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Topic subjectLoki Season 1
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741089, Loki Season 1
Posted by bwood, Mon Apr-05-21 08:47 AM
Yeah Marvel Studios already greenlit this for a 2nd season.


June 16th.
741091, Dang second season already?
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Mon Apr-05-21 09:51 AM
I thought all these shows were just one of things setting up the next phase. This is an interesting development, I'm wondering if they are doing this based off the numbers from FAWS and WandaVision.
741094, With the premise it does seem easier for this show...
Posted by dagu, Mon Apr-05-21 02:56 PM
...to extend into an additional season(s), at least from what we know about it right now. Wandavision and (probably) The Falcon and the Winter Soldier seem more interwoven with the overarching MCU story arc while this one looks like it will have much more freedom to do whatever it wants.

On the other hand, it hasn't started airing yet but they do green light sequel movies before the original opens sometimes.
741099, As previously stated: Marvel's changing the game...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Tue Apr-06-21 01:26 PM
..for film and tv.

The contracts for these recent series are a lot different than their predecessors. Netflix leveled the playing field and Disney/Marvel took things a step further. Now you have major actors/directors/producers/writers signing multi-year contracts for tv AND film, reprising roles in each area.

Marvel's switching gears and they're not slowing down.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
741101, All that, plus Loki was a lynchpin of the enture MCU
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Apr-06-21 03:36 PM
-Key antagonist and ally of Thor, the central villain of Avengers 1
-Murdered by Thanos, and a key motivation for Thor's power increase
-Snatched the Tesseract in Endgame, setting off this series

Not to mention he's arguably the GOAT comic book movie villain (turned part-time anti-hero), and I only say arguably to be diplomatic. I don't think we've seen another villain this well executed over so many films.

Winter Soldier would be a very close second, but he's been a full blown hero outside of TWS.

He's one of the most significant figures in their entire film universe, and giving him his own show with a second season on deck before the first hits is a no-brainer.
741115, RE: All that, plus Loki was a lynchpin of the enture MCU
Posted by dagu, Fri Apr-09-21 12:07 PM
>-Key antagonist and ally of Thor, the central villain of
>Avengers 1
>-Murdered by Thanos, and a key motivation for Thor's power

It's interesting that this Loki only has one MCU movie's worth of experience in his past(Avengers). I'm curious to see how/if that affects the portrayal of the character. I'm sure it will but I'm very curious to see how.
741153, Yeah I think that's very interesting element
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Apr-14-21 11:28 AM
What I'll say is, since what we're getting is the exact same Loki, we'll likely see him find at least a similar measure of (anti)heroism that he'd eventually display going forward.

The Thor/Loki dynamic is one of the more special and endearing aspects of the MCU IMO, and I'm curious to see if Thor's ability to drag Loki's latent- suppressed?- quasi-goodness to the surface is unique to their bond, or if that well is able to be tapped by anyone Loki sufficiently respects and/or fears.

My guess is he's a genuine antihero.

I'd recommend Emergency Awesome's videos on the show, because he does a great job setting the table for it going in.
741100, Oh no, they greenlight a second season of a tv show
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Apr-06-21 02:36 PM
dang it, why would they go and green light a second season of a show that stars one of the best, most engaging, and most important characters in their entire cinematic universe, before a single episode of season one airs?

This is definitely a head scratcher, with no obvious answers in sight.

Hopefully someone can shed some light on this mystery.

741102, Dude take it easy
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Tue Apr-06-21 08:27 PM
I was just curious why. Tuck in ya blouse
741129, RE: Dude take it easy
Posted by Mgmt, Sat Apr-10-21 02:34 PM
>I was just curious why. Tuck in ya blouse

Yeah he did go a bit nuts with that post.
741152, lol. Yeah I could have been 80% less sarcistic
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Apr-14-21 11:20 AM
I still contend that the question warranted sarcastic reply.

But definitely a lot less.

741463, Let's GO!!
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Wed Jun-09-21 10:01 AM
This is good stuff. Explained a lot of what TVA is and how this all ties into the MCU. I'm enjoying Owen Wilson and Tom Hiddleston already, they're playing real well off of each other.

Production is top notch and it makes me feel bad for TFATWS. This is like film quality stuff.

I'm not going to speculate anything like I did with WV and TFATWS. Just sitting back and watching.
741464, Dug the first episode
Posted by bwood, Wed Jun-09-21 12:24 PM
It's definitely the best looking of these shows so far.

