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Topic subjectMarvel Studios' What If...? Season 1
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=741570
741570, Marvel Studios' What If...? Season 1
Posted by bwood, Thu Jul-08-21 11:03 AM

Besides LOKI, this is the only show that I know that's been renewed.

Looking forward to this.
741578, this post was up before mine. my bad
Posted by Castro, Thu Jul-08-21 02:16 PM
741640, Did it drop yet?
Posted by spades, Tue Jul-13-21 01:58 PM
741646, August 11th
Posted by pretentious username, Tue Jul-13-21 02:30 PM
741647, By far the Marvel project I'm most looking forward to.
Posted by pretentious username, Tue Jul-13-21 02:31 PM
The What If comics are so much fun and I expect this to be a blast.
741648, RE: By far the Marvel project I'm most looking forward to.
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue Jul-13-21 04:10 PM
>The What If comics are so much fun and I expect this to be a

Probably my favorite thing on the internet.

741842, Episode #1
Posted by Castro, Tue Aug-10-21 06:35 PM
tomorrow is the day....read about it, and I am excited to see it.
741934, RE: Episode #1
Posted by Voodoochilde, Thu Aug-19-21 06:40 AM
Great start. Animation is amazing. DIG THE HECK outta Peggy Carter superhero (made me want a 'real life' version of this character staring Hayley Atwell)

Peggy in action kicked ass, all of her scenes done so well. had me cheerin for her.

my only significant issue with this Ep was, as many have already said, the pacing...felt wayy too fast...wished they had taken more time/care with that part....maybe stretched it out a bit.

all in all though, between this and the 2nd ep...i'd put my cards on the table and say i already like this better than the other 3 Recent* Marvel TV shows.

*Recent shows being Wanda/Falcon/Loki....(NOT including 'Legion', 'Jessica Jones' and a few of the other Netflix Shows which i still love 2death)

have you listened to
her stuff?


RIP David Williams:
741846, I liked the first episode a lot.
Posted by bwood, Wed Aug-11-21 08:41 AM
I liked this first episode more than Captain America: The First Avenger.

741851, I personally wouldn't go that far, but the love story was more poignant
Posted by spades, Wed Aug-11-21 01:21 PM
It really kinda got me more this way than before.
741853, My only complaint was the run time
Posted by walihorse, Wed Aug-11-21 01:59 PM
I get that they needed to condense the movie into 30 mins. I hope the other eps don't feel so rushed.

Mad excited for the rest of the season.
741858, I agree that the pacing was breakneck...
Posted by Castro, Wed Aug-11-21 06:11 PM
741859, Peggy was kicking Nazi ass
Posted by spenzalii, Wed Aug-11-21 09:28 PM
That was pretty dope
741912, Yeah she was.
Posted by spades, Wed Aug-18-21 01:26 PM
741862, Well, its about-damn-time...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Thu Aug-12-21 01:07 AM
..took them forever, but Marvel finally has a great animated series on their hands.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
741863, I enjoyed it quite a lot
Posted by BigWorm, Thu Aug-12-21 01:31 AM
The animation was GREAT.

Loved the fast-paced story. Also I liked that it wasn't exactly how I remember the comics, where every alternate reality seemed to have grim fates for most of the characters.

I wasn't excited about an animated series, but they have started it off RIGHT.

741873, I really dug this animation style too.
Posted by spades, Fri Aug-13-21 09:47 AM
741921, They should let the Star Wars folks use this style
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Aug-18-21 03:35 PM
Seems like it fits their energy more than Marvel. I absolutely love it though
741955, RE: They should let the Star Wars folks use this style
Posted by Mgmt, Sat Aug-21-21 06:04 PM
>Seems like it fits their energy more than Marvel. I
>absolutely love it though

Good idea
741976, YES
Posted by BigWorm, Tue Aug-24-21 08:49 PM
The one and only reason I don't fux with the SW animated shows is that the animation looks like garbage to me. If it had looked anything like this, I would have binged all of Clone Wars in a week lol.
741919, Episode #2
Posted by walihorse, Wed Aug-18-21 03:10 PM
Way better than the 1st eps. In terms of pacing.

Even though it was also condensing a movie into 30 mins. It was great seeing the ep.

Did ego coming for peter mean it lights out for the planet?

