion from film to film. That was a mission to mine new IP from an old cave. Mandalorian helped everyone save face but no matter what they tell you its success was surely an accident.

They’re batting about 500 I guess?
Rogue One and Mando are superb. Boba Fett is ok. The sequel trilogy and SOLO are bad.

I wish I could explain why some stuff gets me pumped and some stuff I’m indifferent to. I wasn’t that excited for Boba Fett, because I’m not that excited by the Boba Fett character who I spent my whole life thinking was dead. But I am really really stoked for the Obi Wan show.
743544, Not publicly. Wish I could be a fly on the wall on Disney meetings.
Posted by soulfunk, Tue Feb-08-22 12:32 PM
They know they effed up - very likely the reason they slowed way down on new releases. I'm an admittedly VERY biased Star Wars fan who loves everything and even I can't argue for the mess that was Rise of Skywalker and the obvious lack of planning for the overall trilogy. It's completely mindboggling to me that they wouldn't have the general story for all three movies locked in before Force Awakens, ESPECIALLY given that JJ has a history of kicking off stories that have unanswered questions, also given Disney's experience with the MCU.

I actually really enjoyed Solo (and still do - did a re-watch a few months ago.) The biggest issue with Solo IMO was the timing in coming out four months after Last Jedi was in theaters. They'd built up a nice cadence of releases during December with Force Awakens, Rogue One, and Last Jedi. They had Solo set for May 2018 release, likely to get set up to start doing two Star Wars movies per year (at that time, pre-Disney+ there were a BUNCH of movies in planning stage including a couple non-Skywalker related trilogies.)

Back to the trilogy though. they effed up MULTIPLE times along the way and had plenty of opportunity to fix it. And it's okay to miss and fix when there's still time - look at Rogue One which had HUGE rewrites and reshoots that completely changed big aspects of the movie, and it's seen by most as the best of the Disney SW films. But with the sequel trilogy it's like they didn't see problems coming that we NEW were there.

First with Force Awakens - I really enjoyed that, and it was the perfect reset for the franchise after the prequels. And when it came out, it was pretty much universally loved with the only critique being it was too close to A New Hope. At the same time, the issues could already be seen - if you're gonna have Luke not in the entire move until one scene at the end, and in the story have it be that he's isolated himself, there NEEDS to be an actual reason and explanation from a story perspective of why. You can't let JJ Abrams mystery box away with the biggest character in the franchise. I get why he didn't include Luke until the end - they needed space for both the legacy characters while introducing us to new characters. He did a great job with that - I instantly loved Finn, Rey, and Poe. Han was also great in this and had enough time to shine. The broad plan was to focus on Han for this, Luke for Episode 8, and Leia for 9. But they needed to KNOW why Luke had isolated himself and have an outline for the entire trilogy. At the time, I just assumed that they DID know.

Then Last Jedi comes out. Rian Johnson has to solve this mystery off the bat and explain why Luke has been gone. This handicapped what he could do. That being said - during the production of Last Jedi they needed to realize their mistake with Force Awakens, and course correct by establishing the story of episodes 8 and 9 together. They did not. Colin Treverow was working separately on Episode 9, ended up getting swapped out to bring JJ back. They still could have salvaged this if they'd have delayed Rise of Skywalker to really lock down the story, but we got what we got. I can't even properly judge Rise of Skywalker and the trash that it is on its own because while being bad, what was worse was the realization that they had no plan the entire time.

This post is getting way longer than I intended so to sum it up - they effed up REPEATEDLY on stuff we could see coming from a mile away, and have multiple opportunities to fix it but didn't.
743575, Right and that made each movie worse
Posted by Stadiq, Thu Feb-10-22 01:40 PM

with each sequel.

Like, TFA was okay. It was unoriginal and fell apart in the final act, but it did its job like you said.

The next one didn't really build on TFA very well and was more focused on tricking the audience/subverting expectations than telling an actual good, logical story that lined up with the previous one.

So because TLJ didn't really line up with TFA, TFA is actually worse off.

Then TLJ actually gets interesting and does some really cool/original things in the final act once it becomes an actual story on its own merit. It leaves a lot to address/build on/explore in the next one.

Had the 3rd one built on TLJ in a competent way, it would have really saved the trilogy.

Instead, we got a straight up horrible movie. Just not good. And it just hit undo on anything in the previous film.

Its not just that they didn't have a plan, they didn't even bother to try to make everything fit. Like at all.
743552, the decision to tack 2 good Mando episodes onto this mediocre BF show...
Posted by Tiger Woods, Tue Feb-08-22 10:26 PM
I don't get it
743554, Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Feb-09-22 08:34 AM
More thoughts later because I just watched, but FENNEC Freaking SHAND!!!! My goodness...
743560, I wish they had her say something to Cad Bane in that brief scene
Posted by Heinz, Wed Feb-09-22 12:44 PM
Also after credits scene! I wonder if thats a set for season 2 or that Rangers show
743563, It was pretty bad
Posted by handle, Wed Feb-09-22 01:56 PM
the "action" was so delayed in many scenes it felt so fake and lame.

