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Topic subjectStation Eleven (HBO Max)
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743008, Station Eleven (HBO Max)
Posted by Backbone, Tue Dec-21-21 04:01 PM
Saw zero chatter on this before bumping into it at my local torrent store, but the first three episodes that are out got me hooked.

I feel like this is the atmosphere that Invasion was going for, but failed at.

From IMDb: A post apocalyptic saga spanning multiple timelines, telling the stories of survivors of a devastating flu as they attempt to rebuild and reimagine the world anew while holding on to the best of what's been lost.

743074, slow burn
Posted by will_5198, Fri Dec-24-21 11:07 AM
the first episode barely kept me interested -- opening with a world-destroying pandemic is a little too real still -- and I almost stopped after 20 minutes into the second episode.

but it grabbed me hard after that. third episode is sensational (Danielle Deadwyler acted her ass off); love the different timelines and story arcs so far.

wasn't sure how the "traveling Shakespeare troupe in post-apocalyptic world" would work, but it does.
743105, SUPER slow burn but so good....
Posted by KnowOne, Mon Dec-27-21 09:25 AM
Glad I stuck with it. Its like a heady version of Utopia.
743211, episode 7 is among the best hours of TV ever
Posted by will_5198, Mon Jan-03-22 01:29 AM
whole thing is masterful, but there's a specific part that gave me the biggest smile I can remember from television (anyone posting here will know it)

this series keeps getting better and better
743213, That scene caught me off guard.
Posted by Backbone, Mon Jan-03-22 07:57 PM
Totally expected it to be something plot-related until he started going off..

But this is some great TV. I'm emotionally invested in a way that's almost unfamiliar. And the editing is sublime, can't think of any series juggling different timelines so well.
743215, it was the last thing I ever expected.
Posted by will_5198, Mon Jan-03-22 10:30 PM
which is why it was so fabulous. and made total sense in the moment, and for the characters.

you always have those kind of "moments" in dystopian movies -- but this one was so real that I *felt* a part of it.
743217, you werent kidding. incredible
Posted by HecticHavoc, Tue Jan-04-22 10:58 AM
I really enjoyed the airport episode but her going back to the high rise apt and watching the trio interact had me hypnotized.

love how they remix a lot of classical music hits like Ave Maria. the humor is rare but it always delivers. laughed pretty hard at the goalie yelling from her birds nest.
743249, RE: episode 7 is among the best hours of TV ever
Posted by funklectic, Wed Jan-05-22 07:04 PM
Favourite scene from a tv show in a minute.

Check out the actor's own self produced music here


It's actually not bad.
743288, This is one of the best things about watching filmmakers your age.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Sun Jan-09-22 11:11 AM
Because they can drop a cultural gem that hits you so differently. I lost my mind when that new spiderman movie had De La Soul in the credits.

And this is one of the best uses of a Tribe song in a show or movie ever.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
743320, It's really good, actually.
Posted by squeeg, Wed Jan-12-22 07:23 PM
>Check out the actor's own self produced music here
>It's actually not bad.

Thanks for the link.

gamblers and masturbators.

743323, RE: It's really good, actually.
Posted by funklectic, Thu Jan-13-22 02:33 AM
not a problem my g
743298, I wish I had that Men In Black device that erases your memory
Posted by Numba_33, Mon Jan-10-22 11:10 AM
so I could continuously experience that scene you're referring to for the first time anytime I'm feeling despondent or down.

I was so elated as the scene started to play out. Masterclass use of music in that scene to establish mood and tone, especially given how bleak the show is overall. That scene easily could have fallen apart, looked out of place, and looked totally contrived.
743300, RE: I wish I had that Men In Black device that erases your memory
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Jan-10-22 12:16 PM
Its funny because the show is so bleak I was certain he was going to fall out the window at the end of that scene. I didn't think the show would allow that joyous of a scene without a gut punch.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
743484, just saw this last night
Posted by mista k5, Tue Feb-01-22 02:48 PM
i cant explain the joy that brings to me.