Looks like this is gonna explode the multiverse open.
741465, Loved Owen Wilson's tone
Posted by handle, Wed Jun-09-21 03:48 PM
Not sure how I feel about the villain though.
741466, Still early
Posted by bwood, Wed Jun-09-21 03:58 PM
This was mostly window dressing for the TVA and Loki's new status quo
741497, Episode 2
Posted by mista k5, Fri Jun-18-21 09:25 AM
Love it.
741501, I'm enjoying it
Posted by BigWorm, Sun Jun-20-21 07:15 PM
Nice to see Owen Wilson doing his thing again.

Falcon amd Winter Soldier was the MCU staying in its lame. This is more like WandaVision. I genuinely don't know where it's going, and I dig that.

741509, Half the season in the books...this is barely holding my attention.
Posted by Soldado, Wed Jun-23-21 07:11 AM
The material seems thinner than the other recent Marvel stuff. Maybe it's the long winded dialogue but it feels like they're trying hard to stretch out a season by using filler.

It feels like they maybe had a start and a destination in mind but they don't really have a lot of substance to flesh out 6 hour-long episodes.

A lot of the other players seem like superficial caricatures too. Just there to move things along with no real weightiness to them. Even the Sylvie/Loki chick just seems kinda one-note and basic.

Even Loki himself just seems less interesting, compelling, and dynamic than he was in the major films. I feel like the other Marvel shows actually enhanced a lot of those characters and made me care about people I previously wasn't even eager to delve into.

They need to get Owen Wilson back on screen ASAP because, to me, he's got the whole cast on his back.

IDK man, there was so much more "meat" to Wandavision and Falcon/Winter Soldier.

Hopefully, we start getting a good payoff or two on the back 9.

Regardless, this shit LOOKS good as hell.
741510, I loved 1 & 2 but 3 does feel like filler.
Posted by KnowOne, Wed Jun-23-21 08:53 AM
741512, Episode 3 is where it started getting interesting to me…
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Jun-24-21 06:49 AM
I understand why on the surface it could feel like filler, since is was essentially a side quest with Loki and Sylvie. But that totally makes sense to me - they JUST introduced the Sylvie/Loki character, who is obviously a main character in the show. Not only do we the audience not know her, but Loki doesn’t either.

And even with that, this wasn’t just a character development episode - Loki and Sylvie needed this time to work together and build trust. I don’t think that’s an accident - Loki seemed WAY less pressed than her about getting off that planet, so I think he set up this whole situation as a trick so he could get to know her and find out information. He probably got drunk on purpose to get thrown off the train, then when they were running towards the ship he was telling her to slow down. He probably has that time device or whatever perfectly functional (or maybe he stole one of the time stones from the drawer at the TVA) so he can get them out as soon as he gets the info he wants.

On top of all that, we got the huge reveal that all the TVA agents are variants. There were hints that the Time Keepers were really the villains all along, but now this is laying it all out there. Mobius is probably some guy from the 90’s who used to sell jet skis or something. This also goes back to when he was in the judge’s office talking about the “other agent”. That might be another variant Mobius. I remember him saying something about not remembering putting the rings on her table.
741513, Ep 3 HAS to be Loki being encancated, right?
Posted by handle, Thu Jun-24-21 09:17 AM
I think the most of, or the ENTIRE episode is a fakeout - it seemed way too dream like to me.

And her explanation about how enhancement works depending on how strong the other person's mind is made me think she's playing Loki.

I could be wrong though.

I did NOT like the way it ends without being resolved.
741514, I think it’s the other way around, with Loki either enchanting her or
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Jun-24-21 10:25 AM
him just fooling her by going to that apocalyptic event making it seem like they’d die while he had a way out all along. He was the one that sent them there with the timepad gadget, and he was the one who was more unbothered the entire episode. Looking like he didn’t have a plan, getting drunk and then thrown off the train, not being pressed as they went towards the ship, etc. It seems like it was all a setup for him to get information from her (which he did - finding out that all the agents were variants) by placing her in a situation where they had to work together.
741515, each episode gets better for me than the last
Posted by mista k5, Thu Jun-24-21 10:45 AM
no complaints. exicted to see where it goes.
741524, Yeah I had trouble keeping my eye on the screen with this one
Posted by Nodima, Sun Jun-27-21 09:03 PM
But thought the other two were clearly a step up from TF&WS.

This episode just reminded me of all the reasons I struggle with most TV sci-fi compared to big budget movies. I can just see all the artifice too clearly.

The stakes were also way high way suddenly, and one of the characters is a total question mark so it's kinda hard to get invested in that.

Especially when Owen Wilson is my favorite part of this whole thing, and the show refuses to give me as much Gugu as I need.