Like 'freetowners" and "mod squad" standing behind a wall for like 10 minutes while a 50 foot robot shoots at them was lame. Felt stilted, and stupid.

But Fennec Shand murdering everyone (save the last Pike) was great. then it slowed down for some reason but she did come through with the action.

Also the dialog and the lack of urgency in a lot of the action really reminded me of playing with my star Wars toys as a child - in good and bad ways.

Good was "Then..then.. Boba Fett gets on a rancor and attacks the pikes!"

The bad was how long I'd go "pew pew pew" before different action occurred.

Also sometimes Fett is no threat - sometimes he's a huge threat. Only Fennec Shand stays at the same level of bad-assery.

The dialog was bad a lot- but most dialog in Star Wars is bad.

This just seemed to be written at a TekWar novel level.

Don't get me wrong - I liked the series, but it's clunky.

Bobba Fett acting like Stringer Bell was rich though.

743568, RE: It was pretty bad
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Thu Feb-10-22 10:45 AM
Then end of the episode was mostly good. I agree on the dialog being terrible. This series was really a mixed bag. The early episodes were very drawn out and it seemed like they wanted to fill 1 hour of run time with the finale. I was most interested when Din Djarin entered the story and Boba Fett actually got to do something.
743570, Agreed
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Thu Feb-10-22 11:30 AM
I heard they rewrote and reshot some stuff at the last minute which could contribute to why it was slow and all over the place. That coupled with Ep 5 and 6 were supposed to be Mando episodes show this was a bit of a rush deal

I felt this could've been much much better series.

Please don't let Rodriguez do anything Star Wars related again.

The Good:
Fennec Shand assassination run
Mando and Bobba shootout with the Pikes
Bobba riding the Rancor

The Bad:
The mod's (i just hate they are in this show specifically)
Cade Bane vs Bobba (could've saved Cad for something else or another season)
Black Krrsantan (How much damage can a wookie take? One scene he's running around and the next he's on death's doorstep)
Amy Sedaris

The Ugly:
Robert Rodriguez Every episode he's had a hand in has not been good.

Overall I think this show would've been better as an animated series ala Bad Batch.

I also hope season 3 of Mano ties into Ashoka and Mando learns how to wield the Dark Saber from Sabine or Ashoka, because right now its looking real silly for him to even pull that thing out in a fight.
743572, I really enjoyed it but I agree with some of this
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Feb-10-22 12:44 PM
>The Good:
>Fennec Shand assassination run

she was dope as hell but was it weird she was MIA the entire battle? I guess it gives the hit at the end less punch if she's setting up.

>Mando and Bobba shootout with the Pikes

loved all of this

>Bobba riding the Rancor

I didn't think i'd like this, because despite loving the dragons in GoT, i always hated the dragon riding. this was dope tho

>The Bad:
>The mod's (i just hate they are in this show specifically)

I HATE them on this show. Not even the characters specifically, they don't bother me. Visually it doesn't work. everything on tattoine is tan and muted, then here comes these bright colored vespa scooters. It looks horrible.

>Cade Bane vs Bobba (could've saved Cad for something else or
>another season)

I don't know anything about Cad Bane. I thought it was awesome

>Black Krrsantan (How much damage can a wookie take? One scene
>he's running around and the next he's on death's doorstep)

Yeah this bugged me some. He needed help taking one step 3 second ago, now he's keeping up with everyone. In general the repetition of everyone running/we're cornered thing dragged on too much.

>Amy Sedaris

LOL i really thought i was alone on this. Don't want to sound like such a curmudgeon I don't enjoy her scenes at all. Not just in this episode.

Really as someone who knows nothing about the expanded universe, my biggest gripe as a kid who loved Boba Fett is he had his helmet off way too much.
743576, RE: I really enjoyed it but I agree with some of this
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Thu Feb-10-22 01:41 PM
>The Bad:
>The mod's (i just hate they are in this show specifically)

>I HATE them on this show. Not even the characters specifically, they don't bother me. Visually it doesn't work. everything on tattoine is tan and muted, then here comes these bright colored vespa scooters. It looks horrible.

Right? I mean they don't look like they belong on Tattooine, I could see if they were on the Dyson ring thing that Mando was on in Ep 5 or if they were on a show about Coruscant. It just didn't match

>Amy Sedaris
>LOL i really thought i was alone on this. Don't want to sound like such a curmudgeon I don't enjoy her scenes at all. Not just in this episode.

I enjoyed her in bits on Mando, but it just didn't make sense to have her here. I guess now we'll get her and the Ex husband from Veep in Mando S3 as a couple.
743573, RE: Agreed
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Thu Feb-10-22 12:44 PM
>Please don't let Rodriguez do anything Star Wars related

Yes! His episodes seems bland and boring, and I'm not even a Star Wars head.