Captain Genocide Thanos, was awesome.
741925, RE: Episode #2
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Wed Aug-18-21 05:12 PM
>Way better than the 1st eps. In terms of pacing.
>Even though it was also condensing a movie into 30 mins. It
>was great seeing the ep.
So I'm gathering that these all lead up to an Avengers ending with all of them coming together.

>Did ego coming for peter mean it lights out for the planet?
I don't think so, I think was just showing Ego reuniting with his son. It was kinda a sunshine an flowers episode

>Captain Genocide Thanos, was awesome.
Yo him and Nebula were great, I could take more of "good-guy" Thanos.

I got a lil choked up cause it was the last time we'll hear Chadwick as T'Challa but such a great away to have him in that role again. I just enjoyed it showed that T'Challa was just a good person in general and had that effect on almost everyone he met. Even when he fights Kroath it was light hearted in a sense.
741933, oh man...i got choked up...
Posted by Voodoochilde, Thu Aug-19-21 06:27 AM

Hearing Chadwick in this role again got to me...
Such a great way to remember him.
When Yondu says that line that 'essentially' equates to:
'man, you're the kinda person that wherever you go in the universe, you're home, you bring the best out in folks'.... i could not help but think this was as much meant for Chadwick as it was for T'challa...

The rest of the ep got me too..., the story itself was clear & well told and well paced, the animation was fantastic, humor was legit, other characters were all engaging.

loved it. nothing bad to say about this ep AT ALL.

RIP Mr. Boseman, thanks for bringing Tchalla to life for us...

741936, RE: Episode #2
Posted by Castro, Thu Aug-19-21 12:36 PM
The "MAD" Titan. That was dope.

Chadwick Boseman lives on forever.
741937, Definitely a heart tugger, if a bit naive in it's optimism.
Posted by spades, Thu Aug-19-21 12:46 PM
I think I like the 'story' in Ep 1 a little better.
741946, Now I’d watch a whole series of Starlord TChalla
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Fri Aug-20-21 08:18 AM
741947, Now I’d watch a whole series of Starlord TChalla-same here
Posted by Voodoochilde, Fri Aug-20-21 09:53 AM
741982, Ep.#3 is my fav so far.
Posted by Castro, Thu Aug-26-21 02:53 PM
741985, It was very good but also easy to figure out who the killer was
Posted by calij81, Fri Aug-27-21 09:52 PM
741988, Now THAT'S how you do a What If!
Posted by spades, Sat Aug-28-21 12:28 PM
Every time you do a What If, you do it like that right there.
742018, Exactly.
Posted by Castro, Tue Aug-31-21 05:05 PM
742009, Agreed - this was the first one that really felt like a What If.
Posted by soulfunk, Tue Aug-31-21 11:02 AM
The first episode was basically exactly like the First Avenger with Captain Carter instead of Captain America. Makes sense introducing the What If concept, but there really weren't any risks taken.

Second episode felt like a tribute to Chadwick. It was fun, but again, no risks taken.

The third episode took What If level risks right out the gate when Ironman was killed. Then it went on to deliver from there...
742006, Anyone else not enjoying these?
Posted by herbiehowsermc, Tue Aug-31-21 10:15 AM
Anyone else having issues enjoying watching these? The voice acting and mouth animation is really making me feel uncomfortable. I really dig the animation style but something is off to me. Maybe it's an uncanny valley thing since they're going for a more realistic style. Also, having the main MCU characters voiced by other people is bothering me more than I thought it would.

Also, I still think pacing is an issue and that each one could use another ten minutes or so to flesh things out better.
742013, 1 & 2 yes.
Posted by spades, Tue Aug-31-21 01:11 PM
3, however was everything I wanted in a What If...?