I'm not one for internet theorizing but I do kinda hope we learn this was all a setup by SOMEONE otherwise it had a weird vibe compared to the other two episodes.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
741521, RE: Half the season in the books...this is barely holding my attention.
Posted by Mgmt, Sun Jun-27-21 12:30 PM
Same here

>The material seems thinner than the other recent Marvel
>stuff. Maybe it's the long winded dialogue but it feels like
>they're trying hard to stretch out a season by using filler.
>It feels like they maybe had a start and a destination in mind
>but they don't really have a lot of substance to flesh out 6
>hour-long episodes.
>A lot of the other players seem like superficial caricatures
>too. Just there to move things along with no real weightiness
>to them. Even the Sylvie/Loki chick just seems kinda one-note
>and basic.
>Even Loki himself just seems less interesting, compelling, and
>dynamic than he was in the major films. I feel like the other
>Marvel shows actually enhanced a lot of those characters and
>made me care about people I previously wasn't even eager to
>delve into.
>They need to get Owen Wilson back on screen ASAP because, to
>me, he's got the whole cast on his back.
>IDK man, there was so much more "meat" to Wandavision and
>Falcon/Winter Soldier.
>Hopefully, we start getting a good payoff or two on the back
>Regardless, this shit LOOKS good as hell.
741516, My theory… Variant Lives Matter
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Thu Jun-24-21 03:42 PM
In the name of order, the Time Keepers and the TVA casually eradicate Variants in order to keep the one true timeline pure and prevent timeline war and annihilation.

However, these Variants are full independent beings with their own rich lives and history. More timelines supposedly increases the potential of timeline conflict but none of the timelines are inherently “better” than the other.

Who knows if the Time Keepers’ version of history is accurate when they’re not telling the TVA workers they are Variants also? Maybe multiple time lines can exist together without war and annihilation?

I don’t think female Loki has explicitly said it, but I think her goal is basically to stop the timeline and Variant genocide being committed by the Time Keepers. She’s the best of Loki, using his tricks to help others. Maybe not a full hero but an anti-hero.
741536, Damn, this last episode was good.
Posted by Soldado, Wed Jun-30-21 06:29 AM
Can't wait to see where this all leads.
741537, There's a short scene in the middle of the credits, if you missed it.
Posted by Soldado, Wed Jun-30-21 06:32 AM
741538, i just want Kang
Posted by tomjohn29, Wed Jun-30-21 02:41 PM
all this window dressing is driving me nuts
741540, Episode 4 is DOPE. And like I said up above about Ep 3,
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jun-30-21 04:29 PM
it wasn't "filler" because we HAD to have that relationship building between Loki and Sylvie to buy the impact of how they worked together in Episode 4.
741542, i enjoyed it
Posted by mista k5, Thu Jul-01-21 10:36 AM
the "twists" are kind of starting to make it fall apart for me though.

lets see where it goes.
741541, got back to all the talking and world building and got real good again
Posted by Nodima, Wed Jun-30-21 08:16 PM
This show has some pretty shit action sequences but it's a real joy to look at and listen to. Hopefully E3 remains the highpoint for "set pieces".

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
741553, I haven't watched a single episode yet...
Posted by Options, Fri Jul-02-21 07:03 PM
but I just found out that Gugu Mbatha-Raw is in it, and I'm suddenly much more excited to tune in :)

(to be clear, I was gonna watch it anyway, but I loves me some Gugu)
741568, Episode 5 was fire. And the music on this is amazing...
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Jul-08-21 09:30 AM
741569, In each timeline, is no one missing these Lokis?
Posted by JFrost1117, Thu Jul-08-21 09:40 AM
Dying in battle is one thing but to kidnap a child and prune them to that end-of-the-road is its own nexus event.

If another Loki is Oz behind the curtain of the purple smoke monster, I’m gonna be sent into a spiral.
741572, That's definitely a confusing element - especially because the TVA
Posted by soulfunk, Thu Jul-08-21 11:57 AM
as we know it is a lie. For example - everything about the Sacred Timeline itself doesn't really make sense. If there is one "Sacred Timeline" which was woven together by the Time Keepers, then how can there be multiple Lokis that were on the "correct path" for the Sacred Timeline before their nexus events? For example, how was there a female Loki who was good in her version of the Sacred Timeline until her nexus event which got her arrested by the TVA? That means there were already multiple branches before anything was pruned or reset.