kind of hit heavy after what followed.
743226, MacKenzie Davis should be a much bigger star.
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Tue Jan-04-22 01:37 PM
743250, absolutely. but it comes w/ the roles she picks
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Jan-05-22 08:53 PM
i loved Halt & Catch Fire but about 5 people watched that show. and she's been a bit player in the movies ive seen her in.
743235, Brilliant.
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Jan-04-22 07:09 PM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
743251, we want the funk
Posted by rdhull, Wed Jan-05-22 10:22 PM
743284, RE: Station Eleven (HBO Max)
Posted by weaponry, Sat Jan-08-22 10:28 PM
i'm not even done with the season but this shit is amazing.
743285, you can tell the guy that made Maniac made this (that's a good thing)
Posted by Nodima, Sun Jan-09-22 07:01 AM
It's not perfect by any means but just like that show it's propulsive, impressively comedic given its subject matter and feels impressively focused.

I'm only just past the suicide bombers and could totally see this getting a bit too in the weeds in the same way Maniac did but I'm loving the ride so far.

Reminds me I need to go back and finish Made for Love too. Patrick Somerville is on a real heater.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
743293, All caught up; the best thing about this show is the cast chemistry
Posted by Nodima, Sun Jan-09-22 06:43 PM
I could've had a whole season of Jeevan, Kirstin and Frank.

I could've had a whole season of Miranda and Arthur.

I could've had a whole season of Clark and the airport people.

I could've had a whole season of Kirstin and Gil.

But I feel right to suspect the big ideas might miss some of the little things eventually, and its just nitpicks since I binged the whole damn thing in one sitting, but I think Tyler is miscast both times. It also seemed like they wanted us to sympathize with Tyler, but he was a jerk/idiot kid and and even bigger jerk adult. Yea, Clark became a weird perversion of a mad king but was he actually hurting anyone?

Tyler in general doesn't make a lot of sense. This show is so vibey and positive given its subject matter most of the time that his weird Prophet schtick doesn't fit in. It worked during his first episode because he was able to bring in some of the weirder horror aspects that worked so well for the child soldiers...but he's also the guy who's working closely with Kirstin to take down a happy and functional small society in Northern Michigan because...? It all makes sense functionally - what's a dystopia with a religious cult? - but for a whole the show kept giving these vibes that maybe Kirstin was stuck in a split personality between an imaginary comic book world involving all the characters/archetypes from her Before in a way that both how I started thinking that was the case and what Tyler actually is just confuses me. I'm not sold she went from stabbing that dude and nearly being killed by child suicide bombers directed by his hand before coming across her own gravestone...to collaborating in a terrorist act herself, all in just a week?

...But, yea. Overall really in love with this show and the stuff I don't like isn't as goofy as the stuff that threatened to careen Maniac off the rails.

Though I do chuckle a bit whenever Kirstin is this knife-based comic book superhero all of a sudden. Or whenever they refer to her stabbing people like it's, y'know, just kinda her thing or whatever.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
743297, the paragraph below somewhat delves in my one criticism
Posted by Numba_33, Mon Jan-10-22 10:43 AM
>Tyler in general doesn't make a lot of sense. This show is so
>vibey and positive given its subject matter most of the time
>that his weird Prophet schtick doesn't fit in. It worked
>during his first episode because he was able to bring in some
>of the weirder horror aspects that worked so well for the
>child soldiers...but he's also the guy who's working closely
>with Kirstin to take down a happy and functional small society
>in Northern Michigan because...? It all makes sense
>functionally - what's a dystopia with a religious cult? - but
>for a whole the show kept giving these vibes that maybe
>Kirstin was stuck in a split personality between an imaginary
>comic book world involving all the characters/archetypes from
>her Before in a way that both how I started thinking that was
>the case and what Tyler actually is just confuses me. I'm not
>sold she went from stabbing that dude and nearly being killed
>by child suicide bombers directed by his hand before coming
>across her own gravestone...to collaborating in a terrorist
>act herself, all in just a week?

for the show so far, but like I said in my response below, I'll wait until the last episode before I have full conviction in my judgements.
743312, I like adult Tyler the actor, adult Kirstin I don't love
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Jan-12-22 08:28 AM
because the fact is I don't understand how anyone who would send kids in as bombs. That doesn't make any sense.