Have you seen it?
742023, RE: 1 & 2 yes.
Posted by herbiehowsermc, Wed Sep-01-21 09:26 AM
Yeah I've seen all three, but found myself a bit distracted by the voice acting in episode 3 for Black Widow and Not-Liv Tyler, especially since Scarlett Johansson's voice is so recognizable, and I spent some time staring at their mouths when they would talk. I think I should stop doing that. ha ha.
742024, I’m watching as a completionist.
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Sep-01-21 11:09 AM
But, other than BP/Star-Lord, nothing is really grabbing me. I’m ready for the next movies and shows to push the universe forward. Inconsequential side stories never did anything for me when I was reading comics more heavily.
742044, RE: I’m watching as a completionist.
Posted by herbiehowsermc, Sun Sep-05-21 11:30 AM
Yeah I think the fact that this is not related to the main story lines of the MCU makes it seem not that interesting. I'm definitely watching these Disney+ shows out of fear of missing out. If they take it too far I might have to change that stance though. This is coming from someone would didn't watch any Marvel TV shows prior to Wandavision and was very unhappy to hear about the MCU putting out TV shows that fit into the MCU proper.
742046, I really don’t get this at all…
Posted by soulfunk, Sun Sep-05-21 03:01 PM
>This is coming from someone would didn't watch
>any Marvel TV shows prior to Wandavision and was very unhappy
>to hear about the MCU putting out TV shows that fit into the
>MCU proper.

If you don’t want to watch a show because it doesn’t interest you, then don’t watch it. You won’t be missing out on anything if you want to stick to the movies - Marvel and Disney know better than to confuse audiences who haven’t watched every TV show by making a movie plot that doesn’t make sense outside of the movies. For those who’ve watched related shows there will just be additional context and background. There were entire films in the MCU that I originally skipped just because I wasn’t that interested and never watched until after Endgame, and I still understood everything just fine. No need to feel like “damn, now they are giving me homework to watch xyz so I’m up to speed.”

Everything isn’t for everyone.The benefit of these shows is that they should be able to take risks that they can’t in cinematic film releases. I guess for me as a longtime Star Wars fan I’m used to a franchise having tons of content outside of the main films that add context, develop background characters, give hints to upcoming themes, etc.
742028, I’m not in love with it the way I thought I would be
Posted by pretentious username, Wed Sep-01-21 04:11 PM
I think the animation is a little off for me too, but I also just feel disconnected from the premises for the most part. For instance, “What if Peggy Carter took the super soldier serum?” is a pretty boring premise to lead off with, and made me less excited for the subsequent episodes. I’d rather see something like “What if Spidey joined the Avengers the first time it was offered?” Maybe that’s coming, idk, but after that first ep I haven’t been excited to see the next one every Wednesday (the way I was with Loki). my anticipation was through the roof before the season, and now it’s just something I get around to a couple days later.

Haven’t seen the most recent one, but I didn’t really enjoy the 1st or 3rd episodes. Starlord T’Challa ep was pretty good, but didn’t blow me away or anything, and I kinda agree on the pacing. The emotion of the T’Challa-Yondu relationship doesn’t have time to make an impression in just 30 minutes. Killing off Avengers left and right was also done too quickly to make an impact in the 3rd ep. I’m honesty having trouble recalling the plot points as I write this, and I think that pacing issue is the culprit.
742043, RE: I’m not in love with it the way I thought I would be
Posted by herbiehowsermc, Sun Sep-05-21 11:27 AM
Yeah I think they are probably just too short. Definitely no time for the stories to breath or to get any kind of expectations for them to subvert. They are almost like cliff notes, summaries of what happened in a story arc with all the filler edited out. I really wish they spent more time on these so they wouldn't feel like they are watering down the MCU.

>I think the animation is a little off for me too, but I also
>just feel disconnected from the premises for the most part.
>For instance, “What if Peggy Carter took the super soldier
>serum?” is a pretty boring premise to lead off with, and
>made me less excited for the subsequent episodes. I’d rather
>see something like “What if Spidey joined the Avengers the
>first time it was offered?” Maybe that’s coming, idk, but
>after that first ep I haven’t been excited to see the next
>one every Wednesday (the way I was with Loki). my anticipation
>was through the roof before the season, and now it’s just
>something I get around to a couple days later.
>Haven’t seen the most recent one, but I didn’t really
>enjoy the 1st or 3rd episodes. Starlord T’Challa ep was
>pretty good, but didn’t blow me away or anything, and I
>kinda agree on the pacing. The emotion of the T’Challa-Yondu
>relationship doesn’t have time to make an impression in just
>30 minutes. Killing off Avengers left and right was also done
>too quickly to make an impact in the 3rd ep. I’m honesty
>having trouble recalling the plot points as I write this, and
>I think that pacing issue is the culprit.
742029, the Black Panther and Dr Strange eps have been standouts.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Wed Sep-01-21 07:16 PM
the Captain Carter one was wack and I wasnt invested in the Fury one. although it wasnt that bad.