I don't want to get into speculation because that brings disappointment, but everything they've shown so far indicates that the person behind the curtain is Kang the Conqueror - Alioth in the comics was essentially the guard dog outside the barrier of Kang's domain, which was exactly what we saw in the last episode. Ravonna Renslayer and Kang were in love with each other in the comics. Stark Tower in the last episode had QENG on it instead of STARK, and the CEO of Qeng Enterprises in the comics was Nathaniel Richards - Kang.
741573, Yup I'm assuming that TVA is mostly lying.
Posted by Nopayne, Thu Jul-08-21 12:53 PM
Otherwise this shit is way too Timey Wimey and inconsistent.

I've got no predictions on Kang, although it seems like a waste to introduce him on a TV show instead of a movie imo.
741605, RE: Yup I'm assuming that TVA is mostly lying.
Posted by mrhood75, Sat Jul-10-21 02:19 AM
>Otherwise this shit is way too Timey Wimey and inconsistent.
>I've got no predictions on Kang, although it seems like a
>waste to introduce him on a TV show instead of a movie imo.

I agree that it's not going to be Kang. More likely it's Immortus.

One thing I'm pretty sure of is Miss Minutes is connected to whatever/whoever is in charge. Like, she works for him/her, or **is** him or her. The villain behind this series can't be someone/something completely disconnected to what we've seen before.
741661, You nailed it
Posted by JiggysMyDayJob, Thu Jul-15-21 08:32 AM

>>I've got no predictions on Kang, although it seems like a
>>waste to introduce him on a TV show instead of a movie imo.
>I agree that it's not going to be Kang. More likely it's
>One thing I'm pretty sure of is Miss Minutes is connected to
>whatever/whoever is in charge. Like, she works for him/her, or
>**is** him or her. The villain behind this series can't be
>someone/something completely disconnected to what we've seen

They gave us Immortus and now they're setting things up for Kang to appear in Quantumania. I'm wondering if Kang will be the big bad of this next phase though.
741678, He seems like he's gonna touch a lot of pieces.
Posted by JFrost1117, Fri Jul-16-21 06:43 PM
This was a small season that should have really big stakes down the road.
741597, Great catches.
Posted by spades, Fri Jul-09-21 01:52 PM
I think it's clear at this point that the TVA is full of shit.
741655, their entire branch timeline was pruned
Posted by jrocc, Wed Jul-14-21 09:44 AM
as well as everyone in it, so no one is there to miss them. that's what that little device was doing that they left behind each time. they were cutting that branch of the timeline and that particular Loki variant was "arrested" because whatever they did caused an unwanted branch to happen which the TVA cutting off before it could be set and irreversible.
741651, My favorite Marvel Studios project thus far
Posted by bwood, Wed Jul-14-21 07:30 AM
I'm seriously blown away by how good this season was. Week after week delivering surprises as well as weird shit on an epic scale with great storytelling and character work.

This has better direction, set design, costume design, and cinematography than most Marvel Studios stuff.

Just like FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER made me care about Bucky, a character I could've given 2 shits less about before, this show has turned Loki into one of my favorite characters.

Can't wait for Season 2.

741675, Wholeheartedly agreed!
Posted by spades, Fri Jul-16-21 10:09 AM
741653, They handled this perfectly.
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jul-14-21 09:09 AM
All signs during the season were pointing to Kang, but it felt like they wouldn't introduce Kang on a TV show which meant we were set up for disappointment. So they DO reveal Kang, but a variant of Kang who gets killed which still saves the big bad Kang the Conqueror for the movies. But this whole season was unleashing that Kang from his cage, along with unleashing the multiverse...
741654, I hope Multiverse MCU is like the last 2 Loki eps.
Posted by Soldado, Wed Jul-14-21 09:34 AM
Shit was insane (in a good way).

I just wonder how well the bubble gum blockbuster audience can keep up with it (especially globally.
741656, I wasn't excited for a S2. Now I am
Posted by Mafamaticks, Wed Jul-14-21 12:21 PM
741657, Loved the whole season and can’t wait to see how this turns out
Posted by pretentious username, Wed Jul-14-21 01:35 PM
If they ever bring back any of those Netflix Marvel shows I hope they use this mini-season format. At this point though, I don’t really want them to. Just wouldn’t fit into this world anymore.

Majors was perfect casting here. I want to see truly evil variants, happy-go-lucky variants, and everything in between. He’ll be able to pull it all off.
741659, Yeah this was perfect...at first I was like what is he doing
Posted by Castro, Wed Jul-14-21 06:46 PM
then I realized he (Majors) was basically doing Bruce Banner / Starks as Kang...

I can't wait to see how he plays the variants
741660, Bravo...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Thu Jul-15-21 01:23 AM
..From the casting, direction, cinematography, scoring:


*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...