The Mods didn't really get much to do and the acting was terrible.
743569, I loved it
Posted by Heinz, Thu Feb-10-22 11:07 AM
All the different layers especially in the Bane vs Fett duel
743574, RE: I loved it
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Thu Feb-10-22 01:29 PM
>All the different layers especially in the Bane vs Fett duel

Was it a duel though? I liked the intro of live action Bane, but it felt wasted and like someone else mentioned Shand didn't even get to say anything to him, especially with their history from the Bad Batch.
743578, I'm still not ready to even decide how I feel about this episode or
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Feb-10-22 02:31 PM
the series in general. I haven't felt this conflicted about something in a WHILE. There were things I loved in the episode, things I really didn't like, and with it as a finale gives the same feeling for the entire season. Because there were certain things throughout the season that I questioned, but waited on it because I trusted Filoni anf Favreau to use Checkov's gun in some type of way to make it make sense. But Not that the season is over it's just like...hmm...

I think that what I mentioned in post 77 is what happened. Back during early scriptwriting/storyboarding for Mandalorian season 3, they realized that the Boba Fett/Pikes subplot could be it's own show, so they did exactly that - took it out to make Book of Boba Fett. They added flashbacks to bring Boba's story from the Sarlacc through the Tuskens back to the present day, included some of the Mando plot because if he was going to be in it helping Boba they needed an explanation for what he'd done after season 2 of Mando. This theory explains why before Mando season 2 they said season 3 was coming in December 2021, but at the end of the season they announced that Boba's show was coming December 2021 instead.

Here's the shift - I'd originally thought this happened early, during scriptwriting. But if that was the case they would have had plenty of time to make changes to the story, and make it actually cohesive. Now I'm thinking that the change happened after they'd already done some filming of what was supposed to be in Mando season 3. That's the only way I can imagine how disjointed the pacing was in this show.

I'm definitely looking forward to the Disney Gallery to get some additional insight on how this all came together. But I can't remember ANY other thing I've watched where I was saying at the same time "this is AMAZING!!!" and "What the eff are they doing with this???"
743595, disney fucked up the boba fett character with this shit.
Posted by Reeq, Sun Feb-13-22 05:54 PM
dude used to be a mysterious bad ass. now hes some bald flabby australian dude.

they shoulda just made a mando season 3 with an expanded role for boba fett if they really had to showcase him. because the short mando storyline(s) showed how inferior the pure boba fett storyline shit was.
743597, ^^^^^
Posted by Castro, Sun Feb-13-22 07:06 PM
743599, No they didn’t.
Posted by Heinz, Mon Feb-14-22 12:29 AM
744844, They absolutely did.
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Wed Jun-08-22 08:28 PM
He's a much worse character after this show. No one can honeslty say this show improved on the mysterious-famous character that was Boba Fett. Casting a 60+ year old actor who moves like his age, def didnt help. Sometimes being a mysterious character is better.
743621, i enjoyed it but agree to an extent
Posted by Mynoriti, Tue Feb-15-22 01:35 PM
I spent decades mad at lucas for giving him such a goofy death, so i appreciate the revival. I was so happy when he popped up in Mando S2

It even made me finally accept the whole New Zealand accent thing. The Boba i came up with sounded more like clint eastwood, but of course Lucas had to shoehorn prequel Boba voice into his reworks of 4-6. I i t definitely helps that I know Morrison as one of the meanest sonofabitch movie characters ever in Once We're Warriors.

i don't know who i feel about the softening of his character. Even in Mando he had more edge. i appreciate that they kind of addressed it in his exchange with Cad Bane, as well as Bane speaking on Boba's past/rep to the Marshall.

again my biggest gripe is he had his helmet off too much lol.

743622, mando is more boba fett than boba fett.
Posted by Reeq, Tue Feb-15-22 03:30 PM
743623, he'd have gotten so much more respect around town
Posted by Mynoriti, Tue Feb-15-22 05:43 PM
if he'd have just kept his helmet on

it's like no one wanted to tell him
744846, That was so frustrating. Keep your helmet on!!
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Wed Jun-08-22 09:24 PM
The whole Boba Fett mystique was the helmet. Considering the actors age i was shocked he kept the helmet off so much. Makes Pedro Pascal even more impressive.
743825, i jumped back in with episode 4
Posted by mista k5, Thu Mar-10-22 11:36 AM
the first 3 lost my interest but i finally decided to jump back in. i enjoyed the rest. there are definitely issues with the show as a whole but i mostly enjoyed watch the rest of the episodes. the costumes really look like costumes, that bothers me much more than i thought it would. dialog is eh. some fighting sequences made no sense.

that said it is much easier to finish watching it than it was to begin.
744845, They should have gone with a different actor for Boba Fett
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Wed Jun-08-22 09:21 PM
I get that he played the Jango Fett cameo in Clones twenty years ago (Boba being a clone of Jango) but he moves like he is 60+ and looks bloated in the armor. It was painful to watch the scenes in episode 1 without his armor. We were somehow supposed to believe that's the same guy from the original trilogy, right after falling into the pit? This is supposed to take place not long after so there's no reason you'd go with someone just because they appeared in the original. As someone previously said, Mando is what i thought Boba Fett would be. They needed a younger more intimidating actor.