the visuals in this Dr Strange ep whewwwwwww
742045, RE: the Black Panther and Dr Strange eps have been standouts.
Posted by herbiehowsermc, Sun Sep-05-21 11:32 AM
I don't really want filler from Marvel at this point. It's starting to feel like Disney may be pushing their weight around and influencing the schedule too much to maximize profits regardless of quality. I hope I'm wrong and they stay out of it.
742030, I loved Ep. 4...
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Sep-02-21 08:41 AM
At this point I've liked each episode a bit better than the last.
742033, same.
Posted by spades, Thu Sep-02-21 01:52 PM
742036, This episode is exactly what I was hoping for
Posted by pretentious username, Fri Sep-03-21 11:11 AM
Hope they can keep this momentum going
742038, I agree
Posted by walihorse, Fri Sep-03-21 02:52 PM
each one gets better,
742053, best so far
Posted by JtothaI, Wed Sep-08-21 06:34 PM
I like taking it in a whole other direction.
742054, Episode 5 was dope, but I hope there's a part 2...
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Sep-09-21 08:27 AM
Because they left us with a pretty huge cliffhanger there. Actually multiple cliff hangers (spoilers below):

So we have Zombie Thanos waiting in Wakanda with all the infinity stones except the mind stone which they are bringing to him. They also cut away at the beginning of a huge fight between Hulk and Zombie Scarlet Witch. On top of all that we don't know the origins of the virus, or if it was engineered (I think it was). I'm definitely looking forward to more of this story at some point...
742057, RE: Episode 5 was dope, but I hope there's a part 2...
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Thu Sep-09-21 04:27 PM
>Because they left us with a pretty huge cliffhanger there.
>Actually multiple cliff hangers (spoilers below):
It would be nice to get a part 2, maybe next season.
>So we have Zombie Thanos waiting in Wakanda with all the
>infinity stones except the mind stone which they are bringing
>to him. That part was strange, I'd wonder what a zombie Thanos would do with all stones? Create more food for himself and their zombies.

They also cut away at the beginning of a huge fight
>between Hulk and Zombie Scarlet Witch.
I figure they kept fighting until Hulk tires out and turns back into Banner and Banner gets bitten. Zombie Scarlet kills an overwhelmed Hulk caught up in a horde.

On top of all that we
>don't know the origins of the virus, or if it was engineered
>(I think it was)
We do know where it came from, Wasp #1, caught a virus in the quantum realm that turned her into a zombie.
742058, RE: Episode 5 was dope, but I hope there's a part 2...
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Sep-09-21 04:36 PM
> On top of all that we
>>don't know the origins of the virus, or if it was engineered
>>(I think it was)
> We do know where it came from, Wasp #1, caught a virus in
>the quantum realm that turned her into a zombie.

Right, but where did that virus in the quantum realm originate? I guess what I'm getting at is I think it was planted there, maybe engineered and hidden in the quantum realm.
742070, RE: Episode 5 was dope, but I hope there's a part 2...
Posted by spades, Fri Sep-10-21 03:21 PM

>They also cut away at the beginning of a huge fight
>>between Hulk and Zombie Scarlet Witch.
>I figure they kept fighting until Hulk tires out and turns
>back into Banner and Banner gets bitten. Zombie Scarlet kills
>an overwhelmed Hulk caught up in a horde.

That's not how Hulk works. lol
742089, RE: Episode 5 was dope, but I hope there's a part 2...
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Tue Sep-14-21 03:01 PM
>>They also cut away at the beginning of a huge fight
>>>between Hulk and Zombie Scarlet Witch.
>>I figure they kept fighting until Hulk tires out and turns
>>back into Banner and Banner gets bitten. Zombie Scarlet
>>an overwhelmed Hulk caught up in a horde.
>That's not how Hulk works. lol