But that really isn't a problem with the actors, that's a problem with the story.

I don't understand how Clark saw the kid as a menace before he set the plane on fire. I do understand how Tyler arrived at his outlook of the world. He had neglectful parents and the terrorist who grew into could have been fixed if he just had an engaged parent explaining what was going on around him.

>I could've had a whole season of Jeevan, Kirstin and Frank.
>I could've had a whole season of Miranda and Arthur.
>I could've had a whole season of Clark and the airport
>I could've had a whole season of Kirstin and Gil.
>But I feel right to suspect the big ideas might miss some of
>the little things eventually, and its just nitpicks since I
>binged the whole damn thing in one sitting, but I think Tyler
>is miscast both times. It also seemed like they wanted us to
>sympathize with Tyler, but he was a jerk/idiot kid and and
>even bigger jerk adult. Yea, Clark became a weird perversion
>of a mad king but was he actually hurting anyone?
>Tyler in general doesn't make a lot of sense. This show is so
>vibey and positive given its subject matter most of the time
>that his weird Prophet schtick doesn't fit in. It worked
>during his first episode because he was able to bring in some
>of the weirder horror aspects that worked so well for the
>child soldiers...but he's also the guy who's working closely
>with Kirstin to take down a happy and functional small society
>in Northern Michigan because...? It all makes sense
>functionally - what's a dystopia with a religious cult? - but
>for a whole the show kept giving these vibes that maybe
>Kirstin was stuck in a split personality between an imaginary
>comic book world involving all the characters/archetypes from
>her Before in a way that both how I started thinking that was
>the case and what Tyler actually is just confuses me. I'm not
>sold she went from stabbing that dude and nearly being killed
>by child suicide bombers directed by his hand before coming
>across her own gravestone...to collaborating in a terrorist
>act herself, all in just a week?
>...But, yea. Overall really in love with this show and the
>stuff I don't like isn't as goofy as the stuff that threatened
>to careen Maniac off the rails.
>Though I do chuckle a bit whenever Kirstin is this knife-based
>comic book superhero all of a sudden. Or whenever they refer
>to her stabbing people like it's, y'know, just kinda her thing
>or whatever.
>"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
>Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
743349, RE: All caught up; the best thing about this show is the cast chemistry
Posted by funklectic, Fri Jan-14-22 02:15 PM
the bombing wasn't directed by Tyler
743289, Get to Episode 3 and you will be blown away.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Sun Jan-09-22 11:17 AM
Enjoyed the first episode enough to want to see more. Episode 2 almost lost me because I thought the series was going to be some Terry Gilliam-iah whimsical story about the life of a traveling theater company in a post apocalyptic world but then episode 3.......

Man ever watch a performance and be like, "who the fuck is that?" and then you go search the internet to learn everything you can about that actor? That's what Danielle Deadwyler did in the episode. She was a force of nature.

Also halfway through I was like, why are these shots so perfect and captures Danielle Deadwyler looking like a beautiful piece of art? Also why does it look so familiar? Internet reveals its familiar because it was directed by Hiro Murai from Atlanta. Crazy a TV director has such a distinctive look and feel.

It was the best episode of TV I've seen in a long time. They've been building well from it and I am hooked. Great show and recommendation.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
743290, she killed it in that episode. damnnn
Posted by weaponry, Sun Jan-09-22 11:39 AM
743291, to add to that she has an iconic Atlanta scene
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Jan-09-22 03:45 PM

743292, Oh Damn that's her!!!!!
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Sun Jan-09-22 04:01 PM
That's called killing a scene. She brought more to that scene than that scene even needed. Love to see a talent blow up in real time.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
743333, no hyperoble, one of the best performances i've ever seen
Posted by ternary_star, Thu Jan-13-22 03:17 PM
felt the same way about Deadwyler...just completely blown away
743295, Thanks for this post and the responses.
Posted by Numba_33, Mon Jan-10-22 08:37 AM
I wouldn't have checked this show out if it wasn't for them.