Comics Hulk yea, but MCU Hulk has seriously been de-powered so anything is possible.
742088, ive enjoyed every episode yet im always hesitant to watch the new one
Posted by mista k5, Tue Sep-14-21 11:06 AM
not sure what my aversion is to animated series. for all the rest of the disney marvel shows im watching new episodes as soon as i can. for this i might wait a week or so. could have something to do with all of them being hypothetical scenarios, that doesnt take away from the quality but maybe makes it less pressing for me to watch.

this show is very well done.
742090, I think that’s just because it’s almost like an anthology…
Posted by soulfunk, Tue Sep-14-21 06:57 PM
In most shows these days, including the 3 previous MCU Disney + shows, there are one storyline developing from episode to episode so anticipation would build up to find out what happens next. In this show I do believe that there will eventually be some kind of connection with the multiverse bringing some of these characters together, but every show so far has been a reset introducing a new plot line and a new divergence from the main MCU timeline.
742094, My goodness...Episode 6!!!
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Sep-15-21 10:45 AM
742097, RE: My goodness...Episode 6!!!
Posted by Castro, Wed Sep-15-21 01:51 PM
THAT. WAS. EPIC. Best episode by far.
742098, RE: My goodness...Episode 6!!!
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Sep-15-21 02:54 PM

What if you finished telling the rest of this story?
742100, There's going to be a follow-up
Posted by Melanism, Wed Sep-15-21 03:07 PM
There's a scene in the What If midseason trailer showing S---i and P---er teaming up that wasn't in the episode
742102, Yeah...you can see in the trailers and promos. It's still frustrating
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Sep-15-21 03:41 PM
because I don't really remember seeing a show like this where you have anthology style episodes that are in separate universes but also linked in a way where they will eventually come together in some way.

So you know some of these will have follow ups but don't know when or how...
742103, That was all the way live
Posted by spenzalii, Wed Sep-15-21 06:44 PM
Angela nearly brought me to tears...
742104, Marvel is proving that patience pays...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Thu Sep-16-21 12:42 PM
..its almost as if they've been mining this thread, adjusting storylines along the way to tackle criticism raised about previous episodes.

This series is batting a thousand and its not up for debate.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
742137, LOL almost.....?
Posted by spades, Tue Sep-21-21 02:52 PM
>..its almost as if they've been mining this thread, adjusting
>storylines along the way to tackle criticism raised about
>previous episodes.

You've been around long enough to know how closely they clock us. Even now, I bet they be creeping through the boards.

742118, Can we just take a moment to give Jeffrey Wright his propers?
Posted by Original Juice, Mon Sep-20-21 12:54 PM
As The Watcher/narrator of this show, he has the perfect voice and tone.

Perfectly casted and executed.

This man has been perfectly casted in both Marvel and (I expect) DC.

Can't wait to see him as Jim Gordon in The Batman.

742138, Agreed.
Posted by spades, Tue Sep-21-21 02:53 PM
Although I can't help but think "What if...? Stan was still alive.

He couldn't do what JW is doing (not even close) but it would make my heart feel good to see him be a part of this.
742227, Jeffrey Wright is killing it as The Watcher
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Wed Sep-29-21 07:41 AM
This last episode was amazing and I don't think it could've been as good without him as Uatu
742144, Episode 7
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Sep-22-21 12:48 PM
Light, entertaining -> WHAT IN THE DAMN FUCK?! -> Cut to credits.

Blue balls every week.
742157, RE: Episode 7
Posted by Castro, Thu Sep-23-21 10:00 AM
I mean, talk about unfair fight!!! No hammer, and then that battalion shows up.
742159, So it looks like the season finale next week start to bring things
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Sep-23-21 11:56 AM
together...here's the trailer for episode 8:


Based on this, these cliffhangers are purposeful because characters from multiple episodes all show up in together here. Episode 7 ended with the Watcher himself being shook but Ultron-Vison. So maybe this is a threat big enough to the multiverse that the Watcher has to intervene and bring together heroes from all these different What If scenarios he's been watching to stop Ultron-Vision (who also has all the Infinity Stones.)
742213, Episode 8 needs to be a full hour...
Posted by soulfunk, Tue Sep-28-21 12:30 PM
Because they are doing a LOT with this. What If Ultron Won? They gotta tell that story along with having the Watcher pull together heroes from across the multiverse as in the above trailer all in one episode...