I'm getting a ton of Leftovers vibes from this show in the sense that the cause for the loss in population isn't heavily dealt with this show, similar to how the Leftovers didn't heavily explain it on their show as well. This feels less supernatural than Leftovers since it was a flu strain that wiped out the population. And like others have said already, the flash backs are masterfully done on this show. Probably the best I've seen for a TV show.

I do have one minor bordering on major complaint on how one character is being treated in the season so far, but I'll hold my tongue to see how they are treated in the tenth episode. I'm assuming that's the season and series finale.

I was just checking imdb.com to ensure this will the only season for the show and as I was checked the cast, I was shocked and stunned that Deborah Cox is actually on the show. That's some damn fine acting and make up work on the shows part because I had no clue she was one of the cast members.
743353, she killed it in the finale.
Posted by will_5198, Fri Jan-14-22 09:12 PM
>I was just checking imdb.com to ensure this will the only
>season for the show and as I was checked the cast, I was
>shocked and stunned that Deborah Cox is actually on the show.
>That's some damn fine acting and make up work on the shows
>part because I had no clue she was one of the cast members.

her rendition was part of why that moment was so perfect.
743296, I was thinking, in a Post Apocalyptic word were 90% of people ae dead...
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Jan-10-22 08:50 AM
... it wouldn't necessarily be like Walking Dead or other shows where there is a war for remaining resources right?

Like non-perishable food, fuel and shelter would be in abundance, at least long enough for the survivors to figure out how to make their own food.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
743301, Dr. Chaudhary
Posted by will_5198, Mon Jan-10-22 05:21 PM
another engrossing episode and perfect closure for Jeevan. who could have predicted that kind of arc? and yet like nearly everything else on this show, it made perfect sense in the end. the most important part in life is being there for someone else.

Himesh Patel (like most of the ensemble) was excellent this entire series.
743302, also, this is a strikingly beautiful show
Posted by will_5198, Mon Jan-10-22 05:32 PM
so many small but perfect shots, like Kristin and Tyler walking through the forest with flickers of sunlight behind them.

credit to all the cinematographers and directors.
743306, absolutely. fucking art.
Posted by weaponry, Tue Jan-11-22 08:37 AM
743307, I finally have ONE complaint
Posted by HecticHavoc, Tue Jan-11-22 12:02 PM
it looks like they went the way of Game of Thrones - remember when all the white walkers were within 2 inches of killing Jorah and it panned a birds eye view and switched scenes? that made me mad... so S11 does the same thing as it has like 5 red bandanas striking simultaneously INCHES FROM HER BODY and the episode ends and the next episode shows her laying on a pile of grass.

shit like that really bothers me.
743309, I love this show. We need more non-rebooted content imo.
Posted by Nopayne, Tue Jan-11-22 08:24 PM
Is this going to be a one and done?
743324, found myself laughing and crying throughout so whatever
Posted by Nodima, Thu Jan-13-22 05:23 AM
I still have my complaints, but I'll point to this show for a minute as a way to tell a story a different way

It won't be the death of Walter White, but it ought be a reminder that's not the only story worth telling

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
743341, yeah.
Posted by will_5198, Fri Jan-14-22 01:30 AM
I agree that Tyler gets less and less interesting after the reveal, and a few of the narrative choices feel like they were part of the show only because they exist in the book (haven't read it)

but any flaws are just washed away at the end, to me. I literally felt healed at the end of this show.
743345, *spoiler alert for folks that didn't watch the whole season yet*
Posted by Numba_33, Fri Jan-14-22 09:47 AM

I still dislike how Tyler using children to blow up themselves and David Cross' character is pretty much glossed over and ignored. Something that over top pretty much getting a shoulder shrug is very odd to me. Him earning that level of trust from the Traveling actors was very rushed and/or poorly explained IMO.
743348, RE: *spoiler alert for folks that didn't watch the whole season yet*
Posted by funklectic, Fri Jan-14-22 02:13 PM
From the episode 6 recap on Vulture:

"Kirsten meets the Prophet, who tells her the tragedy at Pingtree wasn’t on his order. A renegade minion told the rest of the Lost Boys that mines erase the past."
743351, it still doesn't feel *right* and Somerville's admitted as much
Posted by Nodima, Fri Jan-14-22 04:53 PM
He was on The Watch podcast after the finale and they brought this up. He explained that the girl who Kirsten reads the comic book to in the finale was also supposed to have a minor arc in Episode 2 and 4 and we were supposed to have a better sense of who she was but it wound up getting cut for time. So when they were editing the show, they had a sense of what was going on with Kirsten and Tyler that the audience didn't necessarily have.