742225, Scratch that - didn’t realize there would be an episode 9…
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Sep-29-21 06:35 AM
742215, Seeing Loki as an actual Frost Giant was kinda dope.
Posted by spades, Tue Sep-28-21 01:59 PM
Like, he got to be his full self in this world. Also, their friendship was pretty cool, too.
742217, I saw a reviewer point out that baby Loki in this world
Posted by soulfunk, Tue Sep-28-21 02:44 PM
looked to be happy and content, and that may have been the nexus point for this world. Odin saw that this Loki was good, and didn't feel the need to adopt him, and while among the rest of the Frost Giants he was truly himself.
742224, Episode 8
Posted by Mafamaticks, Wed Sep-29-21 06:05 AM
742228, RE: Episode 8
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Sep-29-21 08:21 AM
-This gave me that bleak feeling in the pit of my stomach like when I read the original Age of Apocalypse series as a kid.
-They do a good job of conveying how powerful the people are that can sense Uatu out of the blue.
-I didn’t get a sense of power from Vision’s voice actor. Not being Pauly B. or Spader really leaves you hanging.
-This series has really plummeted the street cred of Thanos. There was a slight rise in stock being a zombie with the Gauntlet, but being a nice guy and then getting swooped in half really chumped him off.
742229, Agree re: Thanos...
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Sep-29-21 09:05 AM
And some of this I feel is a pacing issue...this entire season is honestly as big or BIGGER than MCU Phases 1 through 3 all combined, in terms of the threat level and the way the story is coming together. Phase 1 through 3 had separate films giving origin stories for heroes, shows them coming together, and eventually battling Thanos as a universe level threat. What If is using episodes in different universes as origin stories for several heroes who will end up coming together in the end to battle Ultron-Vision as a multi-universe threat.

To get away with cramming all that into a nine episode which are around 30 minutes, they are doing a ton of shorthand based on our knowledge of what happened in the main MCU universe, but also completely rushing some aspects of this, which brings me to Thanos:

>-This series has really plummeted the street cred of Thanos.
>There was a slight rise in stock being a zombie with the
>Gauntlet, but being a nice guy and then getting swooped in
>half really chumped him off.

From a timing perspective it was like "nah, we don't have time for a battle here, lets have him cut instantly cut in half". What didn't make sense to me though was then having Captain Marvel come in and battling Ultron with ALL the infinity stones. So they are saying that Marvel is able to hang with Ultron with ALL the infinity stones for a minute (enough to drive him to the core of the planet), but Thanos with 5 stones gets murked on sight by Ultron with just the Mind stone?
742230, RE: Agree re: Thanos...
Posted by Melanism, Wed Sep-29-21 10:50 AM
Stormbreaker powered through the might of the entire gauntlet and if Thor didn't shit talk, Thanos would be dead.

Captain Marvel was able to stand up to Thanos with a full gauntlet for a bit before she got yeeted.

Ultron went for the head immediately.
742233, This part!
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Wed Sep-29-21 02:25 PM
>Ultron went for the head immediately.
Hell even Thanos told Thor that in Infinity War

742234, ^^This^^
Posted by CyrenYoung, Wed Sep-29-21 03:09 PM

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
742235, lol true...
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Sep-29-21 03:16 PM
>Ultron went for the head immediately.

To that point it makes sense why they had to nerf Vision in Infinity War by having him get stabbed and weakened over the entire movie, since he could have just washed Thanos immediately...it's just hilarious how unceremoniously it happened.
742267, Season Finale - dope!
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Oct-06-21 08:50 AM
It was a bit predictable at this point, but the execution was GREAT. Specifically I loved the Chekhov's gun of Zola - by this time in the finale when he came into play I'd totally forgotten about him. And you know that pocket universe with the trapped Killmonger is going to be a thing later.

I'm definitely left with questions that I hope are explored in season 2. I guess the biggest is with Uatu, and his oath. I'm sure some of these answers may be in the comics, but I'd like to see how this happens in the MCU. This last episode was What if The Watcher Broke His Oath...he held that oath throughout the entire season and then broke it, so...

* What are the repercussions of Oatu breaking his oath?
* Who does he work for, and who was the oath made to?
* How does the oath work, and what does he have control over? He intervened in pulling the Guardians of the Multiverse together, but didn't intervene within their actions directly - the key to everything at the beginning was Black Widow finding the file on Zola, and he was begging her behind the scenes to find it, but didn't intervene to help (even after he'd made the decision to break his oath for the Zola idea to work.) He also didn't intervene to help in the fight once all the heroes were brought together (though he didn't need to, he'd already foreseen how it would work out.) Then at the end, he placed all the heroes back in there own universe - "clipping all the branches" similar to Steve, but he placed Black Widow into a new universe. Wouldn't that also be seen as intervening with ongoing repercussions?

Something completely separate that's also on my mind is the idea of multiverse as a fictional device. It never makes sense to me to have parallel universes that are mostly the same but slightly different, just because of butterfly effect. To me there are two ways that parallel universes make sense - either with them being EXACTLY the same (same people, same events, same timeline, same decisions) with everything being locked in and no possible changes from each other, or with them being COMPLETELY different - none of the same people, events, etc. because of the butterfly effect and how one change ends up changing everything.
742268, Killmonger is an ass in every universe.
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Oct-06-21 09:19 AM
Like, fam, do the right thing ONCE.

Uatu is of the race/group of Watchers. They try to show him as the young, brash one, even though they all look alike. He’s normally the one that gets rebellious and helps or warns humans of impending doom on a universal scale. Search “Uatu comics explained” on YT to hear a better breakdown.
742290, lmao, I'm saying.
Posted by spades, Mon Oct-11-21 10:03 AM
742281, I'd let go of that butterfly effect idea
Posted by Hitokiri, Fri Oct-08-21 12:03 PM
These universes exist independently of each other. Unless it's a multiversal event in scale, something happening in one universe, does not effect the other.
742286, That’s not what I’m talking about with butterfly effect.
Posted by soulfunk, Sat Oct-09-21 05:41 AM
I know these universes exist independently - I’m talking about butterfly effect within each individual universe.

And I’m not just talking about MCU, I’m talking about any parallel universe concept, whether in fiction or real life theory. In two independent parallel universes, it doesn’t make sense for them to be mostly like each other but slightly different. Because the moment on difference happens within the history of one of those universes, the rest of the future should be completely different in that universe from the other.

Let’s take our universe, imagine there’s a parallel universe exactly the same, and go back in the timeline. What if JFK didn’t get assassinated? Then compare 2021 in that universe to ours, and things are completely different. To the point that I likely don’t even exist - because if our timeline of US presidents is different then all kinds of other decisions don’t get made, certain people don’t meet. Maybe my mom and dad never get married in that universe because the flow of the Vietnam War is completely different so they aren’t in college together, etc.

But as a fictional device writers tend to handle parallel universes as if a huge change only has impact in a vacuum. For example Captain Carter ends up coming back 70 years later and is in the exact same situations as Steve was when he came out of the ice 70 years later, with SHIELD exactly the same, down to Black Widow doing the EXACT same mission with Peggy that she was doing with Steve in the main MCU Universe? Even though I’m this one there was no Peggy Cater during those 70 years to start SHIELD?

>These universes exist independently of each other. Unless
>it's a multiversal event in scale, something happening in one
>universe, does not effect the other.
742289, Oh I see where you're going but I still think of it differently.
Posted by Hitokiri, Mon Oct-11-21 08:27 AM
I equate it to the infinite realities theory.
Like, yes, there's a reality where Peggy Carter becomes Captain and does everything Steve did and the universes are essentially the same. AND there's a reality where Peggy becomes Cap and dies in her first mission. AND a reality where Peggy becomes Cap and becomes the leader of Hydra. The possible realities are endless and they're choosing to focus on the first one because that's the story they want to tell.

I think Rick and Morty handles this extremely well.
742291, Hadn't heard of infinite realities theory...that makes sense.
Posted by soulfunk, Mon Oct-11-21 01:04 PM
So there would be infinite branches, along every point in time with every single interaction. Mindboggling to think of a number like that. I've never watched Rick and Morty though...

So in a case like this, Uato the Watcher is only watching on a few possible realities? Or does he also have infinite omniscience?
742269, Excellent finale
Posted by Castro, Wed Oct-06-21 11:19 AM
742283, They really nerf those stones
Posted by Hitokiri, Fri Oct-08-21 12:22 PM
I mean, I get why... but at times it feels silly.