All there is is that one sentence which I definitely noticed but he's never presented as very trustworthy or unselfish (I see a lot of praise for the actor but I still think he played a lot of his scenes too, like, sneaky if that makes sense) so I didn't take that at face value until I didn't have any other choice.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
743334, yeah ep 7 was really clever
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Jan-13-22 03:41 PM
I thought y’all were gassing but it hit every note for me
743340, finale. firmly one of my favorite shows ever.
Posted by will_5198, Fri Jan-14-22 01:28 AM

those last 10 minutes were some of the most affecting television I can ever remember. THAT scene is more perfect than I could have ever imagined. and we earned it.
743343, show was masterfully done.
Posted by weaponry, Fri Jan-14-22 08:46 AM
743346, 'I was never scared when I was with you."...'I was ALWAYS scared"
Posted by KnowOne, Fri Jan-14-22 12:49 PM
Holy smokes that hit me hard. Those two line perfectly described so much about being a first time parent!
743656, RE: finale. firmly one of my favorite shows ever.
Posted by ToeJam, Sun Feb-20-22 01:10 AM
Same. Top shows ever.
743700, just wanna say i appreciate your restraint with not-spoiling..
Posted by Robert, Thu Feb-24-22 01:45 PM
>those last 10 minutes were some of the most affecting
>television I can ever remember. THAT scene is more perfect
>than I could have ever imagined. and we earned it.

like doing this^

i just finished the book, so i figured no harm in skimming this thread now.. but also realized the way you framed those (key for you) moments will make it better/funner for me going into the TV show, not knowing which moments the show creators decided to put in "BOLD letters".

edit: also--im really curious *how the fuck* they worked a tribe song into this story.. (is it the Museum of Civilization and someone scrolling thru an iPod with some remaining battery??--(nobody tell me))
743747, its so unexpected and yet works so well
Posted by mista k5, Mon Feb-28-22 01:56 PM
the way they worked it in
743779, 3 eps down..
Posted by Robert, Thu Mar-03-22 10:46 AM
here i am keeping in the back of my mind that a tribe song is going to be used at some point during this tv series..and ep2 opens with p-funk's "we want the funk" (i laughed--is an okplayer doing the music curating? is Hiro Murai a lurker here?)

one thing i've noticed about getting older: my pop culture-point of view is being represented more and more in "high-standing" art mediums

i'd say biggest difference from book to show: the post-collapse world in the book feels dustier/grimier (how they describe what they wear/like it's a personal fave outfit that they keep on..regardless of how dirty/rank it gets---that bathing suit kirsten's wearing in ep2 looks straight off a department store rack)
743795, finished
Posted by Robert, Sun Mar-06-22 01:08 PM
you guys were right, episode 7 was incredible--and that big plot add-in (knife guy isn't in the book) definitely worked. the tribe thing was fantastic

now my main gripe: i can't believe they didn't use, in my opinion, one of the hardest hitting moments in the book (for those here that read it.. at the very end of the book, when kirsten is taken up to the air traffic tower, and they see a grid of electricity shining, off in a distant town..and giving the reader that feeling of hope that civilization is finally "healing"/progressing again..)

also.. sarah the conductor (took me a bit to realize that was Kit from League of Their Own) is in a fully functioning hospital room in the airport? with machinery? all still beeping/booping? (lol) it felt way too convenient for me and wasn't completely loyal to the spirit of "**all was lost**" in the book
743485, really enjoying it
Posted by mista k5, Tue Feb-01-22 02:49 PM
i think the last episode i watched was 7. i will probably finish it in the next couple of days.